Recfishwest Annual General Meeting (AGM)

This has been sent to members already but you can pay your $20 on the night and vote or have your 2 bobs worth when the floor is opened for discussions


Recfishwest wishes to advise that our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at Hillarys Yacht Club, Marina Room on October 4th 2012

Following a organisational review, several recommendations were implemented and a new constitutional framework was developed.
One recommendation was to reduce the size of the Board and seek the nomination of 3 professional directors with legal, finance, science, administration or governance expertise.
5 new Board Directors will also be elected from the membership on the night of the AGM bring the board to 8.
Nominations for position of elected Director must be received by September 10th 2012.
Should you require any further information, please contact Recfishwest on 9246 3366. or go to the website for the forms