rubbish left on busso jetty
Submitted by scottnot on Tue, 2013-01-29 10:22
i go fishing off the busso jetty about 4 to 5 times a week and all the times i walk in from the end about 1130 at night and the amount of rubbish i see and pick off the jetty is just remarkable there is a few bins on the jetty so how hard is to take your rubbish into a bin because i think there is a man who walks the jetty pretty well every morning picking up rubbish and sometimes has 3 bags full so please pick up your rubbish
Posts: 348
Date Joined: 24/11/10
I agree
It can be a disgrace, I was hooking plastic bags out of the water on Sunday night.
I do think there could be a few more bins though.
Lifes a game but fishing is serious !!!
Posts: 47
Date Joined: 21/01/13
i do agree about not having enough bin and cleaning station under the lights
Posts: 4171
Date Joined: 15/06/09
My understanding
is that after the Jetty rebuild there were more bins along the length of the jetty but the local shit for brains youth burnt them within the first couple of weeks.
Same old few bad eggs ruin it for the rest which is why I only use the jetty during the winter Mulloway run.
It's a disgusting hell hole for the rest of the year
Justin M
Posts: 1207
Date Joined: 14/01/13
Bins seem to be invisible to
Bins seem to be invisible to some could put more out there but people will still litter the place.
Some of the crap I've seen littering Hillaries at times when there is an easily accesible line with hooks, placcie bags, drink cartons etc etc. Its ridiculous and lazy.
Really, whats hard about putting plastic bait bags etc in your esky/bait bucket etc when your done?
Posts: 47
Date Joined: 21/01/13
not hard
it is not too hard to just pick up your rubbish and put it in the bin it's like you dont leave your house like a mess
Posts: 733
Date Joined: 02/03/12
It is not good when they
It is not good when they leave rubbish only a few meters from a bin. I too am tired of picking up other peoples junk, I just about always have rubbish I have picked up along the way in my trolley by the time I get to the bin at the beginning.
Posts: 30
Date Joined: 02/06/12
There is no litter in
There is no litter in Singapore!
What are we doing wrong??
kaotik jetty rat
Posts: 40
Date Joined: 20/01/13
i had to pick up a smashed
i had to pick up a smashed vb bottle out the end on sundy nite,pathetic,we have young kids walking out there in flipflops,some people dont use their brains to often!but as a jetty rat i'll always do my part i respect mother nature n she sends the fish my way,lol, n to chook once again u do an awesome job in the mornings cleaning that jetty mate,keep up the great work mate cheerz!
Fish fear me,Women want me!!
Posts: 47
Date Joined: 21/01/13
ether then smashed glass bottles i have seen hooks, sharp bits of metal and all sorts out in the open were people have just walked past then just inches away in bare feet