round 9

could be fun and games,coach talking to police, W Minson gets 4 weeks for touching a maggot, crows ??????, Ricey feeling confident after your big trip west? and some cracking games, how will the tips go this week?


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

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 Do we have our darling

Wed, 2015-05-27 16:20

 Do we have our darling back? 

uncle's picture

Posts: 9512

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ha ha why would you want

Wed, 2015-05-27 16:41

that poser


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

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 Could always have cloke or

Wed, 2015-05-27 16:45

 Could always have cloke or white hahahahahahahahahahha

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 Clokes the big kid crying in

Wed, 2015-05-27 16:47

 Clokes the big kid crying in the school yard asking kids not to pic on him talk about poser

uncle's picture

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Your going ok

Wed, 2015-05-27 16:58

 He'll slow you down beside he's not ready, hang on bring him back.oh one difference clokes a premier ship player



all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

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 arhh.  back to reality... I

Wed, 2015-05-27 17:11

 arhh.  back to reality...


I think sydney might just be at carlton but only by about 126 points...

hodge will be pissed.  hawthorn to slam the Suns

Where is TP (stadium)?  Is that darwin?  lunchtime???  WTF?  melbourne on a roll.

Giants in a close one.


freo's next victim will be adelaide.  freo marching towards top two, question is who'll finish second?

Then all the away teams on sunday.

St kilda




Fish! HARD!

Paul H's picture

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Sorry Randall crows will

Wed, 2015-05-27 17:39

Sorry Randall crows will absolutely thump Freo......

(not that I would put $1.00 on it).


Carlton will only lose by 76 points given the coach change


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

chris raff's picture

Posts: 3257

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 Headed to Sydney tomorrow

Thu, 2015-05-28 08:38

 Headed to Sydney tomorrow for a few days and will be going to the friday night blockbuster at the SCG . I see Juddy is out , this could be a massacre of epic proportions .

Freo apparently need a challenge , hopefully Adelaide can serve one up at their house .
Weagles to be tested over the next few games to see if they are the real McCoy .
Good opportunity for the PIes , I’m thinking the Roo’s will be still suffering Post Traumatic Stress disorder .. 

Intelligence is like a four-wheel drive. It only allows you to get stuck in more remote places.”

crasny1's picture

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Moved it here - Sorry Uncle

Thu, 2015-05-28 13:05

Sydney  - easy


On a limb - melbourne

Harder one - GWS Giants (this will prove something)



Both pretty average - Brisbane at the Gabba

North Melbourne (I hope)

No confidence this week , but at home and to see if we truely are flat track bullies - Eagles

Should bag 3 for sure, the other 6 a lottery.


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Thu, 2015-05-28 13:13












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 I think we're starting to

Thu, 2015-05-28 15:22


I think we're starting to witness something very special this season.  I just hope he stays injury and suspension free...


This is from the freo website.....


Fyfe has enjoyed a remarkable start to the season.

He's polled 68 out of a possible 80 votes in the AFL Coaches Association Player of the Year Award to lead by 22 after eight rounds. He was unanimously best on ground according to both coaches in four of the eight games.
It’s realistic that he has polled Brownlow votes in each of the first eight games this season and top votes in as many as seven.
Fyfe polled the fourth-highest tally of any ineligible player ever in a single season last year when he polled 25, one short of Priddis' winning total of 26.
Prior to the start of this season he had the second-highest ratio of Brownlow votes per game in history. He had polled 0.904 votes per game in his 83 home and away matches to that point. Only three-time winner Haydn Bunton had a better ratio with 1.025.

Fish! HARD!

Deckie's picture

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Get me a bucket.... Does

Thu, 2015-05-28 20:54

Get me a bucket.... Does anyone realise there is 15 rounds to go & anything can happen ??
And I thought he was the unbackable favourite last year.
So that also means that Priddis still poled one higher in that season......Hmmmmmmmm
All these stats & the whole lot goes out the window with one suspension or an injury, not that I would wish an injury on anyone.

cheers & stay safe


Cheers & Stay safe

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Thu, 2015-05-28 21:03



all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

uncle's picture

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that awesome

Thu, 2015-05-28 15:39

 I needed to know that


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

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Same Unc

Thu, 2015-05-28 17:36

 Thats a couple of minutes I'll never get back.

Posts: 6265

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 Like I said last week

Thu, 2015-05-28 16:14

 Like I said last week "greatest player ever"

chris raff's picture

Posts: 3257

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 The Fyfestar is coming along

Thu, 2015-05-28 16:11

 The Fyfestar is coming along alright .. he should start breeding asap . 


Intelligence is like a four-wheel drive. It only allows you to get stuck in more remote places.”

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 credit to an unknown source

Thu, 2015-05-28 17:09


credit to an unknown source on facebook:





Fish! HARD!

big john's picture

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Total bullshit

Thu, 2015-05-28 17:21

Total bullshit this one Randall, Clokey doesn't get get free kicks, let alone 50's.


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

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 Maybe the umps are trying to

Thu, 2015-05-28 17:33

 Maybe the umps are trying to help him not get embarrassed 

big john's picture

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Thu, 2015-05-28 17:46

Nothing to be embaressed with re Cloke, just needs to tidy up his conversion.

How's the King progressing?


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King Flatrack

Thu, 2015-05-28 18:36

 Leading the Coleman BJ 

big john's picture

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Thu, 2015-05-28 18:37

'King' Darling, self proclaimed I believe.


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The Ninja Flipper

Thu, 2015-05-28 18:39

 He'll be tearing it up soon enough 

big john's picture

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Thu, 2015-05-28 18:41

Hopefully he's back for the Pride round.


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

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 heard a rumor cloke and

Thu, 2015-05-28 18:43

 heard a rumor cloke and hawkins have moved in together 

big john's picture

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Thu, 2015-05-28 18:50

Ahh gilly, he who laughs last thinks slowest.


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 so its true

Thu, 2015-05-28 19:29

 so its true

big john's picture

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Thu, 2015-05-28 19:32

That took you a while gilly.


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

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 just got back from the pub,

Thu, 2015-05-28 19:34

 just got back from the pub, i tried to give it a go but just dont care that much


big john's picture

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Thu, 2015-05-28 19:38


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

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uncle's picture

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premiorship player old clokie

Thu, 2015-05-28 17:53

any down freo way? just thought you would have learnt to keep a lid on it by nor R1


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

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 hard to keep a lid on 8 - 0,

Thu, 2015-05-28 19:09

 hard to keep a lid on 8 - 0, two games clear and no other team looking like contenders hip material...  = happy days!


Fish! HARD!

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Thu, 2015-05-28 19:16

I reckon they should give you the flag now, just like the bookie did with Fyfe's 'Brownlow'.


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

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 Sounds good  but then we'd

Thu, 2015-05-28 19:42

 Sounds good  but then we'd be back to no footy  can't have that....


Fish! HARD!

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Won't be long uncle

Thu, 2015-05-28 18:38

 one on the way me thinks

uncle's picture

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ha ha

Thu, 2015-05-28 18:55

 Like the last 2 years


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

uncle's picture

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see they come to their sences

Thu, 2015-05-28 19:11

and dropped the charges against Minson


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crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

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LOL all

Fri, 2015-05-29 07:58

What would we do without some winter footy banter.

Gilly - hows the hangover!!


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

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 Haha no hangover here. Just

Fri, 2015-05-29 11:16

 Haha no hangover here. Just regurgitating on the Collingwood dribble 

uncle's picture

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heres dribble

Fri, 2015-05-29 11:39

 E girls add. Many feathers make 1 eagle!!


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

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Eagles advertising, "We own

Fri, 2015-05-29 11:43

Eagles advertising, "We own the west".....



Fremantle Football Club response....

"Like fuck you do !"


Fish! HARD!

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 Long way to go R1

Fri, 2015-05-29 12:06

 Long way to go R1

Posts: 6454

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 Yep.  so more opportunities

Fri, 2015-05-29 12:17

 Yep.  so more opportunities to smash the opposition! 


Fish! HARD!

Posts: 6265

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 That was supposed to say

Fri, 2015-05-29 12:19

 That was supposed to say long way to go till you own the west R1

Posts: 6454

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 Not that far in my

Fri, 2015-05-29 16:28

 Not that far in my assessment.  since freo entered the competition both teams have played in one losing grand final.  The derby count is 1 in favour of the eagles.  that will be evened by the end of the home and away this year.  only other difference is your premiership in 2006.  I'm confident we'll even that score this year.   


Fish! HARD!

Deckie's picture

Posts: 1296

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And so you should going by

Fri, 2015-05-29 13:46

And so you should going by the draw you have. Only playing the rest of last years top 4 only once this year & only about 5 close games for the remainder of the season ???????
Must be a payout somewhere in there lol

cheers & stay safe


Cheers & Stay safe

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 Sorry, you saying freo have

Fri, 2015-05-29 15:06

 Sorry, you saying freo have an easy draw this year????  We've already beaten three preliminary finalists (including a grand finalist), and two other top eight teams from last year.  so in eight games, we've played and beaten six of last year's top eight.  we only have hawthorn left.

I can't see how that equates to an easy draw?



Fish! HARD!

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 Might pay to re read the

Fri, 2015-05-29 15:54

 Might pay to re read the post Randall to me it reads as games to come. Future not past isn't that what you purple haze preach

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 so, in fact we play most if

Fri, 2015-05-29 16:31

 so, in fact we play most of the top six from last year twice.  we're obviously not allowed as many 'easy' games.  But that's equalization for you. 


Fish! HARD!

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 Isn't that apart of our new

Fri, 2015-05-29 15:59

 Isn't that apart of our new membership record Uncle? don't get the dribble part. Maybe we should discuss how many frees poor old Collingwood don't get. 

Posts: 6454

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 or if collingwood know where

Fri, 2015-05-29 16:32

 or if collingwood know where Tullamarine airport is?


Fish! HARD!

uncle's picture

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ha ha who cares they do so you

Fri, 2015-05-29 16:38

 Sooks over here have something to complain about


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

Dale's picture

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Fri, 2015-05-29 13:22

Going a bit left field with my tips this week, I reckon Pies can win and GWS bubble is due to burst so doggies there and Cats to beat Egirls.


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



hezzy's picture

Posts: 1521

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you know , I recall and mate

Fri, 2015-05-29 17:03

you know ,
I recall and mate at work who crowed all year about his amazing footy team , they topped the ladder pretty much from the start , killed the opposition , won 19 games straight I think ,ladder premiers,

got to the grandy and lost , lol

st Kilda 2009 even coached by ross the boss

funny they still have not won the flag for what ??50 years now ??



OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


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 Yep thats all true and can't

Fri, 2015-05-29 17:18

 Yep thats all true and can't be changed, therefore I don't worry about it.  only worry about what you can change.  Freo 2015 isn't st kilda 2009.  so all is still good. 


Fish! HARD!

uncle's picture

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choked twice in

Fri, 2015-05-29 17:21

 2010 as well. 2013 plenty of anchor wankers walking around with hardons though


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

hezzy's picture

Posts: 1521

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true uncle , no sense

Fri, 2015-05-29 17:34

true uncle ,

no sense getting ahead of yourselves with footy teams
we did in 1991, eagles fans thought it was a done deal ,
dam hard to reign in the building sense of fate that it must be a certainty

lot of pain if you cant back it up once your in the grandy lol

long way to go yet



OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


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Don't they say ya gotta lose one to win one

Fri, 2015-05-29 18:22

 Well sorry girls this is our year so get use to it 

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15048

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 I reckon Priddis could go

Fri, 2015-05-29 18:53

 I reckon Priddis could go the brownlow again. Can't deny he's in and out every game.


Love the West!

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 I'll take the bite!  fyfe

Fri, 2015-05-29 19:04

 I'll take the bite!  fyfe got two or three points up on him in the derby.  Fyfe or neale three points, the other two points, mundy one point.  priddis a big fat zero! 


Fish! HARD!

sea-kem's picture

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 Lol It's the one game we got

Fri, 2015-05-29 19:07

 Lol It's the one game we got beaten soundly I'll take that Randall, but you can't deny his possession count for the rest of their games. And I mean you can only guess who gets the points 


Love the West!

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 adam goodes 

Fri, 2015-05-29 18:50

 adam goodes 


then wonders why people boo him

big john's picture

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Fri, 2015-05-29 19:13

Adam 'Look at Me' Goodes up and about hey gilly, what a flog.


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

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 Some sort of.tribal dance

Fri, 2015-05-29 19:17

 Some sort of.tribal dance towards carton fans after a goal 

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Sun, 2015-05-31 12:33



uncle's picture

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there sharing the love for

Sat, 2015-05-30 11:26

 Goodes on radio this morning ha ha 


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

uncle's picture

Posts: 9512

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there sharing the love for

Sat, 2015-05-30 11:26

 Goodes on radio this morning ha ha 


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

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 well my tipping just went to

Sat, 2015-05-30 17:13

 well my tipping just went to shit

Justin M's picture

Posts: 1207

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Got them all right so far 

Sat, 2015-05-30 18:26

Got them all right so far


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 Was a few behind so I took a

Sat, 2015-05-30 18:27

 Was a few behind so I took a few punts 

Dale's picture

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Sat, 2015-05-30 18:58

 I think our bubble is going to burst.


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



big john's picture

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Sat, 2015-05-30 19:02

When the going gets tough, Dale .....


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

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Dale's picture

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Sat, 2015-05-30 19:11

 Just being realistic BJ


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



big john's picture

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Sat, 2015-05-30 20:26

Cue the never in doubt dribble .....


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

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 The tough get going BJ.  

Sat, 2015-05-30 20:35

 The tough get going BJ.   The tough get going 


Fish! HARD!

Posts: 6454

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 Good tough contest at

Sat, 2015-05-30 19:00

 Good tough contest at adelaide oval.  game on 


Fish! HARD!

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 Great game.  I'm loving it.

Sat, 2015-05-30 19:44

 Great game.  I'm loving it.  about time freo got a contest.  


Fish! HARD!

Posts: 6454

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 Two superstars head to head.

Sat, 2015-05-30 19:45

 Two superstars head to head.  Fyfe v dangerfield.  great to watch!


Fish! HARD!

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 barlow you star!

Sat, 2015-05-30 20:07

 barlow you star!


Fish! HARD!

Dale's picture

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Sat, 2015-05-30 20:26

 Yeah, I fell off my bed and nearly broke my leg.


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



Posts: 6265

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 Too strong.Must be time for

Sat, 2015-05-30 20:16

 Too strong.

Must be time for monks to come up with another speech of his hatred for West coast and love for big purple people eaters

Posts: 6265

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 Interesting finish. Was it a

Sat, 2015-05-30 20:22

 Interesting finish. Was it a point?

Dale's picture

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Sat, 2015-05-30 20:25

 Justification for the one they took off us which was clearly a goal.


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



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 Only watched the last 20 min

Sat, 2015-05-30 20:34

 Only watched the last 20 min fortunately so I didn't see the other goal

Posts: 6454

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 What a wonderful exhibition

Sat, 2015-05-30 20:26

 What a wonderful exhibition of footy.  adelaide well done.  dangerfield well done.  adelaide will be disappointed.  but can certainly be proud of a great contest.  


Fish! HARD!

Posts: 1535

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Nat Fyfe you star

Sat, 2015-05-30 20:42

 Another 3 charlie points

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 Yeah.  very close between

Sat, 2015-05-30 20:50

 Yeah.  very close between danger and fyfe.  I'd give fyfe three because a) freo won and b) his possessions were in better parts of the ground (just).  two votes to danger.  one vote to either thompson (adelaide) sandi or Michael Johnson.


Fish! HARD!

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

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Great game nearly grabbed the

Sun, 2015-05-31 09:43

Great game nearly grabbed the 4 points from you randall, would have if we kicked straight


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

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 Freo would have won the 2013

Sun, 2015-05-31 09:58

 Freo would have won the 2013 flag and last year's semi had they kicked straight early....  but they didn't.  


yes a great game.  wasn't the fyfe / dangerfield a classic contest?


Fish! HARD!