Stradic 6000FJ or saragosa 6000F
Submitted by Shark B8 on Sat, 2013-06-15 09:02
Or maybe daiwa saltist 6500H would buy all three if I could??
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Date Joined: 15/06/09
Those reels
are all different sizes, would pay to go to a tackle store and check them out
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Date Joined: 16/10/08
is a workhorse compared with the Stradic IMO. I have used and abused at least 6 off them from 5-14 000 and they have stood the test up in Karratha/Dampier. Fishing down south I have a few Stradics and Sustain's added to the arsenal.
What I have found is that the Sara's cope better with a dump or drop at the beach. Sand doesnt appear to effect them as much as the Stradic and Sustain that this happened to. A wash down is all that was needed for the Gosa, but the other 2 needed a thorough clean.
Other than that apart from the size issue they are all good reels. Cant comment on the Saltist, but that is way bigger.
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This is what I have heard
This is what I have heard about the stradic, high maintenance when it gets a bit of sand/salt through it. Depends on the application but it appears a a sealed drag (no the stradic) is what you would want for a good spinning beach reel. I was talked out of the stradic for this reason and it sounds like it was good advice.
I disagree.
Shark B8
Posts: 152
Date Joined: 10/01/13
I havnt had any daiwa reels.
I havnt had any daiwa reels. They do get a good wrap though bcf have the saltist out for 260 I have checked out the shimanos and was just looking for others opinion.
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Date Joined: 15/06/09
but if looking at comparable sizes you should be looking at the 4500 Saltist, the 6500 is more like a 10-12000 size Shimano
Posts: 249
Date Joined: 07/02/10
ive had the sustain 6000fg
ive had the sustain 6000fg for about a monthe and i used it spinning, popping, and off the beach. It really is a lovely reel and ive had Stellas, Stradics, and Spheros's. I wasnt sure about the foam knob but i wouldnt change it now, doesnt get slimey or sweaty.
Shark B8
Posts: 152
Date Joined: 10/01/13
Looks like a nice reel ill
Looks like a nice reel ill check that out little more more than I wanted to pay though
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Posts: 55
Date Joined: 29/05/13
You buying online yes? I was
You buying online yes?
I was just looking and purchased a new spin reel this week myself. From shop too online store was up to a staggering $50 difference once you take out freight. And from one online store to another I managed to save a further $20-$30 bucks. All in all almost $100 saved by waiting those few extra days haha
I disagree.
Posts: 4171
Date Joined: 15/06/09
just shop the sales?
Posts: 55
Date Joined: 29/05/13
Sorry?The stradic is on sale
The stradic is on sale at the moment at an online store. But no I sorta had an idea of what I was after,
The biomaster was over $300 without shipping at one online store, and after my mate helped search and found it on US ebay for more around the $200 mark.
I disagree.
Posts: 644
Date Joined: 13/11/11
The saragosas are a great
The saragosas are a great reel but if you're looking at a 6k you might as well go the 8k as they're the same body size, it's only the spool size that's different.
Shark B8
Posts: 152
Date Joined: 10/01/13
Cheers for the input
Cheers for the input
Go big or go home..