Rottnest Channel Swim - Boat & Skipper required


I know all the Perth based skippers with boats may have already been approached by swimmers in the Rottnest Channel swim on Saturday 25/2/17 - but I thought I would share our situation and see if you or anyone you know might be interested in the gig?

Our swim team of 4 is making the trip over from Victoria for the swim.  Unfortunately our boat and skipper had to withdraw his services last week and it has left us in a bit of a pickle. So we need a local Perth boat and skipper for the day to support our team and kyak crew.  More details on the boat/skipper requirements; 

If no experience in the event the organisers run briefings etc.

Obviously our team would meet all boating and skipper  We just need a commitment at this stage and then we can work out details.

The team is a great bunch of people and out to (safely) enjoy the day not win sheep stations!  If you or a mate is interested and would like to discuss before committing details below.

Thank you

Glenn Gibson




Posts: 2

Date Joined: 16/01/17

Thanks fishwrecked.  Big fan

Tue, 2017-01-17 13:05

Thanks fishwrecked.  Big fan of this forum now - we have a boat and skipper for the Rotty Swim - WA bound are we!