Shark bay questions
Submitted by Davenay on Mon, 2013-03-25 21:08
Hi all,
Heading to shark bay in two weeks with boat and three mates and I have some questions. 1, how far is dampier reef from turtle bay and what is the fishing like there? 2, what is the best way to manage dual batteries? And 3, how do I log on with sea rescue so I can keep my trip to the island safe? Thanks for your time on this, Dave.
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Sea rescue
To log on, call up on channel 16 VHF then swap to the working channel they tell you to, usually 72 or 73.
For your batteries, use both while you are travelling then shut one off when you start fishing, leaving one as spare in case the working battery gets run down so far that it won't start the engine, always monitor the voltages in both to make sure they are as fully charged as possible if you are planning to stay over for a few days.
Not exactly sure on how far to Dampier reef from Turtle but shouldn't be more that 12-15nm at a guess.
Rob H
Posts: 5821
Date Joined: 18/01/12
I hate to contradict you
I hate to contradict you John, but you should ONLY ever switch to both if needed to start, or while switching thru from one to the other.
If you want the best safety benefit from investing in dual batteries that is.
Scenario, a collapsed cell in one battery bank could quite possibly draw the full charge current (possibly more in some cases) causing a deficit in the good bank. Result-a failed bank and a flat bank.
You can liken it to dual fuel tanks, if one has contaminated fuel and you switch to both and stay there, you'll end up with 2 contaminated tanks.
Best is alternate from one bank to the other, daily or whatever.
But if you need to use both banks to start up, DO NOT under any circumstance run on "both" after starting., doubly especially if you do not know why it wouldnt start on one bank.
We have had this discussion many times and heard many times "I always run on both and never had a problem". Thats entirely possible-until you DO have a problem.
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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
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A quick measure off my
A quick measure off my navionics app says 17km's, or 9NM from the beach in turtle bay to the shallow lump at damper reef. Not sure on the fishing tho, I've never been out that way
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Date Joined: 05/12/09
Awesome fishing out there
Awesome fishing out there mate... But we always had better luck whilst drift fishing over anchoring up...
How big is your boat? Its pretty exposed out there!!
Posts: 1490
Date Joined: 07/10/11
Top fishing out there,some
Top fishing out there,some big mackies and even had sailfish one year.Watch the swell it can get large but if there isnt any go in close and try using floaters for baldchin make sure your drag is locked up.On the way out as you get closer sound around as there are a few good lumps that have produced coral trout for us and once picked up a dhuie.Its a long trip from Denham so have plenty of fuel and log on and off,not sure if ACRAM are still there but sea rescue will do.
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The Saint
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Davenay,Not sure that can log
Not sure that can log on with Denham sea rescue. Last time I was there, they would respond if you needed assistance but didn't provide a service that would allow people to log on. There was a sign near the boat ramp explaining this. Things may have changed now though, that was May 2011. I'm heading up again myself next week for a couple of weeks, If the weather gods are kind, you can't help but catch good fish up there, it's fishing paradise. Enjoy your trip !
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Shark bay
Thanks for the great advice.
I have a 7.8m Ali center console and I hope 400lt of fuel is enough to get us out to dampier reef and home again. Plan to stay one or two nights in turtle bay depending on the weather. The fishing on the north of DHI is the best I have experienced. I read in past forums some people have fish the reef at night. It's been two years since the last trip so looking forward to the fishing.Thanks again for the input. Dave.
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Hint#..... Take some heavy
Hint#..... Take some heavy hand lines if you're chasing Baldies!!!!
randall df223
Posts: 6454
Date Joined: 08/08/11
i have to agree with the
i have to agree with the batterey advice. only use both batteries to start in an emergency ie neither battery is enough. i worked commercially and we always alternated between batteries and record which battery we were using in the log book. on my own boat i dont maintain that detail in my log, but i use the battery # of whatever the date is.... ie if it is an odd numer date, 1,3,5,7,9..... i use battery number 1, if it is even... 2,4,6,8,0.... battery number 2..
or the othe way is #1 on the way out ... #2 onthe way in....
Fish! HARD!