
Had to do a run up to Exmouth to pick up the FESA/ VRMA training trailer and bring it back ready for our upcoming weekend down at Denham. During the evening before over the best part of a bottle of Dranbui we decided to give on of Jeff's spots a go in the morning. Was about 630 when we chucked the first bait out and we were back home at 0750 after travelling back around from past the lighthouse.

Not sure on the weights but guessed that they would go around 2-2.5kg and 70cm. Of course true to history I caught the biggest but Jeff made up for it by getting two, so was a good little session . Even felt sorry for the bloke fishing 70 metres further along who spent most of the time replacing snagged rigs while we didn't lose a single hook.

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Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

Some good meals there

Sat, 2015-06-06 15:47

Good catch, using bait or lures.

carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

Date Joined: 24/07/07

Shark Bay Mullet

Sat, 2015-06-06 16:16

For some reason they wouldn't touch the local mullet, got the three on shop bought Shark Bay mullet.

Was interesting, fishing at low tide in less than 2 metres of water

Posts: 3246

Date Joined: 15/08/09

Great work John

Sat, 2015-06-06 18:09

 Interestingly - it may have been a friend of mine down the beach from you LOL, I'll have to ask him now.

carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

Date Joined: 24/07/07


Sat, 2015-06-06 18:36

Couldn't have been a friend of yours Paully, he was wearing a Collingwood beanie.
Nah, joking, Jeff said he comes there pretty regular, would guess that he is late sixties, older than me that's for sure.

Posts: 3246

Date Joined: 15/08/09

Haha - I've seen it all lately John

Sat, 2015-06-06 18:55

 even Collingwood PJs in the same bed - I'm desesatised ;o)

My mate got a baby one but lost a lot of gear - he's a new resident there, all new for him.

Co grats on your catch , good fun in shallow water I'm guessing.

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Posts: 8673

Date Joined: 24/07/07

Locked up

Sat, 2015-06-06 19:04

7 foot Ugly sticks, 40lb line and drags almost locked up, when you get a bite its hang on and crank and wind and hope for the best. My one bloody near pulled me off the rock I was standing on and in the drink

Posts: 3246

Date Joined: 15/08/09

Yep - I've heard they go hard

Sat, 2015-06-06 19:14

 Never caught one, one day. Do you mind if I ask what rig you were running - snelled hooks?

carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

Date Joined: 24/07/07

Snelled hooks?

Sun, 2015-06-07 06:56

You trying to be funny, snelled hooks, never used them ever. Just a single 4/0 straight on the line, no swivel or sinker and as much bait as it would hold so as not to snag up, cast it out and don't touch it till you have a bite.

Posts: 3246

Date Joined: 15/08/09

Haha - should have known John

Sun, 2015-06-07 09:12

 The simple principle - thanks 

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15048

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Noice catch boys! 

Sat, 2015-06-06 18:47

 Noice catch boys! 


Love the West!

Ben Derecki's picture

Posts: 1926

Date Joined: 10/10/07

Funtimes. I love LB spango

Sat, 2015-06-06 20:20

Funtimes. I love LB spango fishing.

Goatch's picture

Posts: 1011

Date Joined: 03/07/07

Nice work boys

Sat, 2015-06-06 21:34

 Good feed of Spanglies there !!!


Just one more cast , honest !!!