Sounder issue

 Hi all

I'm having some problems with my furuno 585  It has a tm258 1kw transducer I have to have the gain up crazy high to pick up bottom in 50m of water I have to have the gain at 8 to pick up bottom and anything over 60m gain is on 10 and at 110m I loose bottom totally even if I am in neutral still wont pick up bottom but once I get back to 110m it starts to pick up bottom again but very patchy no chance of seeing fish until back in the 50m range could the tranny be stuffed? It doesn't get any clutter on the screen with a high gain like my old previous boat would with the same sounder. I'm running it in HF if I switch to LF the screen is just full of clutter and wont get any ground image.  Not sure how old it is  it came with the boat. Do I just bite the bullet and get another transducer.

Cheers Rod

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sea-kem's picture

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 Jesus , so many variables

Mon, 2020-06-22 20:34

 Jesus , so many variables Rod. It would be worth getting the unit checked first as they are an awesome sounder imo. I think Taylor Marine services them. 


Love the West!

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Hi rod do maybe a few

Mon, 2020-06-22 21:15

Hi rod do 

maybe a few settings that may not be right, I have set mine up for below 100m with 

tvg on medium

clutter 20

colour erase 15

and interference on low. 

and when I head out deep turn tvg to high. 
hope this helps 

Posts: 45

Date Joined: 15/09/15

Hi rod do maybe a few

Mon, 2020-06-22 21:15

Hi rod do 

maybe a few settings that may not be right, I have set mine up for below 100m with 

tvg on medium

clutter 20

colour erase 15

and interference on low. 

and when I head out deep turn tvg to high. 
hope this helps 

Keenfisher's picture

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Sounder problems

Mon, 2020-06-22 21:26

 Hi Rod I run the same set up and only have my gain on 5-6 up to 60mtrs. What setting are you running in the menu's


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Mon, 2020-06-22 21:52

make sure the transducer is installed correct, ie not angled too far forward and is actually pointing straight down.  TVG on medium. Turn clutter off and set it in auto and see how it goes.  If you don’t read over 100m in 200khz, then I’d get it checked out.

little johnny's picture

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Don’t forget

Tue, 2020-06-23 07:16

You have internal gain in menu also . One on switch doesn’t alter one in menu

roddo's picture

Posts: 486

Date Joined: 16/10/09

 Ok thanks guys I will post

Tue, 2020-06-23 14:14

 Ok thanks guys I will post up my setting but there the same settings I have run on my last 585 I did a factory reset to see if that will help and then put in all my settings.

If I put interferance to med or low I loose bottom has to be on high. 

Little Johnny what do you mean internal gain settings? 

little johnny's picture

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There is one

Tue, 2020-06-23 14:33

In your menu . You can adjust ( not your external) knob one . If you done factory reset this could have gone to lowest setting. Hence why you have to really crank knob one up so high to get reading . Only guess ??

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15048

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 Do you mean the fishing,

Tue, 2020-06-23 14:38

 Do you mean the fishing, cruising or auto gain option in the menu LJ?


Love the West!

Marineboy's picture

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Tue, 2020-06-23 15:50

deffinately an issue roddo, do you know anyone else who runs a furuno that you can put your head unit on their Tranny to see where the issue is ? I would say it’s not settings related. 


 My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !

Bucko's picture

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Little Johnny is referring to

Tue, 2020-06-23 16:07

Little Johnny is referring to the settings in the "calibration" menu.

There is a setting for HF and HL gain Adjust.
I believe the range is +20 to -20, I think default is 0.

If you have this set to minus 20, even with the gain on 10 on the dial you won't be getting much power.

Also, check correct transducer is selected from the menu.

I had this setup before but with a TM260 and it gave clear bottom readings in 500m with gain on 3. (but +15 on calib menu)

roddo's picture

Posts: 486

Date Joined: 16/10/09

 Thanks guys I dont feel it's

Tue, 2020-06-23 19:55

 Thanks guys I dont feel it's a settings issue but have checked all my settings and I dont see anything out of the ordinary the gain in the calibration settings are all on zero should they be turned up. I have had a 585 previously on my last boat but with the ss264 transducers and I dont remember changing any internal gain settings for them.  I tried all the transducer options in the menu  and there was no difference on which one I selected it's currently on 526TIDHDD

I was thinking of trying to find someone with a furuno and get them to run my head unit my only problem is i live in paraburdoo so can only do it when I head to the coast I will ask around at work as there are a few ppl who work here but live in exxy maybe one of them may be able to help out it's a hassle when I'm so far from the water as I dont really want to be stuffing around with it when I finally get to the coast for a fish.

My trip to exxy a couple days ago was still great but mainly trolled lures due to it not reading bottom very well and was only there for 4 days so didnt want to waste a heap of time stuffing around with the sounder. 

Cheers for all the advise. 

little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

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Fair way away

Tue, 2020-06-23 20:43

Prob is different issue.( just a thought) I use JRC . Just watching how others I fish with use internal one on 585 .they increase it . Then use external one ( increase to depth and speed). Makes the bottom reading so clear and find fish heaps easier . Good luck I hope you sort it out .

bretto's picture

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Might be worth checking the

Wed, 2020-06-24 15:51

Might be worth checking the unit power and double checking that the unit is set to kw and not 600w.  

deep south's picture

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I would

Wed, 2020-06-24 16:24

 Hey Roddo , first thing I would look at is the power supply to the head unit , maybe even run a supply directly from the battery if possible , then adjust both the internal gains to + 20 and then briefly turn the unit on and you should be able hear the transducer pinging or cracking , it will be more noticeable on 50 hz

Dont do this for very long as you can do damage to the transducer

Hope this helps !


The next time i see that jig will be in the mouth of something big !!


roddo's picture

Posts: 486

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 Thanks for the feedback I

Wed, 2020-06-24 20:35

 Thanks for the feedback I checked the power cable and it looks super thin I will check what volts I'm getting to the unit tomorrow will also try what is mentioned above.



deep south's picture

Posts: 190

Date Joined: 28/12/16

Tx power

Wed, 2020-06-24 21:12

 Also run the tx power to max


The next time i see that jig will be in the mouth of something big !!