Steep Point 2013

Steep Point Report 2013 It was twelve months in the planning and only took a week to expire! But the 2013 Steep Point fishing trip has now been and gone. Five of us this time with only one boat, so it was necessary for one or two to stay on the beach each day. One boat in this remote location is not my ideal scenario so for next year, we have identified a second boat and got a commitment! Friday 7th June Planning is finished and work is done. A after a trip to the Biltong shop in Plaza Arcade to buy ½ a kilo of beef jerky and Dan and I head for my place. The plan is for Andy to pick us up in the morning, hook up the boat and head to Shane’s for the final pack. Dan and I get the boat packed and have a few reds and hit sack. Saturday 8th June Andy arrives early. We hook up the boat, kiss the wife goodbye (I do anyway – Dan and Andy miss out on that), and head for Shane’s. When we arrive Shane and Gary are busy packing the trailer… How the #$*& will it all fit? Its Shane’s first time to the Point, and he gets a ribbing from his wife and kids, “Dad never catches any fish!”, they tells us. “No worries! He’ll catch a fish this week!”, we say. And we’re off. Murchison River crossing is our destination, but not before stopping at every tackle store en route to try an appease my desire to put single hooks on all my lures! All to no avail, I’ll have to do with trebles. Get to Murchison and a packed camp ground with enough time to build a fire, have a bite to eat and some fellowship and cigars before hitting the sack ready for an early start to the Point! Sunday 9th June Up before dawn, pack up and away. Great sunrise through a heavy fog. Breakfast of Champions (bacon and egg sandwich and coffee) at Overlander, fuel up and away we go. Andy and me towards Denham with the boat, Shane, Gary and Dan with the trailer towards Shelter Bay. Andy and I arrive at Shelter Bay about two hours after the others and find the camp all set up. Bonus! A bit of beach fishing and Shane, despite the mockers being put on him by his family, lands the first decent fish of the week, a long tom! Fillet steak, snaggers and salad for dinner and of course, fellowship! Monday 10th June Gary, who is suffering from the flu, and Shane choose to stay on the beach. Dan, Andy and I head out trolling along Dirk Hartog, before bottom bashing for a while and heading in. There was a fair bit of excitement when we had a triple hook up. Dan and I hit instantaneously and Andy on his retrieve. I landed mine singlehandedly and straight into the esky. I then gaffed and landed Dan’s, and again into the esky. While all this was happening, patient Andy was just keeping his fish close to the boat waiting for someone to gaff it. As Dan reached over with the gaff, it spat the hooks and lived to fight another day! Tally for the day is 2 Spaniards, and a Mangrove Jack (this being a first on my boat). We released 3 pink snapper, a couple of Baldchin and a few Charlie Court cod. We also released something we didn’t recognised, but after referring to the fishing guides, decided it was probably a brown stripe snapper. In the evening, more fellowship and a nice Japanese curry made by Dan. Tuesday 11th June I slow day on the water, only one Spanish mackerel landed and a Baldchin and an unknown type of cod released. Conducted an experiment when dumping the carcasses out in the bay…. Stopped the boat, turned off the motor, didn’t throw anything over the side. But three big bronzies showed up within 12 seconds, looking for a feed. Later in the week I got some amateur underwater video of them. Attached the camera to the boat hook and stuck it over the side… Wednesday 12th June Myself, Dan, Andy and Shane head out on the boat. Gary is still suffering the flu and happy to rest up at camp and may be find a rock or two to fish from. Dan lands a little schoolie, that will be dinner later in the week. Then we head out deep, 60 – 70 metres and pick up one sized Baldchin, and a couple smaller that were successfully released. Went back to trolling, Shane seemed keen for the boat to be moving again…. We trolled for a bit longer and Andy landed two Spaniards and Dan landed one. Shane was yet to land a big fish on the boat and was desperate to do so. Hmmm, dinner was spaghetti and meat sauce (Andy style!). A few drops of rain started to fall, but lot more was on its way (unbeknown to us). Thursday 13th June I could feel the rain coming in the end of my sway for most of the night, but my towel hung over the end overcame that. At about 6am, I decided it was a bit too much rain and got up to see how things were in our kitchen gazebo. Hmm, is that Dan lying on the ground in the kitchen looking very wet?? Yes, and his tent looks more like a paddling pool! Bonk bong! Waterproofing required for the kitchen and Dan’s tent heads for the bin. A couple of tarps and things are looking better. Just need a dry out! The dawn brings some drier conditions and Andy, Gary, Shane and I head out on the boat. I am determined for Shane to land a big fish, so it is agreed that if my rod if hit first, he will take it. And that is what happened. Shane lands his first Spaniard and then another on his rod! Two in a day, he is a happy camper! Now it’s time for some bottom bashing. Starting near Monkey Rock, we start a series of drifts across the drop off. Eventually we hit the spot where the coral trout are (all undersized and released). But we keep one pinkie, a sweet lip and another mangrove jack. We release half a dozen baldies, four coral trout, some Charlie Courts, black snapper and a couplke of pinkies. It’s time to finish off with some trolling. Off goes Shane’s reel, screaming. He says to Gary, “you take this one”. The fish almost spools him. A couple of jumps, and a few sideways runs…. Hmm this is not a Spaniard, could it be a sailfish of some kind. Some more big runs… And when we get it to the side, it is a really good sized wahoo, about 1.4 metres! Gary has the fish of the week. A nice fish curry for dinner and a game of ‘dice’. The rain starts again… and the neighbours fire up their karaoke machine??? We struggle to bring the bare essentials, they bring a karaoke machine!!! Friday 14th June Weather is shit, so we decide to pack up and come home a day early. All good for me and Andy, we are leaving by boat. And we do. Only to find out later the road was closed and Dan Shane and Gary spent another night at Shelter Bay… would have been ok, had Andy and I not taken ALL of the fishing rods with us…. Next year? Planning has already started.


Fish! HARD!

Chris fish's picture

Posts: 847

Date Joined: 23/02/11

 Looks like an awesome trip!!

Mon, 2013-06-17 21:25

 Looks like an awesome trip!! God I can't wait for next week now and to dive monkey rock.


always looking for a new challenge!!

WSHN4FSHN's picture

Posts: 224

Date Joined: 19/09/12

 Awesome report!! Sound like

Mon, 2013-06-17 21:41

 Awesome report!! Sounds like you all had a blast!! Thanks for sharing. 


Burley it and they will come.

Posts: 27

Date Joined: 27/06/11

Great report

Mon, 2013-06-17 23:24

 Great report and photos, love Steep Point one of my favourite places

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

thanks for sharing a great report

Mon, 2013-06-17 23:56

Now that's a cracker of a report thank you

Happy Hooker's picture

Posts: 305

Date Joined: 12/11/08

Good stuff Randall

Tue, 2013-06-18 08:02

Was wondering how you went last week and then low and behold my wife told me I missed you on Sunday when you dropped off the arial.Thanks for the wine too mate. No need but appreciated.  Giving me itchy feet to plan another trip away now.......

Posts: 6454

Date Joined: 08/08/11

Hah, I thought you wife was

Tue, 2013-06-18 17:55

Hah, I thought you wife was going to hive that wine off for herself, and not tell you about it! Enjoy. Thanks for the antenna, worked well and thankfully didn't need it for any sort of emergency.


Fish! HARD!

crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08

Great fun report randall

Tue, 2013-06-18 08:55

Thank you for sharing and making us jealous.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

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Landing two of the

Wed, 2013-06-19 21:10

Landing two of the Spaniards


Fish! HARD!

Posts: 6454

Date Joined: 08/08/11

Feeding the locals a baldchin

Wed, 2013-06-19 21:39

Feeding the locals a baldchin carcass

Excuse the amateur quality, my first attempt!


Fish! HARD!

Posts: 6454

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Feeding the locals a Spaniard

Wed, 2013-06-19 21:52

Feeding the locals a Spaniard carcass


Fish! HARD!

Posts: 6454

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Wed, 2013-06-19 22:07

Shark closeups

I needed to get the camera lower or angled down slightly. they were deeper than I expected.


Fish! HARD!

Chris fish's picture

Posts: 847

Date Joined: 23/02/11

 Cool vids, can't wait to

Thu, 2013-06-20 06:26

 Cool vids, can't wait to swim around with those guys next week. 


always looking for a new challenge!!

Adam Gallash's picture

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Thu, 2013-06-20 19:50

 great stuff Randall!!


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Crawfy's picture

Posts: 15

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Whinge alert What ever

Mon, 2013-06-24 20:46

Whinge alert

What ever happened to Steep Point being a land based game mecca? Seems every man and his dog are bringing up a bloody boat and destroying the road in. Was there 6wks ago and it was shocking, literally 15boats in sheltered bay. We only managed 2macks from the rocks n all the boaties were bragging they'd been bagging out.

It's obvious boat fishing has the biggest impact on fish stocks, wish people could just give it a rest. Wanna go FADS? Be my guest. Steep Point? Leave the boat at home and take up the land based game challenge like real anglers.

Posts: 6454

Date Joined: 08/08/11

Read the report. we launched

Tue, 2013-06-25 17:45

Read the report. we launched at Denham and like every land based fisherman, drove a car and trailer on the track in. and fyi, the track as just been graded and is good condition. I can't remember reading anywhere that its illegal to take a boat to steep point??? you should try it. we didn't bag out either and most of the time trolled dirt hartog, which is a long way to cast or float a balloon from the Point. Next time can you keep your negative unwarranted and unwanted comments off my report.


Fish! HARD!

Posts: 5823

Date Joined: 18/01/12

great report Randal

Wed, 2013-06-26 08:50

funny-its always someone elses fault when people cant catch a fish-commercial fishos, Asians, George W Bush, boaties.....

Ive only fished there LB once, it was in the winter and the cliff was deserted and we didn't catch much. I was under the impression summer was the time for cliff fishing there?


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


Hebbs's picture

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 First it was footy now

Tue, 2013-06-25 19:28

 First it was footy now fishing, is no where safe Randall. :)


 It's not rocket surgery...

Crawfy's picture

Posts: 15

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There aren't too many places

Wed, 2013-06-26 06:11

There aren't too many places in WA that you can LBG fish for macks sails tuna etc and I think it should be purely a land based area. As mentioned it will be the boaties that end up killing our fish stocks, look at the humble Dhuie. Seems nowhere is safe now.

Posts: 2925

Date Joined: 27/12/06

pull your head in

Wed, 2013-06-26 06:29

ridiculous uneducated comments there crawfy, so you went to steep point and didnt catch much, must be due to all the boats fishing out of there LMAO

I have been there usually in the summer months when its way to windy and not a boat in sight and havent caught much things like water clarity, bait schools and water temp all have significant effect on the point and considering you are talking about pelagic fish that are on the move your comments are laughable.

Dont know what your talking about with the Dhuie as most crew I know are talking about the numbers improving due to some good management and I have certainly found that to be the case.

Some of the LBG guys need to have a pretty good look at themselves with the amount of shit they leave up on that point all over the rocks.

As for the fish stocks right now at quobba there are hordes of east coast guys fishing there everyday for pelagics weeks on end.  What do they do with all the fish they catch (cant take it home) pretty f**ked up if you ask me killing fish for a photo


Keep up the good work Randall


Formerathlete's picture

Posts: 114

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Agreed, LMAO too

Wed, 2013-06-26 10:39

Agreed, LMAO too

terboz123's picture

Posts: 1358

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your actually a

Wed, 2013-07-17 11:40

your actually a douche! (crawfy)

that's enough of my time worth writing a reply to your comments.

good work randall......


 a hard days fishing still beats work

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tailor marc's picture

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I have to agree Randall, last

Wed, 2013-06-26 07:18

I have to agree Randall, last time i was up there there was alot of agro on the point and way to many people. Gone are the days where you could have the point to yourself for a whole week. Becoming way to popular.

Must admit we have been up  there and had a shit weeks fishin too.

When we leave we spend a good hour  walking the length of the point collecting rubbish and not just ours. Would be good if everyone did the same thing.

Steeps another place that could end up a " no fishing" area  with a paved road in for tourists. Something i never want to see   


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grantarctic1's picture

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We do the same Marc

Mon, 2013-07-01 23:26

Firstly, great report Randall. Thaks for taking time to share your trip .

Yeah we do the same Marc, first i rake up the site we are going to camp on, set up the camp , then we all walk the area and pick up all the crap and place it in the bins that are provided. It's realy not that hard .

As for the boats, as far as i have seen most of them come over from Denham and don't realy interfere with the LB fisho's or wreck the road into the area . Also as most of us know, Steep point is hardly the ideal catch and release platform, and most fish thrown back dont last very long after the drop back into the water. I would say the boat fisho's have alot better chance of letting fish go than from the cliff.

I have been lucky and havn't had to share the point with many other people, some trips we did very well and other trips caught bugger all , thats just fishing.


Posts: 1535

Date Joined: 30/12/08

Great reading Randall

Wed, 2013-06-26 07:30

sounds like you had a great time. Cheers

Formerathlete's picture

Posts: 114

Date Joined: 02/04/12

Great report Randall. Thanks

Wed, 2013-06-26 10:58

Great report Randall. Thanks for sharing.

Crawfy, I have camped at Sheltered Bay heaps of times with a bunch of blokes and plenty of days they took the boats out only to be outfished by a couple of us at the cliffs. Maybe they should complain that the place should be restricted to boat fishing? 


Posts: 6454

Date Joined: 08/08/11

A few more photos courtesy of

Thu, 2013-06-27 19:48

A few more photos courtesy of one of the boys...

Wake e wake e! time to fish.... leave me alone, my head hurts!

The beach at the south west end of Dirt Hartog

Filleting time on the beach

Deep in conversation, waiting for the strike

Waiting, waiting, waiting...

And the wait is worth it...

Waiting for his dinner...


Fish! HARD!