Surface rust removal suggestions for an aluminium dinghy
Submitted by Wahoo on Mon, 2015-07-27 22:14
My tinny has a small amount of surface rust that arose after drilling in the boat but not cleaning up afterwards. I've tried a green scourer and am keen to hear any suggestions that may help to remove/treat the surface rust. Is a wire brush a bad idea? Many thanks
Fishin for a feed and fun.
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
You can
You can use a wire brush but make sure it is stainless steel.
Another product is Alubright. dont use any acids or you will make it worse.
Cheers grant
Posts: 243
Date Joined: 11/06/07
Thanks grantarctic, I'll look up the product. Do you know who might stock it NOR? Cheers
Fishin for a feed and fun.
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
As Grant said. As long as
As Grant said. As long as you clean off the actual filings the stains won't be a problem.
Love the West!
Posts: 812
Date Joined: 09/10/06
What brand of dinghy is it?
What brand of dinghy is it? Those welds are shocking.
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
I think you'll find that is
I think you'll find that is the penetration from the external welds Holth. So actually good welds, they have done there job.
Love the West!
epic restos and...
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Date Joined: 22/06/15
lol now must agree if that
lol now must agree if that was the weld it would be HOLY FLYING DUCKSHIT BATMAN n think i will stay on the jetty
but yes that is the bond you need to see in them type of boats as because the thickness of them the fusion is wat makes there strenght. as regard to the rust how long has it been since you done this? if you did not notice straight away it might be a bit of a bummer. unfortunately when the rection starts it is down deep quick so really the only true way to remove is a fine grit sandblast ( but not recommened) a hand held wire brush will do nothing but give you a sore hand if i was you go to bunnings and buy a s/steel wire wheel and put it on your grinder as this will attemt to move it. then wipe with a anti rust corrosive (thin smear is all thats needed) keep this process up every so often and you will cobat it not completely fix, once job is fininsh make sure to vacume clean hull NOT WASH
Posts: 18
Date Joined: 17/08/15
1stly alluminium doesn't
1stly alluminium doesn't rust. The bristles of a stainless wire brush (never seen one of those) would be too harsh & would scratch the crap out of it. What you liekly have is calcification or corrosion & depending on where it is you can simply use CRC/WD40 & some 220-240grit sandaper or steel wool or a wire wheel which would do about as much damage as light sand blaster.
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
I think Wahoo was refering
I think Wahoo was refering to steel that he had drilled and had settled on the ali. That's how I took it anyway. We use stainless wire brushes all the time for mainly cleaning stainless welds so as not to contaminate with free iron.
Love the West!
Posts: 18
Date Joined: 17/08/15
Ooops I didn't read the 1st
Ooops I didn't read the 1st post properly.
You can use a steel wire brush or scotchbrite or sand paper or whatever as long as you immediately wipe it with a metal polish or an oil based product like crc or similar. Depending on how big the fillings are & how deep they've penetrated the alli, I'd try scraping them off with something flat & sharp & then use an appropriate abrasive to get the surface back to how it should look which may need to be done in stages & then give it a quick wipe something that will protect the surface.
If the filings have penetrated the alli & won't come out, get the rust off with some sort or abrsive & a rust converter like Fertan, sold at Covs. (It will likely leave a purple stain so depending where on your baot thhis has occured, you may want to just use crc instead) Let it dry for the specified time & then wipe it with Metho & paint the surface or clear laquer it.
Or alternatively (because fish oil will work), tell the Mrs that you need to go fishing a lot to get fish guts on it. Worth a try
Mowong slayer
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Alloy wheel cleaner which is
Alloy wheel cleaner which is used for mag wheels ..