Salmon season

Forgot that i had some salmon pics from this season that i have yet to post up. This beautiful fish gave me some curry on my bream outfit. Only 8lb braid with 20lb fluorocarbon. Pretty lucky that nothing snapped, phew! Thanks to Karlos for helping me land the fish. Maria Blues Code stickbait were killing the pig on that day. Also, Honsu insisted that i posed for at least a photo with his signature shot (Tho i can't seem to upload the shot on top of the first photo...any tips?). Lol...

Posts: 313

Date Joined: 18/05/08


Tue, 2008-06-03 06:01

 Got  back from another exciting trip south in search of salmon.

Salmon beach /Windy harbour is our usual spot,and it diddent let us down this time.

The quantity of the fish wasnt a problem it was the quallity. excuse my spelling its a bit early.

Three of the five I caught were so chewed up i almost diddnt put them back in .One had a bite 180mm across his back,. another had most of his tail missing.

Cheers Uncle Stu

hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

Date Joined: 04/04/08

Out of interest, did you end

Tue, 2008-06-03 14:32

Out of interest, did you end up changing the trebles? Good to see some salmon still getting caught.



Always interested in someone to go fishing with

Loco's picture

Posts: 46

Date Joined: 29/06/07


Wed, 2008-06-04 23:41

Sure did replace the trebles after i noticed it. Owner size 4, black chrome plated trebles. End of problems.
Leyenda pesca

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Tue, 2008-06-03 20:54

Good to see the salmon about. Nice fish!

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