Shark Bay VMR questions
Submitted by wrasse magnet on Wed, 2023-06-07 10:08
G'Day Everyone,
I'm heading up to Shark Bay in July for 10 days, taking the tub up and will be based in Denham. It will be our first time boating in the area so in preparation I'm chasing some information about VMR Shark Bay log on/off procedures and radio coverage. I had a look on their FB page and sent them an email but nothing back yet so I'm hoping those experienced to the area can help out with a few questions:
1. Do I log in with VMR Shark Bay with my VHF radio or mobile phone (like Exmouth)? If VHF which channel do they use for logging on/off?
2. Is VHF radio monitored 24/7 or only on certain days / times? Which channels do they monitor?
3. What is VHF radio coverage like in the area? I know there is a repeater at Steep Point so I expect I'll have covereage there. What about Turtle Bay on top of DHI and east side of Faure Island?
4. If I find myself out of VHF coverage presumably that means I'll be out of mobile coverage as well, how to call VMR for assistance? Do youg uys take a satellite phone? Any other equipment you recommend?
Any other information you can share that I should be aware of when boating in the Shark Bay area would be very much appreciated.
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Date Joined: 24/07/07
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Posts: 750
Date Joined: 22/08/12
Was there 3 weeks ago. I called the VMR Shark bay phone
number 9948 1376 to log on, guy who answered said they dont monitor radio 24/7 there. If you get in trouble use Emergency VHF channel 16 or try call phone numbe.r
wrasse magnet
Posts: 126
Date Joined: 16/10/10
Brilliant, thanks! How did
Brilliant, thanks! How did you guys go up there?
Posts: 750
Date Joined: 22/08/12
We camped at shelter bay for 4 nights could only fish within the
bay entrance wind and swells too big to venture out Plenty of pinkies and spangled emperor in 25 - 30m depths along the fault line. Usual sharks taking alot o fish and gear though. Hooked 3 wahoo landed one (a pic of it in new forum topics under "my fist wahoo") plenty of striped tuna on 40g silver twistys trolled around good fun on light gear. Have a good time up there
wrasse magnet
Posts: 126
Date Joined: 16/10/10
I saw your post RE the
I saw your post RE the Wahoo, great fish! Can't believe you got it close in along the fault line, thought you had to go into deeper water for them. How were the currents? We're aiming to use metal and hybrid jigs (like Mackdog Underdog) to target fish in 70 to 100m and just wandering whether I need to go heavier than 175g.
Posts: 750
Date Joined: 22/08/12
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to you mate cheers