Rod Security in Rocket Launchers ideas

Looking for some good ideas for securing the fishing rods in the Bimini Rocket Launchers whilst underway in my boat.

Can't find a lot of posts on this on Fishwrecked so I am opening this up to get some good ideas for myself. From other forums I read a few ideas such as using 3mm shock cord, bungee or Ocky straps etc, even pool noodle.

Am looking for some innovative solutions to securing the rods in the launchers that looks pretty professional etc away from the old ocky strap wrapped around rod/real and launcher? Feel free to post a pic of setups.

I am also opening this forum up to any bad experiences with rods going south from the launcher whilst in transit?

Vinesh87's picture

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 Have you lost one? Ive done

Sun, 2014-07-27 19:48

 Have you lost one? Ive done some runs home in very average conditions and never lost one!

RobertMc's picture

Posts: 326

Date Joined: 19/01/09

 Same as vinesh, I've had

Sun, 2014-07-27 19:52

 Same as vinesh, I've had them up there in very average conditions and getting thrown around a fair bit and touch wood never had a problem

Posts: 790

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 Lanyard clips work we'll

Sun, 2014-07-27 19:54

 Lanyard clips work we'll mate uses on his boat 

scano's picture

Posts: 1247

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When out in exmouth and heading home

Sun, 2014-07-27 19:58

We had my daiwa tournament master S rod with a freams reel decide to jump out of a rocket launcher all of a sudden. 

Luckily it was caught mid flight by one of my other rods with a stickbait lure attached. We slowed down ASAP and fortunately it all stayed connected. I then untangled the rods and gave the semi swimmer freams reel a bloody good service the next morning. Happy to say she is still going strong to this day.


i reckon the occy straps to rocket launcher idea is probably the most cost efficient and effective method.




scotto's picture

Posts: 2472

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Never lost one!

Sun, 2014-07-27 19:59

There is this awesome invention called gravity....


Never even heard of one coming out!

sea-kem's picture

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 Yeah same never lost one

Sun, 2014-07-27 20:05

 Yeah same never lost one from the launcers and been through some farking cranky seas. I'd be more concerned about the clowns you let use them more than anything else.


Love the West!

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 yeah i reckon a simple

Sun, 2014-07-27 20:11

 yeah i reckon a simple lanyard type setup would work easy, occy strap, simple cord or wire type, easy to make i would imagine.

tim-o's picture

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Yep, never been an issue for

Sun, 2014-07-27 20:13

Yep, never been an issue for me, but a short butt baitcaster could be at risk and Iv seen a few rocket launchers at a fair angle which would also raise the risk. Just cut a length of 3/8-1/2 inch hose and jam it down between the butt and tube, will stop the rock that wears the grips also


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

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had one drop out

Sun, 2014-07-27 20:34

Had a light rod/setup pop out and luckily fall into the very back of the boat. Have not lost one and do not really want to.

Posts: 38

Date Joined: 22/03/11

Have lost one

Sun, 2014-07-27 22:21

 On a trip out from carnavon in the early morning (dark) that wasn't too bad, my mate lost his brand new fin nor outfit from the rocket launcher, it never saw water until it went for a swim by it self.

ever since we use a 12 inches of light rope and a shark clip to secure the rods, just have a loop at one end to secure to the bar work and wrap the rope around the reel and secure it with a small shark clip.

cheap, easy and piece of mind



Posts: 812

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 I use 4 mm elastic cord

Sun, 2014-07-27 22:42

 I use 4 mm elastic cord doubled and stretched over the reel handle. Easy to use. 

The angle of the bimini will play a big part on whether rods will fall out in ruff conditions. 

grantarctic1's picture

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Occy strap

Sun, 2014-07-27 23:22

 I just run an occy strap across the reel seats if i am worried they will jump out of the holder. Or as others have said use a lanyard clip.

Lastchance's picture

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Will sound counter intuitive,

Mon, 2014-07-28 13:03

Will sound counter intuitive, but never put anything inside your launcher that will 'grip' your rod grip, as it will actually cause the rod to work its way out. WD40 or some CRC on the inside of the launcher works a treat.

Mix this with Scotto's method and you wont have any drama's.

catchalittle's picture

Posts: 1875

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Bought some rot proof cord

Mon, 2014-07-28 16:32

Bought some rot proof cord from whitworths tie to rocket launcher and use stainless steel d rings then clip them to the reel handles or if its a tiagra gets cliped to the reel game clip, use the same set up when a rod is in the rod holder unattended except I have made bridles a bit of strap that has stainless rings stitched at either end goes around the rod then clipped in to one of the d rings  never lost an outfit




Posts: 388

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 I found a tiagra sitting on

Wed, 2014-07-30 05:28

 I found a tiagra sitting on my canopy after the welds let go. Then lost anotherone last trip as well luckily no rods up there. No more rods up there for me till I get them more secure as for them jumping out never had an issue


 Pgfc member

Seaquest's picture

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I lost an expensive jigging

Wed, 2014-07-30 05:50

I lost an expensive jigging combo out of the rocket launchers on my boat. I had been using them without any trouble for ten years. Hit a small peaky swell pretty hard and it was enough to throw the combo over the side. I don't put any expensive combos in them anymore and if I do I use a doubled up piece of elastic chord and loop it through the railing on my hard top and then over the handle of the reel.

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

Date Joined: 18/01/07

Mate went to jump from the

Wed, 2014-07-30 10:01

Mate went to jump from the boat onto the pontoon at the ramp a few months back, overbalanced and was about to fall in when he jumped back onto the side of the boat gunnel grabbing the rocket launcher breaking one of the mounts. Luckily the rods remained in otherwise I may have pushed rather than pulled at his shirt collar to keep him on the side (though he did have the car key remote (his car) in his pocket)..

Otherwise never lost a rod/reel yet but this post has me thinking about an elastic strap to loop over the reel just in case


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