seafloor mapping software
Submitted by Paul N on Sat, 2008-05-24 11:04
was surfing the net and found info on gps mapping software that rigs up to a computer/sounder and gives a 3D picture of the bottom and was wondering if anyone has been using such software to map the seafloor. I assume the pro's would use it for crayfishing etc.
Would be great addition to the boat hooked up to a laptop.
Posts: 4688
Date Joined: 01/12/07
Is it freeware paul? Do you have the URL? (web address)?
(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
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Its Exxy Colin. Not sure exactly but multiple 000's I think.
Its designed as a professional sea floor mapping program for pro fisherman etc.
** Rockingham Offshore Fishing Club **
Adam Gallash
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I've seen the GIS systems DEC use, pretty amazing stuff, the seafloor and contour mapping off Exmouth is insane!
Here's another really good site for seeing chlorophyll levels and general map information in detail.
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Thanks Tim :)
Ahhhh! Cheers Tim - that won't do me much good (unless I win Lotto LOL)
(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
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Have a look here Colin. Looks interesting.
** Rockingham Offshore Fishing Club **
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wet liners use them
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Cheers again Tim!
Will do!
(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
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Paul N
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That is one of the sites I was looking at. Also have a look at
Would love to get hold of some maping software ifa anyone has any to give away ???
Any day fishing is a great day !!
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lots of time (and money)
as it only places the track on which you travel on to its map and averages out the rest it would take a hell of a long time to have any real advantage
always time for fishin'
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Do some fishfinders/sounders
Do some fishfinders/sounders come with a data out or would you need a 'specialised' one?
If would be theoretically possible to map it by some programming prowess to get the map to the gps coordinates also downloaded.
Always interested in someone to go fishing with
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The sounder on my yak is 3D capable using a Navionics Platinum card, the detail it shows is awesome.
My sounder is a Humminbird 787c2i plotter/sounder combo that would cost just over 2k with the software, cant be exactly sure on the prices but it's a ball park figure.
Cheers, Al.
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Sambo science
They had one running out on the sambo schools , took bloody hours to do just a small area , I think it was in the 100"s of thousands of dollars for the set up , Murdoch uni with some others done it, they could only have it for a few days because of the cost's , they mapped the bottom as well as where the schools were sitting in conjuntion to the bottom , I saw some of it and it was fantastic, great detail of schools, sea bed , wrecks etc.
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Colin Hay
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You would get some interersting
info out of that Mav. I wonder if they will publish the results.
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