Quobba Advice

Hi Everyone,

I will most likely be heading up to Quobba next week. Never been there before and have no idea where to fish, what to take etc. Can anyone that has been there before let me know of any decent locations for fish and what type of fish I am likely to catch this time of year?




Posts: 38

Date Joined: 21/06/13

Very windy up here at the

Thu, 2013-08-15 14:11

Very windy up here at the moment. (Carnarvon).  Helium Ballooning is popular, Spanish Mackerel, small tuna. Lots of other bottom fish if you can get a dinghy out at Quobba beach  Land based or dinghy /boat?

Posts: 70

Date Joined: 28/01/13

 Land based really - unless

Thu, 2013-08-15 14:45

 Land based really - unless you can hire boats?

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

Date Joined: 22/02/07

 just chase the bottom fish

Thu, 2013-08-15 15:14

 just chase the bottom fish landbased mate. North Wall is a popular choice. 


bludgin' since 94'

Posts: 908

Date Joined: 06/05/12

Im guessing you want to know

Thu, 2013-08-15 21:15

Im guessing you want to know the exact locations to fish. I would suggest you spend the first day looking where others are fishing and somehow keep some info on the spots so you can get in there yourself. If the weather is good , the better spots are already taken before dawn(going from my experiences living in Carnarvon many years ago). These guys might go home by lunch time so I would suggest you get your ass at the blowholes at first light and drive all along the coastline checking out the spots and talking to the guys fishing. Once you have the area sussed, you can plan your own dawn assault on your chosen spot without fear of missing wetting a line cos the location is already full.
There are only so many locations along the quobba coast where you can cast, hook and then land your fish. Spend the time to learn what you need to learn before you start the fishing part.

Fireguard's picture

Posts: 75

Date Joined: 13/09/09

Not trying to thread jack,

Wed, 2013-08-21 19:56

Not trying to thread jack, But I'm looking at a Quobba Trip next year...


I'm going to be land based aswell, looking at first week in June... is this time generally good/bad or indifferent???


trymyluck, you mentioned 'dawn assaults' is Quobba mainly an early morning spot ??? or is there plenty of fishing throughout the day??


I've fished Steep a couple of times, so cliffs and balooning are not a problem, but never been to Quobba, and it sounds like the fishing is simular but different so I'm resarching aswell


Heading up to Coral bay in the school holidays and we're planning on a quick detour on the way up to have a bit of a look