Salmon Time

 Hey there Team, 

We have spent the last few weeks camping along the great southern and have been camping at spots we'd always just driven past or never had the time to check out. 

Below is a day recently as we had a unplanned stay at Bremer Bay to wait for a part for our caravan. Not a bad place to be stuck at for a week!! Had Bremer Bay Brewery down the road and the Tavern was even closer! We had a few stormy days first which I floated around in the bay in my dinghy trying to find these monster Bremer Bay Squid but only managed 1 semi decent one which was enough for a feed for me and the misso.

Days turned better and the wind swung around in our favour to start exploring the beaches out of town. We spent the first day at Fosters Beach and tried a few spots and gutters, managed a couple of decent flathead on bait and the herring were thick so that was lunch and dinner sorted again. Track in and out is so so, if your precious on your paintwork of the 4wd i'd advise to suggest taking your mates car (which we found is a common scenario on most of the tracks down here)! Ha 

Next Day we headed to Reef Beach which was a little further out of town on the reccomendation of my neighbour in the caravan park who was also a keen fisho, so we headed there and drove in. Similar track in, free pinstriping haha. Just before driving onto the beach on top of the hill your first glimps at the ocean i actually said "wow" out loud, what a unreal beach (jump on google maps and you'll see, even has 2 salmon schools in the gutters!) so we drive down and straight up my wife Kel spots a salmon school just past the waves, I jump out and grab my rod with a 55g Samiki Lure and have to get chest deep to get a hook-up (pictured below) and catch my first salmon of many for the day. 

We waited around for more schools, caught a couple more flathead on baits and then a couple of hours later a few more schools came in close further up the beach, came in close and in between the reef and beach. Could catch salmon till your arms didn't work anymore! 

I don't usually keep salmon to eat unless the old man was with me with the smoker but 1 swallowed the lure that bad it couldn't be released so we blead it chopped it up for lunch and was pretty good with a bit of seasoning fried up with some fresh bread! 

- Bottom photo is a few days later at Mermaid Point near Cheynes Beach (even crappier track in than Bremer bay beaches but well worth the extra pinstriping!) , Misso got some great drone footage of this school as I was climbing down the cliff and managed to get into a few until a Bronzy came in and scattered the school.

We'll have it all on some episodes coming up on OldMate Adventures - YouTube, as we Trek up and down the West Coast these days semi retired at 40, we sold up everything for life on the road with our old 88 Viscount caravan and Trekking and Fishing has become a our way of life. 6 months in and absolutly loving it. 


We Trek and Fish full time on the West Coast and you can see our Adventures here - (268) OldMate Adventures - YouTube

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Posts: 880

Date Joined: 30/12/09

 looks like a great spot and

Sun, 2022-04-03 12:42

 looks like a great spot and trip. good time of the year to be down south


 Get busy living, or get busy dying!

OldMateAdventures's picture

Posts: 108

Date Joined: 03/10/18

 Yeah mate will definatly

Mon, 2022-04-04 06:08

 Yeah mate will definatly plan it a bit better next year now we know some epic spots!


We Trek and Fish full time on the West Coast and you can see our Adventures here - (268) OldMate Adventures - YouTube

big john's picture

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Date Joined: 20/07/06


Sun, 2022-04-03 18:46

Nice pics.


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

Wes F's picture

Posts: 1068

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Good country down that way.

Sun, 2022-04-03 19:59

 Love the south coast this time of the year.

salmon always a chance that way.

Cool pictures.


 Old fishermen never die they just smell that way.

OldMateAdventures's picture

Posts: 108

Date Joined: 03/10/18

Lovely Country hey

Mon, 2022-04-04 06:11

 Yeah few crew said any small salmon that hang around is a chance they are resident ones now? I dove the Busso jetty a couple of years back and was a week before Christmas and a small school of around 50 salmon went past us under the jetty!


We Trek and Fish full time on the West Coast and you can see our Adventures here - (268) OldMate Adventures - YouTube

carnarvonite's picture

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Sun, 2022-04-03 20:10

 Spending a week down at Augusta over Easter, taking the boat and dropping the pots in but also  hoping to stretch the arms on a salmon for the first time in about 20 years. Don't think I will have lost the knack of spotting lone fish instead of waitin for schools to come through

OldMateAdventures's picture

Posts: 108

Date Joined: 03/10/18

So much fun with lures!

Mon, 2022-04-04 06:14

 Yeah mate they should be well n truly around that area by then! Putting pots in near Hamelin? Get a couple of those Gemini Sinkers if you can find any, they work well for locking into the sand down that way if the swell and currents are cranking along the beach. Hopefully you get onto a few 


We Trek and Fish full time on the West Coast and you can see our Adventures here - (268) OldMate Adventures - YouTube

carnarvonite's picture

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Date Joined: 24/07/07

Toss up

Mon, 2022-04-04 07:30

 Toss up between dropping the pots in at Hamelin or out off Augusta,if the swell comes up Hamelin ramp can be a complete bastard to retrieve the boat. From Augusta you head around past Dead Finish towards Cape Lleuwin  and to drop them, bit further but a bloody lot easier to pull boats out.

Professionally fished for salmon and netted for shark down there so know a lot of spots on where to go 

little johnny's picture

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Date Joined: 04/12/11

Eaten worse fish

Sun, 2022-04-03 20:13

Than salmon . There okay fresh . Make nice fish cakes . Sounds like cool trip .

OldMateAdventures's picture

Posts: 108

Date Joined: 03/10/18

That's it hey

Mon, 2022-04-04 06:19

 Haha yeah mate I agree, my old man still eats em flat out! He goes crook when I keep releasing them if he's fishing with me! When we were kids the olds had bugger all coin so around easter time  every year all we lived on was salmon cakes for about a month! I hadn't eaten it for awhile until a couple of weeks ago, yeah so so but the misso made some fish cakes with the left overs mixed in some panko and seasoning and was pretty good! 


We Trek and Fish full time on the West Coast and you can see our Adventures here - (268) OldMate Adventures - YouTube

davewillo's picture

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 Living the dream mate! Some

Mon, 2022-04-04 14:38

 Living the dream mate! Some great photos there.


 PGFC member and lure tragic

OldMateAdventures's picture

Posts: 108

Date Joined: 03/10/18

Cheers Mate!

Sat, 2022-04-09 11:02

 Yeah mate has been good times so far!


We Trek and Fish full time on the West Coast and you can see our Adventures here - (268) OldMate Adventures - YouTube

Brock O's picture

Posts: 3269

Date Joined: 11/01/08

Great write up, that's living

Sat, 2022-04-09 12:24

Great write up, that's living keep em coming.

Remember me brother taking me down killcarnup track just out of pin striping there.

duncan61's picture

Posts: 376

Date Joined: 21/11/14


Mon, 2022-04-25 10:31

 I am 60 but as teenagers we would walk from margs to go diving at killcarnup


just do it.