Biggest bronzy I’ve ever seen. Other vids I’ve seen different depths and areas behind island last few days . One guy had 3 . Tiger and 2 bronzes . Another today 2 tigers . Good thing no whites . Good old cray pots . Big burley bombs
Boy got buzzed last week stayed 4 to 6 meters away ( that was the big bronze whaler. )Didn’t show any aggression at all. Wouldn’t like 3 or 4 around at once . Guy up cable beach not good news .
last year this time (ie pots everywhere) I got buzzedd by a 3.5-4m bronzie stragglers area, the thing was like a submarine!
had shark shield on, didnt appear to react to it. Did a lap of me then kept swimming. didnt have much air left so meant I had to just get back to boat. mate still in water, not overly pleasant experience but survived to tell the tail!
mate yesterday same off hilary's and had one follow up pot this morning off hilary's. if I had gun would be less around that's for sure.
When you loose 17 in four hours in the Sound with minimal burley when chasing gummies you get to realise just how bad it has become. Take your choice, tigers, bronzies and black tips. I will be buggered if I would get in the water now and used to be a fanatical diver. Stay safe everyone
Attracting them . ( in sound) I here they lost the south side of mussel farm in 2 days .( pinks belted it) . Always going to be sharks ,there numbers unreal this year. Spoke to mate this morn . Back of pengo seems the same .
Used to love fishing beaches at night from the Old Cut in Bunbury right through to ledges north of Preston beach around this time of the year, big baits and wire trace , sit back with a beer and wait for the arms to get longer when you hooked up.
Mind you , this was going back some 45 odd years and it sounds like the cycles has returned. Was nothing to get 15-20 hook up a night and having no limits on sharks then, take home 4-5 good bronzies each.
To eat . There pretty good . Im led to believe mussel farm lost 30 ton to pinks within 2 days . Must be decent school of pinks there. ( none around apparently) Won’t make a dent in Forrests bank account . Not one of the big sharks I’ve seen this year has tag in it . The fisheries vessel That tags sharks would have a ball around pots atm. With hot weather coming more and more people using water ( diving , swimming ect) only matter of time . Yes it is there domain we are entering , but when you put human life second to sharks . Gets you thinking.
There's problem right there like carnarvinit said people you to take them now they don't 3 mtr plus bronzies are a problem to any one in the water and it won't get better with a maximum size and the save the sh add rk brigade.
Like I saw 2 shopping at Aldi the other night, 4 of them hogging the Smith machine at my gym and heard 1 attacked and ate a small child at Mayland's Primary.
When are these sharks going to learn its our fucking ocean and they have no right to stop me and the boys taking a shit ton of fish when and where we want.
Where else would you have these mouth breathers openly talking about rec and pro fishos flooding the metro waters with craypots full of stinking bait and still moan there seems to be a lot sharks about...
Lol unreal....
ill let the bait drift because I'm pretty sure I'll get another bite or three...
Marinelass can spot you from behind and whisper sweet nothings about sharks while you do real squats. You could in turn teach Marinelass basic grammar and show him how to orient a photo. Win/Win.
Sharks are certainly up and about, dropped 6 pots in the water at the back of the 5 Fathom Bank out of Mandurah on Saturday and bugger me as the last pots going over we were buzzed by a Tiger and a couple of others that didn't get as close, thought I was back at Exmouth. A lot of fish showing on the sounder, could have been pinks or even a Dhu or two.
Yep sharks are a problem all over the place. I'm still a firm believer the government should be issuing shark licences all along our coast. People go diving and fishing for a feed and with sharks taking a % of the fish we hook up to we need to take more fish from the ocean to get the feed. Which in turn then puts pressure on the fish stocks
I don't want to get into a debate - honest question - are bronzies really that dangerous ?
I know all sharks are potentially dangerous, but on a recent trip to the movies I encountered sharks every time I entered the water, which has maybe given me a false confidence around sharks.
I have this thought that:
A GWS or Tiger in metro waters is big trouble
A tiger up north is not so bad but still be cautious
A bull shark in the river means stay away (different if in open, clean ocean but still be cautious)
Hammerhead and tawny/Nurse sharks are generally ok, but maintain distance
Reef sharks are ok but keep an eye on their behaviour
Have never known where to fit the bronzy....
Not saying I would ever purposely jump in with any of these models, but this is what gives me some level of (false) confidence !
In over 30 years of spearfishing and even longer fishing from my boat I would rate sharks as an occasional if not rare nuisance. In the water, bar a few bronzes and small reef shark ive not seen or had an issue with a shark. If I had to fear one it would be a Bull Shark as they are well known to be be more prone to aggression than their bigger cousin the GW.
I recently read the partner of the Esperance diver taken by a GW (Gary Johnson) state that in 9 YEARS(!) of diving off Esperance only once did a bronzy show a level of interest in them.
That young girl that was swept off rocks down Dunners way...her body was recently found washed up.
Dont buy into the rednecks on here's theory that there's that many sharks in the water you could run across the back of them from Cott to Rotto James Bond style...
Some fishos love moaning more than catching fish
Christ you can almost hear them frothing at the mouth as I write this... LOL
In 3s become pretty agro . Love to be able to put vid up .( all big buggers) tigers placid up north ( big fat buggers). Even metro ( placed) When there is more than one they get pack mentality . They totally change. Whites never encountered one in water and I don’t want to . All I know there is shit loads . Maybe because there is no professional fisherman like there normally is around where iam ? They normally follow them like blowflies . In the near future going to be bigger issue . Take max size limit of them as someone pointed out earlier. Problem solved .
I thought there was more whites tagged. Rockpom tags pinks . I would say info is correct . You could prob phone research people and find out ? Must admit I tried finding it last week nothing on net ( unless I am looking in wrong area).
Johnny im a big believer that if you're going to put stats up and directly name Govt bodies then at least verify it with maybe a link or two ? Fair call ?
No ones doubting anyone...yet. but some official data would be nice.
We had another GW near miss down here on Thursday. A 4m GW came in to west beach at the first surf break ( the only break out of 3 that had surfers on it) and stayed there for another 4 hours after the surfers got out. Fisheries notified but no action taken
Took 2 hours for the shark alarms to be set off!
The islands just off shore are loaded with seals yet this shark chose to come to shore and hunt? Surfers are easier to catch no doubt.
Only a matter of time before we lose another person.
Because if you know West Beach, there are breaks to surf in about 600m of coast but it chose to haunt the only break that had people on it. And did so for 4 hours. The car parks that overlook the whole beach were packed with people watching. It wasn't coming into the shallows chasing sand crabs . Same thing happened couple of years ago just before Sean Pollard got his hands/arms bitten off.
I've never had the privilege of diving Esperance way but fellow spearos I know have for many years and said it was right up there with the best this State has to offer. They had a run in with a couple of Bronzies but that's it to date.
What did you make of Gary Johnson partner stating the hadn't seen a White in 8 or 9 years of living and diving in the area ?
Probably on the money but every ab diver and pro fisherman say they've never seen so many whites in the last 10 years. Not sure why they have all decided to come in numbers to our area, big numbers of seals maybe? The sad thing about Gary was there was a GW sighted in that area in the morning before they went in, he just wasn't aware of it.
The huggers just don't like hearing about the numbers out there...
Scientist are not who I would listen to in this debate, its the blokes that have been having contact with them over a prolonged period and noticed a substancial increase...
I really hope that while this wank is getting spoken about on here another fatality doesn't occur...
Hey Pesc or Lassi, would you own a Lab or a Pitbull as a family pet?
You've got the choice, just like we have the choice...
Oh and before I forget. I know you don't like the Scientists as you call them because you're a simple man but who do you reckon the Government and decision makers will ultimately lsten to...them or some fishing forum warrior like you ?
Yes I believe they have but not even close to the level the rednecks on here will lead ppl to believe.
Don't forget the encounters are also relative to a massive population boom here in the West (more ppl in and on water = more likelihood of an encounter) but ssshhh, don't let the others know as it will confuse them.
At what point - amount of human deaths , sightings , incidents do you feel the rules should change as far as taking them off the protected species list? You would be aware of their reproductive cycle to maturity and breading, they have had what 2-3 full cycles as being protected?
Think you are underestimating the population boom in this State my friend. Plenty of stats on the net will show you how many more ppl live in this State as opposed to just 20 years ago.
That aside I have children who I have introduced to water when they were in their nappies. They are now old enough to know that the sea poses certain risks and that has been explained to them carefully.
They also know that when daddy goes into the water to catch fish there is also a level of risk.
More people + more sharks = more likelihood of an encounter.
Like i said in other threads, you and others on here get your way and they inyroduce culling. All good, culling goes well and the quota is met.
What happens if someone else is taken thereafter??? Lift the quota number ??
Because im sure you are intelligent enough to understand that you cant calculate the frequency of attacks on number of sharks in the area right.
Again and again, at the height of summer how many tens or hundreds of thousands of people are in or on the water
And i should add, i have also spoken to my kids and young nieces about the risk of going into places like Northbridge on the weekend or driving on the road or the dangers of drugs...
Things that are far FAR more likely to endanger them than going into our beautiful ocean.
So if the Govt raises the BAC from 0.05% to 0.1% and drink driving fatalities increase 10x would you expect the Govt to go back and have a look at their intervention that resulted in more pissy drivers on the road? Or would you happily just put it down to more cars being on the road and tell people that driving on a Sat night is at their own risk?
Before I forget - weren't you the helmet that said that there were so many crab nets floats in the Swan you could walk across the river on them ? Only for others to weigh in they've never seen such a thing?Lolololol
That post went Australia wide mate. We laughed for days...
Before I forget - weren't you the helmet that said that there were so many crab nets floats in the Swan you could walk across the river on them ? Only for others to weigh in they've never seen such a thing?Lolololol
That post went Australia wide mate. We laughed for days...
Anyway be nice. I turned you into an online fishing celeb, albeit in a retardish kinda way, from those crab posts and im not seeing too much gratitude and there were ppl laugh at your posts as fars as Coffs Harbour. Boooooo...
Anyway think up some more adorable names and I'll get back to you later as im off to a pilates class with Sea Kems missus...
Lol what??? So youre actually stating the Government would actively contribute to the increase in 'possible' drink drivers ???
Hows this relate to a species living in their natural habitat doing what comes natural ??
And even with this fishwrecked inspired 'explosion' of White numbers what do you make of the fatality rate to per capita of people in the water on any given day ? Why hasn't other States joined in the chorus of culling ?
I'll state again seeing as ppl keep skirting around this - Great Whites are one of the few species that are protected INTERNATIONALLY. That is every single nation on this planet has agreed to protect them. Why do you think that's so ?
Great whites were originally protected, as they were under threat of becoming endangered. That doesn't mean they ever were endangered, by the way.
If you ask around, the biggest reason they won't lift it either here or federally at least, is purely political. Far too many green and left voters would abandon whoever is brave enough to even attempt to reduce shark numbers.
I found your reply so disrespectful to Woody who actually put some substance into this tripe that you and lassi have been dribbling shit about....
LJ ( another fishwrecked star ) who is on the ocean more than most has made an observation...
A pair of tossers have come on here basically disputing what he has witnessed.
Woody, An Esperance local has given real life accounts of whats going on down there but you are too much of a fuckwit to A listen and B acknowledge the blokes efforts for fronting up and discussing something that is really close to home for those that live in small communtites affected by this shit...
I appreciate the science but that only tells us so much you fucking mangie dog greyhound half baked rabbit chasing fucka
You need to take your shark hugging banner and go on tour, start in Esperance then head to Byron/Ballina area and start puffing your chest out, if you want it signed by a fishwrecked star I'll sign it on your way through down here in Margs...
Lol look at you trying ever so hard to be everyone's mate.. pretty sad Boony.
Did you even ask Woody if he found the comment disrespectful ?
Mate, I dont know if you suffer from an acute form of tourettes or something but have a look back at some of your posts and see how many times you have had to apologise to someone for flying off the handle at your 1st go.
The fact remains is you dont like me and i think your a very simple simple man.
I love sharks, you dont... it is what it is.
But trying to play the popularity card is just sad mate...cringingly sad.
Happy dayz
Posts: 451
Date Joined: 29/04/18
Lotta scent in the water
Lotta scent in the water back there only gonna get worse you'd think , you see some today ?
Happy dayz
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Where iam
Biggest bronzy I’ve ever seen. Other vids I’ve seen different depths and areas behind island last few days . One guy had 3 . Tiger and 2 bronzes . Another today 2 tigers . Good thing no whites . Good old cray pots . Big burley bombs
still trying
Posts: 1074
Date Joined: 27/06/17
We had 3 following cray pot
We had 3 following cray pot up yesterday first time I have seen them in that area before and were waiting for me to throw pot back in.
rather be fishing
Happy dayz
Posts: 451
Date Joined: 29/04/18
Ha yeah buggar that you
Ha yeah buggar that you divers have bigger balls than me , hopefully you don't come across anymore out there
Happy dayz
Posts: 151
Date Joined: 09/01/12
The same big bronze keeps
The same big bronze keeps showing on the back of little island trailing a big line out its mouth.
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
They shy away from shark sheild
Boy got buzzed last week stayed 4 to 6 meters away ( that was the big bronze whaler. )Didn’t show any aggression at all. Wouldn’t like 3 or 4 around at once . Guy up cable beach not good news .
Posts: 2086
Date Joined: 16/05/09
Shark problem is just as bad
Shark problem is just as bad here in Broome, overcast day yesterday up here. RIP
Posts: 187
Date Joined: 10/04/12
last year this time (ie pots
last year this time (ie pots everywhere) I got buzzedd by a 3.5-4m bronzie stragglers area, the thing was like a submarine!
had shark shield on, didnt appear to react to it. Did a lap of me then kept swimming. didnt have much air left so meant I had to just get back to boat. mate still in water, not overly pleasant experience but survived to tell the tail!
mate yesterday same off hilary's and had one follow up pot this morning off hilary's. if I had gun would be less around that's for sure.
Posts: 2632
Date Joined: 03/03/09
LJ like I said the other day
When you loose 17 in four hours in the Sound with minimal burley when chasing gummies you get to realise just how bad it has become. Take your choice, tigers, bronzies and black tips. I will be buggered if I would get in the water now and used to be a fanatical diver. Stay safe everyone
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
All the pinks in sound
Attracting them . ( in sound) I here they lost the south side of mussel farm in 2 days .( pinks belted it) . Always going to be sharks ,there numbers unreal this year. Spoke to mate this morn . Back of pengo seems the same .
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
But LJ all the Face book
But LJ all the Face book experts say there's no food for them. That's why they come in close and attack people, figure that one out.
Love the West!
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Best Time
Used to love fishing beaches at night from the Old Cut in Bunbury right through to ledges north of Preston beach around this time of the year, big baits and wire trace , sit back with a beer and wait for the arms to get longer when you hooked up.
Mind you , this was going back some 45 odd years and it sounds like the cycles has returned. Was nothing to get 15-20 hook up a night and having no limits on sharks then, take home 4-5 good bronzies each.
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
I actually like bronzies
To eat . There pretty good . Im led to believe mussel farm lost 30 ton to pinks within 2 days . Must be decent school of pinks there. ( none around apparently) Won’t make a dent in Forrests bank account . Not one of the big sharks I’ve seen this year has tag in it . The fisheries vessel That tags sharks would have a ball around pots atm. With hot weather coming more and more people using water ( diving , swimming ect) only matter of time . Yes it is there domain we are entering , but when you put human life second to sharks . Gets you thinking.
Posts: 227
Date Joined: 10/05/10
There's problem right there
There's problem right there like carnarvinit said people you to take them now they don't 3 mtr plus bronzies are a problem to any one in the water and it won't get better with a maximum size and the save the sh add rk brigade.
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Somethings got to be done
Somethings got to be done alright...
Like I saw 2 shopping at Aldi the other night, 4 of them hogging the Smith machine at my gym and heard 1 attacked and ate a small child at Mayland's Primary.
When are these sharks going to learn its our fucking ocean and they have no right to stop me and the boys taking a shit ton of fish when and where we want.
Fishos Lives Matter
Posts: 8156
Date Joined: 07/05/12
Smith Were
Smith Were they using it to warm up for the Foxy Boxing class?
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Tell us more about the foxy
Tell us more about the foxy boxing class Jack !
You and your 'partner' recommended it ?
Posts: 449
Date Joined: 21/11/16
Yeah yeah Save your rant
Yeah yeah Save your rant pestacore we all know your a shark loving tosser
Posts: 845
Date Joined: 14/03/14
And we all know
you’re just a tosser curndog.
My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Bit disappointed with my
Bit disappointed with my original post t.b.h Cumdog
It only got the one dickhead biting.
Oh hang on, make that two....
Lol @ you.
Posts: 449
Date Joined: 21/11/16
The bum buds are rubbing
The bum buds are rubbing them together again
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Are you imagining that
You imagine gay things often Cumdog or are you just describing your usual Saturday night ?
Here's your chance to come out....
Posts: 845
Date Joined: 14/03/14
demersall season
yep demersal season is closed but dickhead season in full swing hahaha, one cast and 2 bites.
My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
It's too easy on this forum
It's too easy on this forum MB....
Where else would you have these mouth breathers openly talking about rec and pro fishos flooding the metro waters with craypots full of stinking bait and still moan there seems to be a lot sharks about...
Lol unreal....
ill let the bait drift because I'm pretty sure I'll get another bite or three...
Posts: 8156
Date Joined: 07/05/12
There ya go
There ya go Pestacore.
Marinelass can spot you from behind and whisper sweet nothings about sharks while you do real squats. You could in turn teach Marinelass basic grammar and show him how to orient a photo. Win/Win.
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
You appear to have put a
You appear to have put a fair bit of thought into these homosexual thoughts Jack....
Have you given any thought to sending Cumdog a PM ?
Never know your luck eh ... lol
Posts: 845
Date Joined: 14/03/14
that fish was soooooo heavy I felt the need to lay down, probably something you’ll never expierience jack frost hahaha.
My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !
Posts: 8156
Date Joined: 07/05/12
Yeah I bet so old boy.
Yeah I bet so old boy. Probably get short of breath going put to the letterbox too
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
Posts: 845
Date Joined: 14/03/14
fuck jackfrost and you knock me for grammar, re read what you just wrote. What a dickhead hahaha.
My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Fucking lol Jackoff...Did you
Fucking lol Jackoff...
Did you suffer a stroke writing that or do you just enjoy continually embarrassing yourself ?
Posts: 845
Date Joined: 14/03/14
The latter
My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !
Posts: 80
Date Joined: 23/01/13
Sharks are certainly up and about, dropped 6 pots in the water at the back of the 5 Fathom Bank out of Mandurah on Saturday and bugger me as the last pots going over we were buzzed by a Tiger and a couple of others that didn't get as close, thought I was back at Exmouth. A lot of fish showing on the sounder, could have been pinks or even a Dhu or two.
Brock O
Posts: 3264
Date Joined: 11/01/08
Tragic the young bloke
Tragic the young bloke missing...Still no trace of him. RIP
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Swimming at 8pm
Prob not the right time for a dip. But agree very tragic
Posts: 2491
Date Joined: 08/09/16
And a poor swimmer.
And a poor swimmer. Unfortunately a lot of new arrivals to our shores don't appreciate how dangerous the ocean can be. Sad loss for the family.
PGFC member and lure tragic
Posts: 2961
Date Joined: 14/11/10
Ouch the mussle
Ouch the mussle farm....
Heard today in Tassie they had an electrical fire on one of the salmon pens down there and lost 50,000 fish up to 4kg....
Aparently everyone took a sicky and was down there trying to get into the now wild fish....
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
Yep sharks are a problem all
Yep sharks are a problem all over the place. I'm still a firm believer the government should be issuing shark licences all along our coast. People go diving and fishing for a feed and with sharks taking a % of the fish we hook up to we need to take more fish from the ocean to get the feed. Which in turn then puts pressure on the fish stocks
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 326
Date Joined: 17/06/08
I don't want to get into a
I don't want to get into a debate - honest question - are bronzies really that dangerous ?
I know all sharks are potentially dangerous, but on a recent trip to the movies I encountered sharks every time I entered the water, which has maybe given me a false confidence around sharks.
I have this thought that:
A GWS or Tiger in metro waters is big trouble
A tiger up north is not so bad but still be cautious
A bull shark in the river means stay away (different if in open, clean ocean but still be cautious)
Hammerhead and tawny/Nurse sharks are generally ok, but maintain distance
Reef sharks are ok but keep an eye on their behaviour
Have never known where to fit the bronzy....
Not saying I would ever purposely jump in with any of these models, but this is what gives me some level of (false) confidence !
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
I'd probably put the Bull at
I'd probably put the Bull at the top of my list for most agressive and damaging, but like you say depending on circumstance, water clarity etc.
Love the West!
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
In over 30 years of
@ Francis
In over 30 years of spearfishing and even longer fishing from my boat I would rate sharks as an occasional if not rare nuisance. In the water, bar a few bronzes and small reef shark ive not seen or had an issue with a shark. If I had to fear one it would be a Bull Shark as they are well known to be be more prone to aggression than their bigger cousin the GW.
I recently read the partner of the Esperance diver taken by a GW (Gary Johnson) state that in 9 YEARS(!) of diving off Esperance only once did a bronzy show a level of interest in them.
That young girl that was swept off rocks down Dunners way...her body was recently found washed up.
Dont buy into the rednecks on here's theory that there's that many sharks in the water you could run across the back of them from Cott to Rotto James Bond style...
Some fishos love moaning more than catching fish
Christ you can almost hear them frothing at the mouth as I write this... LOL
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
You haven’t been in water lately . Are you a bream fisherman ?
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Love the West!
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Well if Sea Kems missus
Well if Sea Kems missus stops calling me when he goes to work id probably get in the water a bit more often.
Know what i mean Johnny, nudge nudge...
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Got me . Good reply . Thumbs up.
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Bronzy very placid ( by themselves)
In 3s become pretty agro . Love to be able to put vid up .( all big buggers) tigers placid up north ( big fat buggers). Even metro ( placed) When there is more than one they get pack mentality . They totally change. Whites never encountered one in water and I don’t want to . All I know there is shit loads . Maybe because there is no professional fisherman like there normally is around where iam ? They normally follow them like blowflies . In the near future going to be bigger issue . Take max size limit of them as someone pointed out earlier. Problem solved .
Posts: 629
Date Joined: 23/04/07
8 tigers ,4 Bronzies and 2
8 tigers ,4 Bronzies and 2 Grey Nurses all around 3.5m tagged on First lump between Carnac and Garden Island in 2 days last week.
16 Great Whites tagged in Cockburn in 8 years with lenghts between 2.5m and 4.5m
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Source ?
Source ?
Posts: 629
Date Joined: 23/04/07
Fisheries Research Shark
Fisheries Research Shark team out of Freo.
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Are you part of that team ?
Are you part of that team ? How do you know these results and are they available to the public via the Fisheries website?
Also, just 16 Great Whites in 8 YEARS ? Certainly seems a bit low given the hyperbole on here at least.
Be great to get a link and read up on the program ?
Posts: 629
Date Joined: 23/04/07
The 16 Great White tags are
The 16 Great White tags are just from Cockburn sound during the last 8 years of the Snapper Closed season.
And yes we help out the team locate Sharks due our concern with the increased numbers and risk to local Water users.
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Some interesting numbers
Some interesting numbers Pom. Especially given id assume the two days consisted of 8hrs each right, say 16 hours or so in total thereabouts.
Thats a lhell of a ot of sharks in a 16 hour period for just ONE location by 2 crews would you agree ?
I cant find anything about a current shark tagging program on the Fiaheries website but its not the greatest site to navigate.
Do you have a link by chance ??
Failing that, I'll contact Fisheries Monday as I think the numbers you've provided certainly warrants a public notification.
I know the Spearfishermen fraternity would certainly like to know.
Posts: 629
Date Joined: 23/04/07
Yep way too many I sent you
Yep way too many
I sent you a PM about chasing up more info just waiting a relpy as its the weekend.
And your right all sharks spotted or tagged should be passed on to the Shark sighting web site so its all more visible to the all ocean users.
Ive have always called the Dolphin n tour guys as they push their customers in with in 2 km of a White hot spot!!!
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
I am surprised
I thought there was more whites tagged. Rockpom tags pinks . I would say info is correct . You could prob phone research people and find out ? Must admit I tried finding it last week nothing on net ( unless I am looking in wrong area).
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Johnny im a big believer that
Johnny im a big believer that if you're going to put stats up and directly name Govt bodies then at least verify it with maybe a link or two ? Fair call ?
No ones doubting anyone...yet. but some official data would be nice.
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
...and don't forget that GW
...and don't forget that GW victim Gary Johnson partner stated in the
Inquest to his death that they had dived "most" weekends in Esperance for 9 YEARS and only ever saw ONE shark. A Bronzy
I've dived for decades. Not seen one either. I was out about 1 n.m from Carnac 6 weeks ago. Nothing.
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
And then he was killed
By a great white
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Announced today that
Announced on the tv news that it is believed to be a bull shark that attacked the man at Broome
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Just as I thought.
Just as I thought.
Love the West!
Posts: 617
Date Joined: 27/02/08
We had another GW near miss
We had another GW near miss down here on Thursday. A 4m GW came in to west beach at the first surf break ( the only break out of 3 that had surfers on it) and stayed there for another 4 hours after the surfers got out. Fisheries notified but no action taken
Took 2 hours for the shark alarms to be set off!
The islands just off shore are loaded with seals yet this shark chose to come to shore and hunt? Surfers are easier to catch no doubt.
Only a matter of time before we lose another person.
Posts: 845
Date Joined: 14/03/14
woodsy what makes you say the shark was hunting ? It’s well known sharks can just cruise with no intention to feed.
My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !
Posts: 8156
Date Joined: 07/05/12
Must have been hanging around
Must have been hanging around waiting for the Uber Eats driver?
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
Posts: 617
Date Joined: 27/02/08
Because if you know West
Because if you know West Beach, there are breaks to surf in about 600m of coast but it chose to haunt the only break that had people on it. And did so for 4 hours. The car parks that overlook the whole beach were packed with people watching. It wasn't coming into the shallows chasing sand crabs .
Same thing happened couple of years ago just before Sean Pollard got his hands/arms bitten off.
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
I've never had the privilege
I've never had the privilege of diving Esperance way but fellow spearos I know have for many years and said it was right up there with the best this State has to offer. They had a run in with a couple of Bronzies but that's it to date.
What did you make of Gary Johnson partner stating the hadn't seen a White in 8 or 9 years of living and diving in the area ?
Posts: 617
Date Joined: 27/02/08
Probably on the money but
Probably on the money but every ab diver and pro fisherman say they've never seen so many whites in the last 10 years. Not sure why they have all decided to come in numbers to our area, big numbers of seals maybe?
The sad thing about Gary was there was a GW sighted in that area in the morning before they went in, he just wasn't aware of it.
Posts: 225
Date Joined: 23/11/13
Two big bronzies on the
Two big bronzies on the surface today just behind burns rocks. Circling the boat waiting for a free feed.
Posts: 2961
Date Joined: 14/11/10
Well fuck me Woody... That
Well fuck me Woody...
That quitened him down...
Strange aint it...
The huggers just don't like hearing about the numbers out there...
Scientist are not who I would listen to in this debate, its the blokes that have been having contact with them over a prolonged period and noticed a substancial increase...
I really hope that while this wank is getting spoken about on here another fatality doesn't occur...
Hey Pesc or Lassi, would you own a Lab or a Pitbull as a family pet?
You've got the choice, just like we have the choice...
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Quietened me down. Lol not
Quietened me down. Lol not quite big man.
And once again your post is a rambling pile of shit that goes completely off track.
But carry on 'Boony, you fishwrecked star...
Lol !
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Oh and before I forget. I
Oh and before I forget. I know you don't like the Scientists as you call them because you're a simple man but who do you reckon the Government and decision makers will ultimately lsten to...them or some fishing forum warrior like you ?
Lolololololololo @ you....
Posts: 2086
Date Joined: 16/05/09
Fuck the lab or pitbull boon
Fuck the lab or pitbull boon your on fire mate
Posts: 1162
Date Joined: 31/01/10
In your opinion have the number of GW's increased in the last 15-20 years?
Reverse cycle a/c supply and install - Ducted and wall splits
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Yes I believe they have but
Yes I believe they have but not even close to the level the rednecks on here will lead ppl to believe.
Don't forget the encounters are also relative to a massive population boom here in the West (more ppl in and on water = more likelihood of an encounter) but ssshhh, don't let the others know as it will confuse them.
Especially Boony and Jackoff.
Posts: 1162
Date Joined: 31/01/10
So then
At what point - amount of human deaths , sightings , incidents do you feel the rules should change as far as taking them off the protected species list?
You would be aware of their reproductive cycle to maturity and breading, they have had what 2-3 full cycles as being protected?
Reverse cycle a/c supply and install - Ducted and wall splits
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
How many deaths in relation
How many deaths in relation to people who are in or on the water.
How many road deaths in relation to road users
The Great White Shark is a protected species INTERNATIONALLY. Are you aware as to why that is so ?
There are vast areas of the world they have not seen sharks for decades when the areas were plentiful with them. Why do you think thats so ?
Posts: 1162
Date Joined: 31/01/10
my view, quiet generic sorry
Sure human numbers in the water have increased but actually not a great deal.
I dont think good surf breaks have that many more than years ago.
Remote locations have more numbers too yes but the GW's behaviour has changed also. Be that our fault or not.
Internationally protected because of over fishing? Is that what you mean?
I wish our waters were like that.
You have kids?
Say you are barra fishing in the north and Jnr is taken from the side of the boat by a 5m croc - is it ok to kill it?
Say you are at the park kicking a footy and a stray dog eats him - is it ok to kill it?
Same in the water as far as im concered.
Sure 10's of thousands of crocs , 1000's of dogs and 100's of GW's but for me they all get the noose. (EDIT - if the culprit was found)
But yes I think overall shark numbers need to drop.
Like I said pretty non scientific.
Reverse cycle a/c supply and install - Ducted and wall splits
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Think you are
Think you are underestimating the population boom in this State my friend. Plenty of stats on the net will show you how many more ppl live in this State as opposed to just 20 years ago.
That aside I have children who I have introduced to water when they were in their nappies. They are now old enough to know that the sea poses certain risks and that has been explained to them carefully.
They also know that when daddy goes into the water to catch fish there is also a level of risk.
More people + more sharks = more likelihood of an encounter.
Like i said in other threads, you and others on here get your way and they inyroduce culling. All good, culling goes well and the quota is met.
What happens if someone else is taken thereafter??? Lift the quota number ??
Because im sure you are intelligent enough to understand that you cant calculate the frequency of attacks on number of sharks in the area right.
Again and again, at the height of summer how many tens or hundreds of thousands of people are in or on the water
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
And i should add, i have
And i should add, i have also spoken to my kids and young nieces about the risk of going into places like Northbridge on the weekend or driving on the road or the dangers of drugs...
Things that are far FAR more likely to endanger them than going into our beautiful ocean.
Posts: 8156
Date Joined: 07/05/12
So if the Govt raises the BAC
So if the Govt raises the BAC from 0.05% to 0.1% and drink driving fatalities increase 10x would you expect the Govt to go back and have a look at their intervention that resulted in more pissy drivers on the road? Or would you happily just put it down to more cars being on the road and tell people that driving on a Sat night is at their own risk?
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
On point JF
Pisscuntwhore's logic would be drink driver numbers are declining, and therefore they need to be protected, so their population can recover!
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Lol love that name calling.
Lol love that name calling. How much thought did you put into that Scotto ?
give yourself a pat on the back. You're definitely the toughest man I know.
Online.... ; )
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Before I forget - weren't
Before I forget - weren't you the helmet that said that there were so many crab nets floats in the Swan you could walk across the river on them ? Only for others to weigh in they've never seen such a thing?Lolololol
That post went Australia wide mate. We laughed for days...
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Before I forget - weren't
Before I forget - weren't you the helmet that said that there were so many crab nets floats in the Swan you could walk across the river on them ? Only for others to weigh in they've never seen such a thing?Lolololol
That post went Australia wide mate. We laughed for days...
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
So excited about his response
He had to double tap
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Sorry i was laughing so hard
Sorry i was laughing so hard big man.
Anyway be nice. I turned you into an online fishing celeb, albeit in a retardish kinda way, from those crab posts and im not seeing too much gratitude and there were ppl laugh at your posts as fars as Coffs Harbour. Boooooo...
Anyway think up some more adorable names and I'll get back to you later as im off to a pilates class with Sea Kems missus...
Laters big guy
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Lol what??? So youre
Lol what??? So youre actually stating the Government would actively contribute to the increase in 'possible' drink drivers ???
Hows this relate to a species living in their natural habitat doing what comes natural ??
And even with this fishwrecked inspired 'explosion' of White numbers what do you make of the fatality rate to per capita of people in the water on any given day ? Why hasn't other States joined in the chorus of culling ?
I'll state again seeing as ppl keep skirting around this - Great Whites are one of the few species that are protected INTERNATIONALLY. That is every single nation on this planet has agreed to protect them. Why do you think that's so ?
Let's see if you are the first to answer this...
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
I’ll answer
Great whites were originally protected, as they were under threat of becoming endangered. That doesn't mean they ever were endangered, by the way.
If you ask around, the biggest reason they won't lift it either here or federally at least, is purely political. Far too many green and left voters would abandon whoever is brave enough to even attempt to reduce shark numbers.
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Respectfully disagree.And
Respectfully disagree.
And they are still protected INTERNATIONALLY.
You may wish to do further research on the species on a macro level
Posts: 2961
Date Joined: 14/11/10
Wow Pescy, I found your
Wow Pescy,
I found your reply so disrespectful to Woody who actually put some substance into this tripe that you and lassi have been dribbling shit about....
LJ ( another fishwrecked star ) who is on the ocean more than most has made an observation...
A pair of tossers have come on here basically disputing what he has witnessed.
Woody, An Esperance local has given real life accounts of whats going on down there but you are too much of a fuckwit to A listen and B acknowledge the blokes efforts for fronting up and discussing something that is really close to home for those that live in small communtites affected by this shit...
I appreciate the science but that only tells us so much you fucking mangie dog greyhound half baked rabbit chasing fucka
You need to take your shark hugging banner and go on tour, start in Esperance then head to Byron/Ballina area and start puffing your chest out, if you want it signed by a fishwrecked star I'll sign it on your way through down here in Margs...
And thanks Bill ( another FW * )
Boon ( aka Boony ) xxoo
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 03/12/19
Lol look at you trying ever
Lol look at you trying ever so hard to be everyone's mate.. pretty sad Boony.
Did you even ask Woody if he found the comment disrespectful ?
Mate, I dont know if you suffer from an acute form of tourettes or something but have a look back at some of your posts and see how many times you have had to apologise to someone for flying off the handle at your 1st go.
The fact remains is you dont like me and i think your a very simple simple man.
I love sharks, you dont... it is what it is.
But trying to play the popularity card is just sad mate...cringingly sad.
Have a good night
Posts: 2961
Date Joined: 14/11/10
Tot you are being very
Tot you are being very calculated...