Rules for Towing Used Boats and Trailers from the east into WA

I purchased my first boat in Victoria. 2nd Hand 6.1 Quintrex Ocean Sport. I intend to drive with my wife to Melbourne in a Prado and Tow the boat/trailer back at the end of this month. The trailer is licenced-Victorian rego and is current.

I know that the Victorian trailer licence has to deregistered and the trailer re-registered as new in WA. However for those who have done this what are the rules for the Trailer and driving through the states- Vic, SA and WA. Did you need permits etc. Did you keep the eastern states plates on and use licence on the trailer??

The reason I am asking is that I spoke to a person from WA Dept of Transport and she stated that as soon as I drive it into WA it would be classed as unregistered given I am from WA towing an eastern states trailer as such I would need a permit to continue. Further she states that the permits only last 48 hours and cost $22 each time. Is this info correct. Heaps of people have done this what is your experience on this. What is required in SA if the above is correct??



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Mate I towed a 6x4 trailer

Mon, 2013-09-02 22:25

Mate I towed a 6x4 trailer from Melborne to Perth and used it till the rego was due in Victoria and then transferred the rego over never had any issues except the guy at the pits made me going have a more heavier chain weilded on as he said it was too light for WA standards



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check on the DOT website but

Mon, 2013-09-02 22:36

check on the DOT website but assuming the rules are the same for trailers as cars, the following applies;

two ways to go about it

1/ Leave it in the sellers name til you get home, as is here you have 7 or 14 days to transfer it into your name. Ring Vicroads to confirm it is covered for 3rd party, my car was ok.

2/ get a movement permit from Vicroads to the border (pretty cheap, $20 odd) then a WA Movement permit I believe covers WA and both adjacents States only-SA and NT.
This goes max 2 days but I believe you can apply direct for an extended one under these circumstances, $25 odd for 48 hrs.

All states have the same (or should) trailer rules as regards registration as all conform to ADR's, however interpretation can be something else. And as Nathan wrote above, just because its regoed in Vic, doesn't necessarily mean its compliant anywhere.

Your Insurance doesn't care which way you go so long as it is LEGALLY on the road, permit or otherwise.

hope this helps-bought a car in Vic 3 months back and drove it over.


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Olliej's picture

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 you can't leave it in the

Tue, 2013-09-03 17:43

 you can't leave it in the sellers name. Once you sign the papers it's yours, even if it's not yet lodged with the respective transport dept. Seems like it's pedantic, but that's the way insurance companies see it.

I've done the trip 3 times, 2 with a boat & vehicle and once just a vehicle. You need a permit in wa every which way, but in 48 hours you can easily get from bordertown to Perth. If the trailer doesn't have a plate you will need a permit from the state of origin. Nsw and sa both accept other states permits so it's ok to get just a qld and wa permit. I also had to show my Vic permit to get a car with no plates into wa (had to be taped to windscreen).

Now is a good time to do the trip as it's a trade off on daylight hours and wildlife. It's also great fun and the worst problem I've had was a cracked windscreen....oh and a 2008 qld trailer that was not wa compliant (chain, reflectors, wheel arch lights)...worth checking.

Goatch's picture

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Yeah doesn't sound

Mon, 2013-09-02 22:41

right to me , I'd ask someone else as far as I know the trailer is still registered for all intents and purposes till the mandatory 1,3  months ? is up (Transferring Rego to another state).


Just one more cast , honest !!!  

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yes but you cannot transfer

Mon, 2013-09-02 23:06

yes but you cannot transfer it into your name if you do not have an address in Vic to use.
And if you don't transfer it and the seller submits the form which has your WA address on it then they will soon sort it for you I imagine.

Probably get away with it until a mishap, not such a drama for a box trailer but if your $75K boat is sitting on it...

Im far from a stickler for the rules but it aint worth the shitfight with insurance for either the 3rd party or boat insurance


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It seems to differ from state

Tue, 2013-09-03 00:09

It seems to differ from state to state but I understand what you've been told to be correct Murf.

If you've purchased in vic, as rob said you can only register in vic if you reside there/have an address there.  So (keep proof of ownership/receipt) and get permits to travel through each state and register when in WA. And triple check that insurance will cover it as technically it will be unregistered even before it hits WA borders without permits.

It's different if you already own the vehicle (had it registered in your name previously) as you have a grace period to get the license/reg changed over.

In my opinion, put it on the back of a truck/train, book the pits, get it delivered to licensing centre after its arrives in WA, get transfer done, enjoy the new quinnie!  As usual with these things, you generally only find out once something goes wrong and the insurers look for any out they can find and cops look for any reason to give you a ticket!

Good luck with your purchase.

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 Sound advice TOLA. Though

Tue, 2013-09-03 07:35

 Sound advice TOLA. Though trucking an unpowered vehicle is expensive compared to a car.

licencing the trailer is piss easy, $90 plus rego. Dont be put off towing it though, the Nullabor is a fantastic drive with lots to see.


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carnarvonite's picture

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Bill of sale

Tue, 2013-09-03 07:58

As long as the trailer is licenced and you have a bill of sale stating you own it should be enough to cover you for the trip over.
That way you will have to relicense it once you are here.

hook's picture

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i would hate for all the grey

Tue, 2013-09-03 08:11

i would hate for all the grey nomads crossing borders etc with there caravans etc getting permits, i myself have regularly crossed the border to sth ozz in the hunt for king goerge whiting and not once been bothered by permits etc also as recentley as 4 weeks ago to ceduna, not many kgs tho as windy as hell


i live with fear sometimes she lets me go fishing

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think you might have missed

Tue, 2013-09-03 08:22

think you might have missed the point-why would grey nomads need a permit unless they have bought a caravan interstate?


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Temporary movement permit

Tue, 2013-09-03 08:30


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Paul H's picture

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Temporary moving permits are

Tue, 2013-09-03 12:07

Temporary moving permits are for an unregistered vehicle (and thus uninsured as far as third party injury policy).  As long as the trailer has current vic reg you will be fine,  The only problem you will have is if the current vic owner cancells the reg before you get back.  This is where you want to know when they are going to cancel it and if they are cancelling it before your return get the permit - they are pretty cheap. 

I bought my car in NSW and got a temp permit to drive it back to SA but the car was unreg when I picked it up. The permit for 3 days (two days driving and an extra day to get to the inspection point to reg) cost around $28 from memory (SA prices).




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 They cant cancel it unless

Tue, 2013-09-03 12:15

 They cant cancel it unless the plates are removed or they report the plates stolen. When you re-register it here you must surrender the plates and post receipt to seller.


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Paul H's picture

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Fair point Rob given they

Tue, 2013-09-03 12:20

Fair point Rob given they would want to keep the plates (assuming they want to cancel and get a refund on the reg) permit would be the go.


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 On my 200 i just surrendered

Tue, 2013-09-03 13:25

 On my 200 i just surrendered plates here and posted the receipt back to him. DOT are not allowed to issue you plates on a still regoed interstate vehicle without surrendering.

on the one hand no camera tickets with a permit, but every cop will pull you over for no plates


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Paul H's picture

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Now I think about it I had

Tue, 2013-09-03 14:58

Now I think about it I had the permit stickered to the windscreen but the car had the old plates attached (bought through auction).  still have them.  - not my problem.....  Still have other plates from some of my older cars too (before you had to give them back) keeping them for sentimental reasons.


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions

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chuck it in the water fish

Tue, 2013-09-03 18:02

chuck it in the water fish all the way home ;) get a trailer when you get back into port

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boat and trailer

Tue, 2013-09-03 18:22

I bought a Webster Twin Fisher , in Karratha that was nsw registered the trailer had to go over the pits for wa rego and a bloke from Wickham had to come down to Karratha to do an inspection on the boat before it could be WA regoed , also bought a nsw regoed roadking Harley had to go over the pits when it came to the ownership transfer the very helpful girl from the DOT said how much did you pay for it I said 25k, she asked how much did you pay, again the answer was 25k , how much did you say , uuhmm 15k, how much, uuhhhmmm 10k, that's what I thought you said , paid my transfer money and all good saved me some bucks

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Heres what DOT advised

Tue, 2013-09-03 22:12

Well here is the rundown on what I was advised today from VicRoads, ServiceSA and Department of Transport WA. Even rang Eucla Police.

Vic Roads licencing guru advised: they will only register/transfer vehicles with a Victorian garage address so it can't be transferred to a WA resident. Thus you should obtain an Unregistered Vehicle Permit which last up to 28days. This will carry you through from Victoria through SA to the WA border. However the Victoria plate must be removed. Once at the WA Border a WA permit (48 hours permits only) will be required to get you the rest of the way.

ServiceSA stated: that a Victoria permit is OK to transit the boat/trailer through SA to the WA Border.

Dept of Transport WA stated: (and were really clear on this point) as soon as the Boat/Trailer hits the WA border under a Victoria Unregistered Vehicle Permit or under the current registration (Meaning the buyer/tower utilised the Vic Roads 14 day loophole regarding lodgement of the transfer papers to transport the trailer) it is deemed Unregistered and will require a Temporary Movement permit to transit the rest of the way. This is because I live in WA (This would not apply if I was from Vic etc)!!

Eucla Police: Advised similar to the above and indicated it was a bit of a grey area/minefield . One alternative may to licence the vehicle/trailer at Eucla as they have a licencing Centre and Inspector. Costs $94 the inspector is Rod Fowler of RAC Eucla-Local mechanic. (only problem may be if it does not pass due to stringent laws to do with trailer chains etc -pay to read the rules on this first or have the chains done in Vic.)

Boat Insurance: It seems to get a bit grey when using permits because technically the vehicle may be classed as unregistered. Check this out carefully as a registered trailer may be a requirement.

People this a is a minefield and frustrating. Maybe the best answer for the insurance etc is to tow the trailer/boat through Victoria and SA as a registered Victorian trailer utilising the Vic Roads 14 day loophole for the buyer to lodge the transfer papers. Then get it inspected at Eucla and transferred to WA plates??

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well-youve done a bit of

Tue, 2013-09-03 23:17

well-youve done a bit of research-kudos for that instead of believing us, and would have saved plenty of debate and typing!

Most of what youve written is correct except the last bit.

Insurance-you are covered if you are legally allowed to be on the road unless-there is a special clause in your insurance. I have registered a few cars and trailers, using permits. Each time I have rung the insurer and been told the same thing. If its legal its covered.


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Marine Insurance

Wed, 2013-09-04 04:59

Thanks Rob

Hopefully that is the case Rob. As its stands I am still negotiating the insurance side for the boat trailer/boat.

When I queried travelling under permits the first time with Nautilus they gave an unclear answer about the trailer having to be registered. So yesterday I sent another to clarify.

I also sent one to Club Marine they are yet to respond.

Watch this space and I will advise of the final results.

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 Im with Nautilus and they

Wed, 2013-09-04 06:34

 Im with Nautilus and they were quite clear, best get it in an email that its covered in that case


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I just did the trip at

Wed, 2013-09-04 20:53

I just did the trip at Christmas but from Brisbane to Perth with a Cruisecraft and bought a new trailer in QLD. You do need a permit to travel through the states to get to the WA Border.A QLD permit is suitable for all states other than WA. You then need a WA permit to cross or it is an unregistered vehicle. I paid for the WA Permit online as I was coming to the border as it is good for only 48hrs. I had Rod at Eucla look over my trailer but he wasn't sure about the chains and knocked it back. It wasn't too bad as I towed it home under the permit and then had to convince DOT they were legit which they agreed to.

As for no plates between Bris and Perth, the boys in blue never even pulled me over once. I know they were going to stop Eucla doing licensing checks as everyone was doing it to avoid the lines in Perth but maybe that hasn't been put through yet.

Do the drive across and back you will love it and the Prado just eats up the miles. Perth - Brisbane - Perth only cost me a bit over $1500 in fuel so compared to transport is pretty cheap


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your right it is a great

Wed, 2013-09-04 21:21

your right it is a great drive across the Nullabor especially wirth nice weather. Did you buy a new CC?



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I wish. I picked up a 2003

Wed, 2013-09-04 22:19

I wish.
I picked up a 2003 625 outsider with a new Honda 150 for a song and put a new CC trailer under it. Great boat and well worth the drive

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they are nice boats, I have a

Thu, 2013-09-05 22:28

they are nice boats, I have a 685 Outsider. Would probably prefer the Explorer though.
The Cruisecraft factory certainly know how to look after customers though.
I emailed them chasing some trim bits a few weeks back and got a call from Kevin Nichols (head honcho) yesterday.
"I posted the parts to your address"
"but I haven't paid for them yet"
"don't worry about it"

Second time he's done that, and I didn't even buy it off them!


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Wed, 2013-09-04 22:30

Well got officially today via email that Nautilus will cover the boat/Trailer towing under the Vic and WA permits provide I abide by the conditions of the permits (No travelling at night!!). No response yet from Club Marine.

My plan is to go to a trailer place in Victoria close to where I pick-up the boat/trailer and get them to weld some chains with the 4177-25 marking on the trailer (up to 2500KG chains)to comply with WA requirements. Then try at Eucla to get it registered. Does anyone have the requirements on reflectors and wheel arch lights on a 1999 kg trailer 7.8m in length??

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don't think the WA permits

Wed, 2013-09-04 22:50

don't think the WA permits restricts to daylight only? If it does I missed it and broke that rule!

Chains-it should already have the ADR stamped chains unless its really old-its Aus wide and has been for a long time I think?
Think about maybe using hammerloks instead of screwing up the galvanizing on your trailer?


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Club Marine

Thu, 2013-09-05 20:33

For everyones info Club Marine also came to the party and have stated in writing that the boat/trailer being towed via permits will be covered.

Yep will have a look at the hammerlocks thanks Rob. I am hoping the chains on the trailer will comply but just in case I am going to ring around some trailer repairers in Melbourne and do it there-easier than mucking around on wa permits.

Posts: 48

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I also towed at night

Thu, 2013-09-05 21:45

I also towed at night and didn't see any restrictions about daylight only. The chains need to have stamped "4177-25" and will be stamped every 4th or 5th link. They definitely do not need to have "4177-25 AS" stamped on them as what got me knocked back at Eucla.

Posts: 5819

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How did you get on with your

Mon, 2013-10-28 09:02

How did you get on with your tow Trueblue?


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The Journey

Wed, 2013-10-30 23:43

Got back safe and without incident. The boat is in great condition and the gamble to buy it eastern states has paid off. 150HP 4 stroke Yamaha motor is in great nick only 173hrs. Plus the wife and I had a memorable trip in that we both enjoyed.

The trip took us 10 days. Recommend it to anyone as a once in a lifetime thing to do. (Make sure it is not in summer-to hot). Great views over the bight across the Nullarbor stopping at all the main lookouts. Toured Great Ocean Drive an spent one day site seeing in Melbourne. Even got to watch the footy grand final at Ceduna.

For the tow back of the boat and licencing we drove from Melbourne to Adelaide after being told about a heavy haulage route that skims around the heart of Adelaide. Be warned your Tom Tom will try to direct you into bad roads inside Adelaide which would be very difficult to tow a boat on. The main truck route is : Freeway into Adelaide, Right into Portrush Road, Continue onto Ascot Ave then Hampstead road, turn left into Grand Junction Rd and Finally right into A1 Port Wakefield Road and drive straight to Port Augusta. This was a great route to get around Adelaide's shocking road system.

The roads across were bloody good and not many stones. Numerous trucks but they were not a problem. I advise anyone doing this trip to take a 2way and put it on Channel 40. Great to communicate with the truckies. They will assist you with overtaking, police alerts, road conditions, places to stop and routes to take etc. I spoke with them heaps.

To avoid any stone chips on the boat I made a makeshift stone-guard for the bow. It was easy to make and fit. I got about 8 Metres of 1.8 metre shade cloth and cable tied it to the boat bow rails and stretched it down and cabled tied it to outside the boat trailer frame with large/long cable ties. The shade cloth was taken from the bow over the boat winch post and down the side of the boat for about 2 to 3 metres. See my pic below. I used second hand shade cloth which I got for cheap. The whole setup cost me less than $50 overall and about an hour to fit. It worked a treat and gave peace of mind for the journey. The shade cloth did not tear or mark the boat.

Boat with Temporary Stone Guard:

In relation to licencing I deregistered the trailer and boat in Melbourne and got rated 2.5 tonne chains (with the stampings) welded on the trailer. I then used a 28 day Victoria Permit to get the boat to the SA/WA border. Then I used a 48 Hour WA permit to get the trailer/boat into Eucla. In Eucla I went and got the trailer examined/inspected by Rod Fowler of Eucla Towing and then finalised the licencing of the trailer with Eucla Police. (If you are going this path ensure you pre-arrange this first with Rod and Eucla Police). Licencing the trailer in Eucla saved me heaps of time and hassle later in Perth. Club Marine was happy with this as it was all done legally so the boat was covered. When I got to Perth I got the boat HIN inspected via a registered HIN inspector to get the HIN pink slip to register the boat. Then went to Hillarie's and registered the boat with DOT using a DOT stat declaration stating that I had purchased the boat privately etc. This process was pretty straight fwd.

Highly recommend stopping at Ceduna. The caravan park cabins were great and would have loved to have dropped the boat and fished for a bit. I travelled once on the highway at night on the way to Victoria. It was from Balladonia to Eucla. Lots of roos on the road in this stretch and had to slow down to about 80KM/hr. Later on towards Adelaide you see heaps of dead wombats on the road. So I don't recommend much night driving. I am told the wombats are like hitting a large brick.

Fuel prices from Balladonia to Nullabour are big $1.99 a litre for unleaded. I had long range tanks and Highly recommend your last fuel ups at Norseman and Ceduna where it returns to normality. I also recommend buying the rated galvanised chain in WA and taking it with you. Victoria do not have the same chain requirements so it may be difficult to located the chain required to licence the trailer.


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Date Joined: 18/01/12

roos-about 3 months ago I did

Wed, 2013-10-30 23:51

roos-about 3 months ago I did the same run except thru Eyre Peninsula. I did some sight seeing during the day then knocked over another  4-500ks til midnight.

Did not see a single roo, emu wombat etc (other than a dingo mid nullabor) until Mt Magnet!


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