Sunday sesh
We headed out Sunday morning from Freo where we had our mates boat moored up, heading north to waters just out from Scarborough. Lucky its a big rig, it was a bit choppy early on from the east, and bloody freezing the boat provided good cover! After passing a heap of tinnies out squidding (looks like) near Cott, we headed to a spot were some friends had supposedly cleaned up on pinkes just the weekend before.
After some intensive berleying not a thing even touched! so we headed out a bit further and found a nice lump going 15m up to 10. Small fish on straight away with wrasse galore coming up. After a bit of berlying the skippy turned up in droves and i decided to downgrade from my spinfisher to my Penn Applause 2000 with 8-10lb braid for sh1ts and giggles.
Managed a pb king george of 55cm, a few decent tarwine in the 30's (cant get away from them), some solid skippy and a whole bunch of other species. Soon after i had my reel being seemingly spooled and realised how under powered i was. After a small struggle a nice just undersize sambo came up, and another soon after. Another 1 or two were pulled along with a collosal cuttlefish and we were done for the day. Unfortunately no pinkies or demersals but given our lack of experience of the area still managed a modest feed.
Posts: 1118
Date Joined: 22/12/06
Nice Feed
Worth the effort to burley in shallow water like that, never know what will come along
Nice feed to take home, that KG is a cracker
PGFC Member
Posts: 4109
Date Joined: 24/01/10
What a whopper king george
What a whopper king george whiting!
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18091
Date Joined: 11/03/08
sounds like a fun day out.
sounds like a fun day out. all up you got a good feed.
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 57
Date Joined: 15/08/10
Thanks for sharing. Nice
Thanks for sharing. Nice catch and a good feed
Posts: 34
Date Joined: 19/06/12
Yea was a great feed, that
Yea was a great feed, that king george was unbelievable on the plate. Shame we didnt get any pinky action but cant complain