Reply Email from Tony Burke
Got this today in reply to my initail email
Australia has one of the most diverse and beautiful marine environments in the world.
I'm taking the opportunity to write back to everyone who wrote to me, or provided their email address on a postcard or petition to advocate for increased protection for our oceans.
For generations Australians have understood the need to preserve pristine areas on land as national parks. Our oceans contain unique marine life which need protection too.
This decision helps turn the tide on protection of the oceans and Australia now leads the world in marine protection.
The maps show the most comprehensive network of marine protected areas in the world and represent the largest addition to the conservation estate in Australia’s history. Wherever we could achieve the same environmental outcome and minimise the impact on industry or recreation we've done so.
Following the huge number of submissions received, protection has been increased for a number of iconic areas, including the Perth Canyon, Geograph Bay, the waters off Margaret River, and reefs in the Coral Sea Marine Reserve including Osprey Reef, one of the top dive sites in the world.
Together the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and the Coral Sea Commonwealth marine reserve will become the largest marine protected area in the world, covering 1.3 million square kilometres.
Follow this link for the YouTube preview of the announcement:
The proposed national marine reserve network will protect more than a third of Australia's oceans.
Australians have always had a special relationship with our oceans. Most of our major cities hug the coast, and beach holidays are part of growing up for almost all of us. We are deepening that relationship by leading the world on protecting our magnificent oceans.
Yours sincerely,
Tony Burke
This was my reply
Mr Burke
you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about - have you ever visited Perth.
On The West website you are stated as saying - "Environment Minister Tony Burke says divers can still access parts of a massive underwater canyon off the coast of Fremantle after a world-first network of marine reserves is established."
see link -
This trench is 700mtrs deep - no diver could access that and fishing in the trench is only done in the top 20mtr.
How about you have the guts to come over here (that's if you know where Perth is) and explain yourself.
Tswas my reply
Follow this link for copies of the maps and details:
I am proud to be able to let you know that Labor has acted to protect our precious oceans and marine life with the world’s largest network of marine reserves.
Smartline Personal Mortgage Advisers - Level 1, 11 Hobsons Gate Currambine
Nauti Buoy
Posts: 595
Date Joined: 20/04/09
Didn't even read it- generic reply to all emails. Too busy kissing the Greens arses!
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
What a joke. How bloody
What a joke. How bloody condecending.That's not a reply that's a flyer. Wankers!!
Love the West!
Posts: 1146
Date Joined: 28/09/10
fisheries , navy, or federal police?
Wonder which agency gets the job of policing that good ole snorkling spot ,the rotto trench?
Up at coral bay , if you look at the map , the commonwealth ( which i guess means something belonging to all-
common ---wealth) has a band of waters past the states ningaloo reef, with its own rules etc , but
its just shading on a map that I can see, no ones out there policing anything ,wonder if the trench will go the same way?
People I share your pain , but lets face it , the pollys have always been a bunch of tossers, forcing ill concieved
and ill run rules down our throats, my vote goes to Prince Leonard of hutt river next time. Dont know who he is ?
And Princess Shurley , his good wife , i think it was.
This guy had balls, both pysically and generally speaking, to stand up for what he believed in, at a time when no one
was, and told the pollys from cranberry to stick it up there jumper!!
Its a great ozzy story , of the little man giving the wankers in suits , a middle fingered salute, and then getting on
with life, vote 1 Prince Leonard, he cant be any worse than the burkes of this world, pun intended.
Also in my view , and many others im sure , this will just keep coming, what are we doing about it?
Marching in the streets , not paying our fish lic by 100% cause we cant fish 100% of the waters , nope
we do nothing. All ive done is fill out surveys , wrote a few emails like the above to pollys, and joined recfish west
awhile back. But i am prepared to march in the streets , fishing rod in hand ( ha maybe not) to be heard, the only
thing is I truly believe no ones listening, sad but true.
Rod P
Posts: 725
Date Joined: 20/05/08
He is a tool but he does read
He is a tool but he does read some of his stuff. I actually had a very good argument with him one afternoon after he replied to one of my emails regarding Whaling. He went on to try and defend his position but eventually when he was obviously out gunned he said sorry mate i don't have all the answers and that's why i don't normally respond in person. WTF he was at a BBQ he said and eventually we agreed to disagree but he is still on my FB page of a few of my friends and i often wonder if re reads my new emails. i tend to send him a few.
SO you do tend to get generic responses but you need to send them through as if you don't they wont hear your voice.
I used to call the Japanese embassy daily during the Dolphin hunt and when i called this year for the first time the receptionist was obviously upset to hear from me again. She said that she gets hundreds of calls daily and had never even thought about the cause. Well she is on first name bases with many Aussies and she now gives us info on how the news (numbers of calls daily) is received.
An individual might not make a difference but many individuals will. You need to be proactive if we want change.
Posts: 168
Date Joined: 23/02/06
- by the rationale they try
- by the rationale they try to convince themselves about marine parke - Better shut the gates on all the terrestrial National Parks then...... just in case someone steps on a lizard and makes it no longer pristine !! (apart from the roads, fireplaces, walking tracks etc that are put there)
Rod P
Posts: 725
Date Joined: 20/05/08
But Dan we already have that
But Dan we already have that attitude. Lets protect it by not stepping foot of the path, but on the path lets mine the fu-k out it. To hell with the possibility's of spills or pollution or consequences.
We need to find a better result than the current model. We need to find a better way to live in and ENJOY our environment but we still need to be aware of what we are leaving for our children and there children.
This government is not of that opinion. How stupid is the Ranga to stand up at a international conference and boast how good she is at controlling our economy through the GFC when she is one of the only Leaders world wide sitting pretty with all the apples. Honestly i feel given the job she did with what she has she right royally screwed us all.
People need to get pro active and start to ask questions of our Politicians now. We need them to be our voice but first we need a voice to be heard.
I will say one thing for the Green movements. They are passionate about what they want and they get heard. Fisherman need to start doing the same thing if we want a say in how our waters are to be accessed and protected.
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Sorry but i don't get the 'To
Sorry but i don't get the 'To hell with the possibillity of spills or pollution or cosequences'. I am involved in the oil and gas industry and the enviromental issue is huge. Try getting on to Barrow island with dirty boots or drop a piece of paper off an oil rig and there is an inquisition. We need the resources to power our cars and boats etc. Mining,oil and gas is going to happen one way or the other and I think the enviromental issue is being handled very well on their part (The Woodsides and Chevrons etc). when world oil ang gas supplies start to dwindle I can guarantee you that these marine reserves won't matter one iota as the demand for energy will override this. Not saying I totally agree with it, it's just a fact.
Love the West!
Rod P
Posts: 725
Date Joined: 20/05/08
My point exactly. Barrow is a
My point exactly. Barrow is a classic. Cant step foot of the beaten track with out alarms going crazy, yet they are still drilling/mining. I don't have a issue with oil/gas/mining, i just think a more even ground needs to be tracked. I'd bet you most of the money and over reaction to the environment up at barrow is more about money's being paid or generated for the government than actually protecting the environment.
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Yep wouldn't surprise me at
Yep wouldn't surprise me at all. I know it's created a lot of unecessary jobs as well.
Love the West!
Posts: 149
Date Joined: 18/09/11
U got a bot
U got a bot
I'm here for a good time, not a long time. Lets go fishing!
Posts: 791
Date Joined: 05/12/09
Lost Cause
Does he not realise also, the more areas you turn in marine parks... the more other areas will be over fished!
I would think it would go down better, if they close areas during breeding and spawning times, and let recreation fishers go in during other times..
At least then the fish have a chance to multiply, and we still get to fish.... the current bag and size limits will protect the majority of the small and undersize fish... (providing you are not skull dragging them up form 50m)..
Life is about balance..
Posts: 747
Date Joined: 17/03/09
That would make commonsense but we are dealing with politician here. No such thing in Canberra.
Smartline Personal Mortgage Advisers - Level 1, 11 Hobsons Gate Currambine