Shark Cull

 Its been a while since we've had a shark cull discussion on here, usually makes for some interesting reading....


4 deaths in a year and a half in SA....


Time to stop the rot and start getting rid of em....


Fuck the cage diving boats off and get them scared of boats and humans again like the old days....


This thing popped up earlier and grabbed hold of a cray pot being pulled, crushed the steel pot and dragged it 500m....


Apparently the lads were told there had been an aggressive white about the place earlier in the day....


Thoughts to his friends and family, bloody tragic....





Posts: 52

Date Joined: 04/04/18

 Agree 100%. Its time.

Sat, 2025-01-04 03:23

 Agree 100%. Its time. Lisence some commercial shark fishers and cut back the numbers of all sharks. NOW!

timboon's picture

Posts: 2961

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 It will be interesting how

Sat, 2025-01-04 07:48

 It will be interesting how this plays out in SA over the coming years if they continue getting fatalities every 5 months...


The woke Australian society might have a change in attitude when people start feeling uncomfortable everytime they take Rover down the beach to chase a stick out in the water....


Perhaps thats what needs to happen, someones Golden Retriever needs to get ripped to bits in front of a few Labradoodle owners not far off the shore.....

little johnny's picture

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Must admit

Sat, 2025-01-04 12:41

Seen more than usual this year. Only big bronzes

Posts: 227

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 Trouble there is they are

Sat, 2025-01-04 13:24

 Trouble there is they are going to just keep getting bigger and probably more aggressive aswell.

jighead's picture

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Sat, 2025-01-04 13:29

I don't understand why more people don't catch them for a feed. Nothing wrong with a feed of shark and you get plenty of meat off them. Maybe it's just considered uncool unlike catching a good demersal.

sea-kem's picture

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 I don't have a problem with

Sat, 2025-01-04 13:50

 I don't have a problem with trimming the numbers, wespecially the whalers if it's done sustainably by commercial catch. 

And agree above have had more encounters with bigger ones this season down here, will only increase. 


Love the West!

Posts: 227

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 Couldn't agree more about

Sat, 2025-01-04 13:55

 Couldn't agree more about banning cage diving pretty sure the behaviour around boats and people this practice has had on white sharks could be the cause of quite a few of the attacks on humans including fatalities bit hard to prove but anyone that argues differently have usually got a vested interest money talks I guess. 

Posts: 294

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Sat, 2025-01-04 14:14

 Plus 1 about cage diving and rebooting a few shark boats,but then who would want to mess about with narly sharks while their busy putting prize demersals on ice to go elsewhere 

Faulkner Family's picture

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I have been saying kull the

Sun, 2025-01-05 10:45

I have been saying kull the sharks for ages. They are getting out of control all over the world.

You see the kulling in all sorts of animals because of the numbers so why not sharks.

Feed your neighbour a shark not feed a shark your neighbour


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

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 I think the tree huggers

Sun, 2025-01-05 19:45

 I think the tree huggers should hug the sharks 

Posts: 24

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Darwin Award

Mon, 2025-01-06 07:01

 Not trying to be harsh,


Isn't this just Darwin in action?


You are surfing near Streaky Bay - a known Great White hotspot since at least the 50's

There is a report of a great white at the beach you are surfing (same beach where there was a fatal attack a year ago)

30 people leave the water and someone brings a PWC to the beach "just in case"

You decide to keep surfing into the evening (known increased danger of shark attack towards dusk)

A shark attacks you at 7pm and you die.



(Doesn't seem to have much to do with whaler shark numbers in WA, shark culls, Timboon's dogs on the beach, or wire-trace bans.)

Posts: 332

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Mon, 2025-01-06 07:09

I agree sharks are a problem...and the problem is only going toget worse...

But we tried drum lines and 6,000 people showed up to Cottesloe Beach for a protest.



Brock O's picture

Posts: 3256

Date Joined: 11/01/08 above, no chance them

Mon, 2025-01-06 10:51 above, no chance them days gone unfortunately.

You'd need more than 1 a year...wearing a dark suit floating on a board, dawn or dusk at known points of interest. a diver am I asking for trouble naming my boat "Shark Bait Ooh Ha ha!" I guess if i get taken and the news crew get the boat at the ramp it might raise some interest in your cull.

sunshine's picture

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Mine is named "BITE ME"

Wed, 2025-01-08 20:34

 And I gave up diving after a white paid very close attention to me.  Can you imagine the media at the ramp with that name?

davewillo's picture

Posts: 2453

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 I also agree there is little

Mon, 2025-01-06 10:43

 I also agree there is little to no chance of it happening. There is no doubt numbers have increased significantly, as have shark interactions. I's upport a cull but there are no real numbers on whites to prove the point.

As an aside, I know of 8 tigers caught and released in a couple of days recently very close to where we were swimming. There seems to be heaps of tigers around but generally they don'y seem to bother people. 


 PGFC member and lure tragic

Marineboy's picture

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You idiot

Mon, 2025-01-06 20:30

You idiot ! 


 My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15034

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 Heading for the popcorn

Mon, 2025-01-06 22:36

 Heading for the popcorn dispenser.....


Love the West!

davewillo's picture

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 No need Andy. This was the

Tue, 2025-01-07 11:18

 No need Andy. This was the day after we were in the water and they were burleyed up on the outside of the reef. Just commenting that the tigers are around but unless they hit a beach like Mullaloo/Whitfords/Sorrento, it isn't a big deal.


 PGFC member and lure tragic

carnarvonite's picture

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Tigers and water temps

Tue, 2025-01-07 12:03

 More tigers around due to the warmer water temperature bringing them south from the tropics.


A while back there was a call for interest in reopening the northern shark fishery that I worked in north of NW Cape through to the NT border and there was not enough response due to restrictions on the sale of fins and the need to land them with fins on unlike before where we would process at sea , freezing the boneless, plastic wrapped bits ready for export overseas. These markets may not be viable now.

timboon's picture

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 I call bs they don't know

Wed, 2025-01-08 11:57

 I call bs they don't know the approx numbers of Whites....


They did a GW survey a while ago that was so vague it wasn't worth printing...


When blokes are catching Juvi whites beach fishing you know the population is going just fine...


Stop the cage diving, cull any problematic sharks as a minimum...


The next couple of years in SA will be interesting...







davewillo's picture

Posts: 2453

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 I agree with you Boon.The

Wed, 2025-01-08 16:11

 I agree with you Boon.

The "experts" keep saying there is no evidence that the population of GW's has inctreased since they were protected but that defies logic. They have been protected for 25 years now and depending where you look, females reach sexual maturity from a minimum of 16 years and males a minimum of 10 years. That's from the CSIRO, who estimated in 2023 there were 1,460 adults in the western white shark population, with the total number not yet determined. They estimated the eastern population to have 750 adults, with a total population of 5,460. That is probably the vague survey you were talking about Boon. That's a lot of white sharks in my book and if you look at a human family tree, those numbers would be increasing exponentially by now. I know they face threats from humen activities such as netting and longlining, but other than us (and we don't try to hunt them) their only real predators are orcas, and they probably don't make a dent in them.

I agree - stop the cage diving and definitely cull problematic sharks. Theer is a tagged bull shark that is setting of the Blackwell Reach and East Fremantle receivers multiple times every day. That's only a short distance from where Stella Berry wsa attacked a couple of years ago. What should people do - never swim in that part of the river or use it "carefully" knowing there is a potentailly dangerous shark hanging out in the area?

Pretty funny that a little bronzie was spotted inside the shark barrier at Cott today!


 PGFC member and lure tragic

sea-kem's picture

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 Wish there was more common

Wed, 2025-01-08 18:01

 Wish there was more common sense in authority like yours Dave. It doesn't take much to strike a good balance between nature and keeping the plebs happy and safe. 


Love the West!

davewillo's picture

Posts: 2453

Date Joined: 08/09/16

 Thanks Andy, although my

Thu, 2025-01-09 12:18

 Thanks Andy, although my thoughts might be a simplistic view of things. 


 PGFC member and lure tragic

scuttlebutt's picture

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underwater footage of shark taking trevally

Thu, 2025-01-09 07:18


Hey folks if you're interested here's some underwater footage I took of a big whaler taking a trevally while fishing in 65m off Cairns.  There's no escaping these buggers when they're in the mood...

dmck's picture

Posts: 451

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as a South Australian...

Thu, 2025-01-09 14:05

 Im in favour of preserving sharks, especially GWs...


Mounted on walls in museums where everybody can enjoy them....

Posts: 205

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 Smaller ones preserve okay

Sat, 2025-01-11 09:59

 Smaller ones preserve okay in bags in the freezer.

Posts: 205

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 Smaller ones preserve okay

Sat, 2025-01-11 09:59

 Smaller ones preserve okay in bags in the freezer.

Gav475's picture

Posts: 398

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woke labor.

Sat, 2025-01-11 09:00

 Absolutely no chance with this pathetic, woke, ban everythinhg State labor government in power. Get rid of these morons and we may get some common sense and real solutions on the table. Until then all of our current pastimes of outdoor activities will comtinue to be banned for the sake of the few and for cheap votes.