Sidescan/downscan Axiom pro shots
Submitted by ranmar850 on Thu, 2018-10-25 11:33
I'm up at Exmouth atm, for the Billfish Bonanza. Things have been pretty windy, anthough we got reasonable lulls on Monday and tuesday. Blew all day yesterday, and today doesn't look much better. Anyway, on the way home Tuesday, I drove over the new artificial reef just north of the marina, to try out the sidescan.I only spent a couple of minutes there, and this is the result. Theupper two shotsare the big steel structures, and the lower one, just the concrete pyramids. Depths are in fathoms, so its about 18 metres deep. You can see on the first shot how i've gone more or less dead centre over one, and the next one down, how i've almost missed it, not really showing on the RH side, mainly just the fish around it.
Posts: 574
Date Joined: 24/04/11
Cool Shots
Thanks for posting
Posts: 2702
Date Joined: 12/08/12
I've been using this more
Starting to really like it. The apparent amount of detail is quite staggering. I haven't used it past 14 fathoms( 25.6 metres) yet. The first shot below is where i deliberately clipped the very end of the 14f ridge out off the Blueholes at Kalbarri. I had the exact south end marked, approached from the west, so you can see the actual ledge on the south end, my starboard side, on the right.
Posts: 2702
Date Joined: 12/08/12
Another one from the other day.
There is a gutter in close here where you can pull some good crays. Approaching it from the seaward side, it is just flat rock covered in kelp. It drops sheer with a good ledge under, then just slopes up to the actual break at the edge. Classic inside edge, and you have to nail it to get crays. Drop on top,get little, drop too far in, also get little. The below shot is me driving south along it, so the ledge is on the left.
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Like 3rd one up on
Right. Would have thought low lying long ledge. Top clarity all nice readings.
Posts: 2702
Date Joined: 12/08/12
B175M and sidescan today
Using the sidescan/downscan more now, particularly in shallower water. The shot below is driving along on top of the edge with the drop on your left.
Went back over to the conventional chirp for the deeper water, found a really solid aggregation and anchored on it. Pulled the hooks on two solid fish, then one pinky after another, all just around size, but we already had two better sized ones from earlier, so they all went back. We persisted with sifting through them, as there appeared to be better fish there, and were rewarded with a baldie and a dhu. Had our quota, so we pulled the pick and left them biting.
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Many thanks for the pics
New technology I find absolutely amazing, the images that are portrayed on the screens of sounders in this day and age are breath taking I don’t have a good grasp on what I’m looking at with the side scan images but what I do understand of it is amazing
Faulkner Family
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Date Joined: 11/03/08
i wish i could get my
i wish i could get my sounder lit up like that. spose you gotta get the fish under you first.
starting to get used to my axiom . just getting the gain right helps .
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
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Date Joined: 12/08/12
Using Sidescan/downscan
I'm increasingly moving to using the sidescan/downscan on this setup. Found it brilliant in Exmouth gulf, really shows up the big coral lumps well. You could drive over a rise in the gulf and see whether it was just a lump with scattered rubble, or the really good ledge-y ground . Using it exclusively for setting pots for crays, the very high frequency and narrow cone of the downscan picks up the edges really well, and the sidescan shows you the ledges. The whites aren't moving here yet, but we are picking up a reasonable feed just on a good set.
This is a shot of us moving off the edge of an island, look at the detail. Wish I had taken more screenshots.
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Like your diving . Excellent detail
still trying
Posts: 1074
Date Joined: 27/06/17
Thanks for sharing good to
Thanks for sharing good to see and hear your explanation of the ground. I've just got a new sounder, nowhere near as good as yours but interested in trying the side scan and stuff didn't think it would help me with the crays but you have changed my mind on that. I did like using the structure scan on my old sounder for really examining areas looking for where to place pots.
rather be fishing
Posts: 790
Date Joined: 25/05/12
what is the max depth you
what is the max depth you can get out of this ranmar ? Looks amazing
Posts: 146
Date Joined: 14/11/10
Very nice sounder shots there mate.
Why would anyone not want to step up to the new chirp stuff - I suppose, DEPTH is the elephant in the room?
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it will ultimately be depth limited.
It suffers from what I call "aeroplane syndrome". Due to its nature, as the water gets deeper, it's like getting altitude in an aircraft. Everything looks smaller and flatter. I've used it out to 28 metres, and it works fine. Even with a ridge that is only 2 metres high, the detail is still good. I haven't tried it deeper since i have really gotten into it, I'm thinking it might be ok out to 50 metres? I did see one shot posted by a bloke out of Queensland, where he was in 70 metres. The bottom was very flat there, he said, but you could see some irregularities in it that may have been small holes. Picture was still strong.
I'm still kicking myself for not using it down at Winderabandi, just never occurred to me.
Posts: 146
Date Joined: 14/11/10
Ranmar, I'd love some feedback on performance (limitations or otherwise) when you have a chance to try it out in deeper water?
I often see amazing pictures (like those above) posted and think "that's it, I'm going to go chirp" and then, the more experienced heads chime in with reservations about depth limitations, so I hold off?!?!?!
I'm sure many others in the same situation, so any real world experience would be great.
Posts: 2702
Date Joined: 12/08/12
I don't know if the sidescan/downscan is CHIRP?
I'd have to check, I thought it was just a single high frequency. As for CHIRP not working in deep water--just BS, usually peddled by Furuno fanboys.
Just kidding, lot of respect for Furuno gear, I used it extensively when I was commercial although I did move away towards the end, Simrad was just leaving them for dead in the ealy noughties. Look at these pics from around 300m, and tell me CHIRP doesn't work in deep water. I have seen as screenshot of Axiom Pro with 1KW CHIRP showing showing bottom AND fish in over 1000m. These are mine.
Posts: 790
Date Joined: 25/05/12
Some shots at 50would be
Some shots at 50would be amazing if you ever get the chance.
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Date Joined: 12/08/12
I don't have any at 50,,
But I do have some around the 70's . The one below is of Goldband up near Exmouth. You can see the flat coral, which then goes to sand as it rises on the RHS of the pic. I find this gives good bottom discrimination even though the cone is quite large. Transducer on this shot is Medium CHIRP, a B175M. and yes, I do have too much gain on,.
The one below is a patch which produced a good Red, Rankins, and Goldband. You won't see much change in bottom on it, pretty consistent flat bottom.
Remember you are looking at a 24m diameter circle at 85m depth. 16 degree cone. So it does tend to average out the bottom return a bit, more than a higher frequency which has a narrower cone. Medium Chirp on the B175M is 85-135khz.
Posts: 629
Date Joined: 23/04/07
Awesome screen shots there
Awesome screen shots there Ranmar.
Love the deep Chirp pics goes to show how well the new Tech is working.
We have been running the 3 in 1 out in the 40 and 50m line and very happy with the returns (53m side scan is our best so far depending on the weather).
Posts: 79
Date Joined: 14/04/14
hi all, so i have a new Axiom
hi all, so i have a new Axiom pro setup with an RV100 and a TM265LH 1kw Chirp.
im interesed to know what the 'rainfall' in my pic is? it was a bit rough, can it be air bubbles? i find that a bit hard to believe as its below the ground also (although i also got a second ping or something looking in the high chirp?)
Posts: 2702
Date Joined: 12/08/12
That is an interference of some kind.
Likely from something in your installation. It's bit different to what I get, which is from my autopilot. Mine comes through in stripes, which correspond to the autopilot motor operating to correct port or starboard. Only there because i don't have the transducer cable far enough from the motor, need to re-route it around the other side of the boat. But yes, i'd say it's something in your boat. Think about something that might be randomly operating, not at a set interval. And looking at the high CHIRP, that is your second echo showing up. You'll only see it if the first echo is far enough up on the screen. With Auto Range on everything nowadays, a lot of people have never seen a second echo
Would you believe that, back in the days of big paper sounders, crayfishing, we lived or died catch wise by being able to read the second echo, and that alone? Only shifted the picture back to see the first echo when we were looking for fish.
I'll post your pics up, if you don't mind, on a larger international forum--some very knowledgeable people there, they might be more specific than I can be.
Posts: 79
Date Joined: 14/04/14
bloody awesome on all the
bloody awesome on all the above ranmar.
second echo indeed, i know there is a trick with the axiom and range settings but this was my second outting and first time ive seen these raindrop interference.
id love it if you posted it elsewehre, please let me know where so i can read and learn more also.
sorry for the imgur link, after all these years i still dont know how to add a pic to the post itself.
Posts: 2702
Date Joined: 12/08/12
I posted it on THT
No answers yet, as it is a US forum, run at least 8 hours behind us.
go back up to this post in this thread, you can see my Auto Pilot interference on the downscan
One trick I have learned with the sounder ranging on the Axiom-It doesn't appear to give you the ability to Zoom on Manual range. -when on Auto ranging, select Zoom, you see the box on the rhs of the screen that lets you pick what part of the picture you are actually displaying. If you then go into Manual for Range, you can then zoom. by using + and - on the Range at the bottom of the screen. Once you are used to it, and it doesn't take long, I find it a very easy system to use. pro has the advantage of the mixed touchscreen and buttons--have you configured your buttons yet? I use the full-stop button for track start/stop, flag for adding an event mark. The ability to put an event in on a feature you have just gone past by touching the screen cannot be understated. S*ck it, old-school Furuno users
... just kidding. I am absolutely bewildered when I see people install the old stuff in new builds alongside stuff which can be networked, just because they have an emotional attachment to them, and don't realise things have really moved on.