recommendations 5 -5.5m boat
Hi all,
Am moving back to Perth in the new year. Have sorted the new house down Mandurah way. Now for the boat.
Was thinking ally as it will be used in the estuary down there quite a bit. Runabout to give a bit of protection for the missus and all the kids she wants to have, maybe even a small cuddy.
Would like to keep it in the 5 -5.5m range, good enough to head offshore on a fine day, possibly could also then fit in my garage. (7m long, access through the garage also, height though 2.17m)
Max budget is at 40k. Can I get new for this with a 4 stroke or would second hand be a better option? Hard to get a handle on prices over the net and not back in Perth for another month or so to do a run around of the boat yards.
Any suggestions are much appreciated,
Posts: 2839
Date Joined: 07/07/10
Hi Pete. I went through the
Hi Pete. I went through the same thing 3 years ago, looked at everything and ended up with an Ali trailcraft 540 runabout. I am now looking to upgrade to a 6-6.5 m butI would make the same choice again.
Traily had been a brilliant boat, but all boats a compromise so here gies:
- well priced
- scuppered deck, hard to go back to a bilge....
- absolutely top notch rear deck for fishing
- very economical with a 90 etec
- tough as nails.
- rides like all ali's, quite hard. Forward cabin allows heaps of rear deck but harsher ride.
- Quite light, so can broach in 20 knot winds.
Great little boat, more and better fishing area than most boats much larger.
Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.
Posts: 633
Date Joined: 19/10/11
i also had a 5m trailcraft
i also had a 5m trailcraft run about and loved it, never had any drama with it, mine had a 60hp merc and was a dream to use, started everytime, sold mine only becuase i was never using it due to working and now i have a dingy which is killer lol
i agree with every think John has said!
Posts: 2283
Date Joined: 09/07/09
Maybe something like
Maybe something like this
If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am.
Posts: 251
Date Joined: 28/05/11
Hi mate,I went through same
Hi mate,
I went through same this yr and after much research decided on glass cuddy cab.
I ended up with a Haines Hunter 530 with evinrude engine
My advice would be go for a used late model glass boat as much better riding and this will be improtant if plan to take out family. If you can get a 4 stroke, but will cost more. Stick to certain brands as this will increase your chances of resale ( Haines Hunter, Signature, Seafarer, Savage etc )
Grazee's link boat not bad, is the revamp of the Savage Tasman, but made in China....
Recommend getting Jeff Websters magazine regarding buying used boats ( available from his website )
Good luck
Posts: 155
Date Joined: 27/08/12
Evo 550 or cruisecraft explorer/outsider 575
These were my shortlist. Theymight be a little bit too expensive/big for your storage though.
maybe a haines signature 500/502 rf/df might be getting closer?
Posts: 546
Date Joined: 20/02/11
You can pick up those Saffa import cats for around the amount you are looking at second hand in very good nick.
Posts: 2839
Date Joined: 07/07/10
Be careful of cats in my
Be careful of cats in my opinion. I dont want to upset anyone, but a cat is not a boat an inexperienced skipper should own IMO.
My old man has had two (20ft shark cat, 34 ft Kevlacat) and I spend plenty of time in both and skippered the 34ft Kevlacat quite a bit. Cats have some absolutley awsome qualities and fish excellent with big deck, very stabe at rest, and provide a better ride in 1 to1.5 m chop than any boat I have been in, which is why heapsof people love them.....BUT.........
In plus 2 m sharp chop, both banged harder straight into shop than any single hull (waves smash up betwen the hulls) and with a follwoing sea both broached to the point of almost tipping over several few times......truly terrifying boats and not a hull design that I will ever own.
That being said, an experienced skipper can drive aound these fundumental hull flaws, and many guys swear by them. I just swear at em....hahaha. Shame, because the good aspects of twin hulls are REALLY good.
Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.
Faulkner Family
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Date Joined: 11/03/08
one trick i was shown years
one trick i was shown years back on a 28 footer was to trail a decent size (diameter) rope behind the boat which prevented the broaching. i know it was on an older boat but the principal would still work. also works on a single hull boat if you are travelling on angles to the seas (so i have been told. ) only need about 30mtrs of rope, however it does cause a bit of drag
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
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Date Joined: 13/10/12
sticking with alli
That Whitley looks nice but I am going to stick with alli. I figure most of the use will be in the estuary with the occasional juant offshore. I figure it would also be easier to use by myself and beach launch when i'm up at lano. Will probably look a glass one day when I get a larger boat. My old man has a quintrex 450 fishseeker. Great little boat just really want something a little bigger with some seats and protection when coming in from offshore with a bit of wind and chop.
Cheers for all the suggestions
Posts: 590
Date Joined: 10/04/12
5M Runabout
Hi Hily, earlier this year I purchased a 5M plate ally runabout and reckon that's about the perfect size for me. I can launch & retreive on my own without getting wet, no swearing, enough room for fishing or taking the family out (2 boys and the Minister for War and Finance)
Perfect for Cockburn sound, and also fine for the five fathom bank in good conditions.
Oh yeah, and easy to tow.
My 2C anyway.
Posts: 1752
Date Joined: 07/12/08
Buy John F's trail craft when it goes on the market :P
He's upgrading soon, top boat - would do everything you need and more.
Gooooone Fishin!
Posts: 2839
Date Joined: 07/07/10
I have my 5.4m traily out to
I have my 5.4m traily out to Rotto most weekends, at the barges on a good day and have been to the Derwent in 200 m depth as well.
Will be a sad day when she goes.
Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.
Posts: 482
Date Joined: 17/10/11
I have a 5.2m quicksilver
I have a 5.2m quicksilver cuddy cab.
rides well
can go wide
lots of features like under floor kill tank, like bait tank, bunks up front, heaps of storage
Easy and cheap maintenance
Very dry ride
Will do 40 knots WOT and cruise at mid 20's in most weather
Only fishes 2 people comfortably
Cabin not big enough to stay overnight, but big enough to limit deck space
I also have a 115hp merc on it. 2 stroke
Posts: 573
Date Joined: 15/11/10
Hi hilly
I've got a 590 Trailcraft Trailblazer and if you're looking for a large open decked fishing/diving boat, then you should check these out. The cuddy cab gives protection from the wind, etc and they are available in a 540 version, too. Mine is fitted with a 125 Optimax and does everything I've asked of, diving, waterskiing, skurfing, crabbing in the estuary, etc.
We're taking it to the Kimberleys next May on a 2 week boat trip and there'll be 2 of us living on board. I'm constructing a canopy for shade as well as doubling as a storage rack for an inflatable and our lightweight but bulky items...swags, etc.
I live at Whitehills (25kms south of Mandurah) and if you want to come for a spin in mine, you're most welcome...bring the war office, too.
Hope this helps.
If life is boring, you must be doing it wrong!
Posts: 282
Date Joined: 13/10/12
looks nice
Cheers Rusty might have to take you up on that spin in the new year, still based in kal till then. we've got a place in madora.
Have had a look at the trailblazers they look nice, I would have to compromise on storage though and park it out the front which i'm still thinking about.
Pretty much narrowed it down to preferably something plate and will be looking at trailies, genisis, coraline and the like. If my old man sells his boat we might be able to get something bigger together.
Can't wait to get out of here!
Not much fishing to be had inland
Posts: 375
Date Joined: 11/09/05
Mates got 5.5 metre westerberg which is a awsome sea boat.They will custom build as well
There are two types of people ,do'ers and watchers
Right now the do'ers are the doing it
And the watchers are watching us do it
Posts: 282
Date Joined: 13/10/12
Will add them to my list
Will add them to my list