Safe Overnight Parking
Submitted by Cruise Control on Mon, 2015-03-30 11:10
Hey Guys
Looking to spend a night over at Rotto on the boat over the Easter weekend. However I am worried about leaving car and trailer unattended overnight. Is anyone aware of a facility where you can park up your rig with reasonable expectation that it will still be there in one piece the next day ?
Posts: 1146
Date Joined: 28/09/10
Cockburn power boat club , if
Cockburn power boat club , if your a member , or get a mate , missus whos not going with you, to return car/ trailer home , and
bring it back on monday , any other way , expect breakings / vandalazism / theft, welcome to 21st century Perth.
But hey maybe Im just overreacting!!
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
I won't leave my car out on
I won't leave my car out on my front verge let alone a boat ramp over night. Overreaction nahhhh!
Love the West!
Posts: 107
Date Joined: 26/03/11
Woodman Point Cafe
The people that run the woodies point cafe do overnight parking out the back of their yard fully fenced and secure have left my vehicle and trailor there before when doing overnighters on the boat $25.00 a night.
Cruise Control
Posts: 973
Date Joined: 03/11/10
Thanks for the feedback guys
Thanks for the feedback guys. De-Crais, I gave the Woodies shop a call and its now $35 per night. They have two dogs in the yard at night, security lights and TV monitoring and someone stays on the property each night. They assured me, never had a problem, so I will probably utilise that service.
I must admit though, I am surprised that with the number of trailer boats that stay overnight at Rotto that there are not more options available to the general boating fraternity and even with over 500 reads to this post there were only 3 responses from FW members. Surely everyone cant be a member of Cockburn Power Boat Club or get their rig picked up and taken home