Sandy Point - Warroora Station advice for tinny
Submitted by Cjsurf on Wed, 2020-06-24 16:06
Hi all,
Done some searching but after a bit more specific advice regarding trolling, lure selection etc for upcoming trip.
What size/depth lures work best for tuna and macks up there? How far out do i need to go behind the reef for some decent demersals and what placcys/jigs work best(obviously not in the sanctuary). Will just be me and the misses in a 4.6 CC and never taken a boat before so want to be somewhat conservative in where i go..
Any other tips please let me know! Hopefully be able to reach the surf this time with a boat too!
Cheers Legends
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Hi Cam
Hi Cam,
20-35m on the back of the reef is where to hit the spaniards with any of your halco divers from the 2m to 8m swimming range, choice depending on how fast you want to cover ground vs where bait is on your sounder. Tuna is really any depth over 10m outside the reef, follow the bait and the birds. When trolling for spaniards in 30-35m look out for the lumps, has always been my best trout and rankin success. Big Johns jigs have been working a treat for the Exxy boys lately, so worth a look in. Not done much demersal down that way, but Cranos post of 20nm south of Coral Bay is just past the front of Sandys and theyre some big reds he got.
Head down to Lagoons or Stephens if you want a surf, bit of a mission through Maggies in the boat. But good cray country down that way and well if youre already in the water, prob not that exciting for southerners, but the thought of big red crays gets us northerners frothing. :)
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Date Joined: 07/07/15
just be careful heading
just be careful heading through the passage. It's huge and mostly easy to navigate, but the swell can look tiny from shore.
Had a hairy situation last trip. Headed out, climbed some steep waves heading out without issue. Coming back in though was heart in your mouth stuff. Once you make your decision to go, you need to commit, not back out and you will be fine.
I was in a 4 mtr seajay.
There a pretty big sanctuary area so if you want to go south it's a fair trek to get out of it.
Out from sandys there's not too much ground. You just need to find fish. It's a long way out to the deep water from there.
Posts: 2961
Date Joined: 14/11/10
I'm not sure I'd take
I'm not sure I'd take Nicsta's advice there...
I'd be making sure you know what your doing and not having to guess your way through the channel.
Certainly don't make the mistake of going out if the swell and swell period is up for your first trip...
The events recently at CB are a timely reminder for the literally hundreds of boats on the hwy at the moment to not fuck around up there...
TBH Sandy is not one of the preferred fishing camping areas because of the sanctuary.
Adam has given you good advice above...
Posts: 56
Date Joined: 07/07/15
It's not really advice. I'm
It's not really advice. I'm saying don't do what i did and have a good look at the conditions once you get closer.
Only advice was once you are in the passage and heading out, you can't turn back.
Posts: 2961
Date Joined: 14/11/10
Fair enough Nick, gotta
Fair enough Nick, gotta remember he's only in a tinny also...
Not easy sometimes sitting trying to look over the bow keeping an eye on things.
Main thing is to wait until the swell drops If a front has passed down south...
Posts: 1147
Date Joined: 09/01/08
I've fished there a lot in
I've fished there a lot in the past and really advise that the gap in the reef can be dangerous and it is very deceiving. If you get a rare day with little or no swell, stick to the left hand side of the gap going out as there are some destroying bombies middle to right hand side. Coming back in, if the swell has picked up at all, make sure you tuck your motor in to give you better steering.
Outside the reef the demersial fishing isn't that great and we always did better out in 70+ metres south and out from The Lagoon but you'll need a bigger boat for that. Trolling for Pelagics however is a better option. Plenty of squid inside the reef also.
Blue Sky, Blue Water, Bluetonic!
Posts: 56
Date Joined: 07/07/15
Yeh. It's one of those
Yeh. It's one of those passages that looks safer than it is.
Conditions seem to change much faster up there too.
Posts: 134
Date Joined: 23/08/11
Thanks everyone
Its a 4.6 cc with a 60hp so plenty of go but i am also very cautious so wont be taking any risks. Can you get to the 14mile side inside the reef ok from sandies? Had some good fishing in the past inside reef along 14 mile with a kayak..
Posts: 2961
Date Joined: 14/11/10
Yep no worries on the inside
Yep no worries on the inside to 14 mile but watch for shallow areas, you can also sneak outsidenext to the surf break old farts but again watch what your doing there and don't go when the swell is up...
Posts: 134
Date Joined: 23/08/11
Just got back from a week up there. Got into some nice tuna and cobia on the back of the reef, the gap was pretty easy to navigate but the waves can pick up if your not careful, plenty of smaller tinnys getting out though. Inside the reef there are a few nice emperor if you can get through the cod! Sandy point is very easy to launch from. Some great snorkelling inside the sactuary zone just to the south of sandy point.