Sushi - How to? Sorry, Sashimi!

Alright chefs; after some tips on the full prep of Sushi. Best fish, different preps for different fish etc 

Rice prep, sauces etc.


Maybe a Sushi KISS (keep it simple stupid) - you know, for that quick prep and snack inbetween reel screams when trolling or when camping.


Cheers Pete

Brucesta's picture

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i haven't used fresh fish

Thu, 2009-08-27 08:13

i haven't used fresh fish before but i do make it with smoked salmon so i'll pass on some simple tips.

Buy the best seaweed sheets you can, the cheaper ones are too thin and will break easy, thicker is better.
always use sushi rice, Sunrice make a nice size packet that will make about 10 rolls worth, in a black packet. purchase some rice wine vineger, or look in the asian section for sushi seasoning. at a pinch white vinegar will do.

Once the rice is cooked let it cool completely before placing it on the sheets. Sushi sheets go shiny side down on the bamboo rolling matt (you can find these in coles/woolies in the asian section too), layer your rice about 5mm thick leaving a strip of about 30mm at the end for sealing the roll. Chuck you fillings on that you desire, good ones are carrot, cucumber, avacado, lettuce etc. a bit of whole egg mayo ina sqeezy tube goes down nice or even a small amout of sweet chilli.

once it is carefully rolled up wet your fingers and rub them on the little bit left over without rice and this will seal it. USE A SHARP KNIFE, the filleting knife works well, and wet the knife before each slice and make sure the blade is clean otherwise you'll tear the seaweed.

enjoy with some good soy sauce and wasabi if you wish and wash it down with some coldies!

I hope this helps.


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HuggyB's picture

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piffle all that

Thu, 2009-08-27 08:51

sashimi all the way

step 1. catch fresh herring
step 2. fillet herring
step 3. dip fillets in sauce (wasabi, soy etc)
step 4. consume


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Thu, 2009-08-27 16:08

thats how its done. on a charter these two guys caught a snapper, basiclly filleted it the moment they ikijimied it and then cut it into strips and were eating it with soy sauce in about 5 mins from the fish leaving the water. tasted very good

crasny1's picture

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Thu, 2009-08-27 09:12

Cut a thickish fillet, choice of white fish or Tuna IMO. Prepare some soy sauce with Wasabe to taste. Chill the fish on ice and then cut into bite size pieces. Dip in the sauce and heaven. Dont need rice etc.
Or Marinade the fish for a couple of hrs in lemon juice and eat chilled like that.
Like I said KISS.
Hope this help.


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roberta's picture

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HuggB raw herring

Thu, 2009-08-27 09:14

ugh would be like amouthfull of cod liver oil, but everyone to their own, but the sushi is nice, never got round to making it, must pull finger out and try,


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kaney68's picture

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Don't forget sashimi Sambo

Thu, 2009-08-27 09:20

G'day Pete,

Same as Huggy mentioned above... but try the "old neighbours sh!t fish" - Sambo
Trust me - you will regard Sambo's in a whole new light !!!!
I've got a neighbour who is a Japanese chef and knocked up a plate of Sambo Sashimi last year... Didn't last too long and made an excellent beer snack !
Ask Decella for his thoughts when you see him.

Pete D's picture

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Doh, meant Sashimi...thanks

Thu, 2009-08-27 09:35

Doh, meant Sashimi...thanks huggy. Couldn't see me doing the sushi prep while on the boat.

Sushi - will give that ago though Brucesta.

Sambo hey Paul - gees would have to be a baby one - or have a big crowd camping. Beer/sunset snack of sashimi is what I'm looking for.

Cheers Pete

crasny1's picture

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Also try

Thu, 2009-08-27 09:41

Some fresh prawn, dunked into the sauce. I have also eaten sashimi squid and if the tube is cut thinly into rings and dunked in the sauce it is to die for. Very delicate flavour underneath the soy and wasabe.
The hard thing about sashimi is the thought. Once you get the flavour anything is worth a go for taste. Scallops also I have tried and it is beautiful.

Dont think I would like herring though!!!!


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

Dasho's picture

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Thinly sliced squid sashimi

Thu, 2009-08-27 10:11

Thinly sliced squid sashimi also gets my 2 thumbs up haha.

I love that stuff!

scottnofish's picture

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we had sashimi

Thu, 2009-08-27 09:49

cray fish with kasey one year and that was bloody nice taste the same as cooked but melted in your mouth

Dasho's picture

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My mum is Japanese, and

Thu, 2009-08-27 10:09

My mum is Japanese, and loves her beach and rock wall fishing. She says that skippy, whiting and squid are her favourite local sashimi fish.

Ikijimi or bleeding your catch is an absolute must. Also important to put the fish in an ice slurry, as sashimi must be at its freshest! Japanese pay premium price for the freshness of the fish.

She told me that the fish shop in Innaloo makes good sashimi packs with a good selection of fish. Once you see how it's done, then you can make your own.

You have to get 'Tamari' soy sauce, which is made for sashimi. Kikoman make it, and is sold in asian groceries and probably the super markets. Don't forget the wasabi. It kills germs, and also kills the smell of the fish.

Pete D's picture

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Thanks Dasho - Tamari on the

Thu, 2009-08-27 10:16

Thanks Dasho - Tamari on the shopping list! Squid and prawn..hmmm, worth a try.

Yeah, have had cray before Neil - very nice.

Cheers Pete

alfred's picture

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If you use a ready made

Thu, 2009-08-27 14:05

If you use a ready made vinegar to flavor the rice, you need to let it breath for a few minutes. Stirring in a tad of sugar helps.

Not any tamari will do, you must find the blend for sushi. If you are not fussy, most supermarkets will have it.

If you do live lobster sushi or sashimi, wait a while before serving kids or you will put them off forever. The lobster sashami will keep moving for several minutes, even after it has been cut to bite size pieces.

mako magic's picture

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hehehe wiggly food Alfred,

Thu, 2009-08-27 14:18

hehehe wiggly food Alfred, sounds like fun actually, could imagine it wiggling down your throat LOL

hlokk's picture

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Think thats wiggly? Try

Thu, 2009-08-27 14:50

Think thats wiggly? Try Sannakji

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try sannakji?

Thu, 2009-08-27 18:15

nope.   I like octopus, but I'm not doing that!!

HuggyB's picture

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generally speaking

Thu, 2009-08-27 14:55

most fresh fish is awesome sashimi. even the rubbish australian salmon is very tasty.

Cant believe people are turning their noses up at herring sashimi! Ah well, your loss........


                    The Terrorist - coming to a fishing spot near you.........

PilbaraBrad's picture

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coralrout is my personal

Thu, 2009-08-27 15:04

coralrout is my personal fav
i cook up a batch of rice, add sushi rice vinigar, and let it set in the fridge. I only use unfrozen fresh fish for sashimi.
With the fillet of trout laying flat on the chopping board i cut appprox haf centimeter thick pieces and then put into a zip lock bag, get all the air out of the bag and sit on ice or in the fridge for half hour to an hour.
Place pieces on to the sushi rice you have cut into small squares
Have a tub of soy and some wasabi handy and bobs your uncle
we almost lived on this stuff last trip out to the montes  Bloody beautiful

Lucky Tim's picture

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C'mon Brad you can describe

Thu, 2009-08-27 15:34

C'mon Brad you can describe how to cut the trout up better than that.

One nice way I've had it was thin slices of fish laid on glad wrap, squeeze lemon juice over and wrap, refridgerate for a hour or so and eat. Delicious (this was done with a small GT).

Otherwise the simplest way possible as Brad and others have said- soy, wasabi, rice with sushi seasoning. Just make sure the fish is chilled and looked after from capture. I think that's the main thing with good sushi- cared for fish.

Kasey L.'s picture

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The most important thing

Thu, 2009-08-27 15:07

The most important thing about sashimi is how to prepare your catch.

Make sure the fish is spiked and bled straight away, then ice it down in a slurry. If you don't drain the blood or kill the fish quickly it will spoil the meat, via enzymes released. If you let it flap around it will bruise.

Sashimi should never touch fresh-water or the texture and juices will be lost. If you slow-freeze the fish, alot of the texture will be lost too - so best to only eat it fresh. Also, only slice it when ready to eat - if you cut it up and leave it in the fridge for a day it will dry up and oxidise, thus losing flavour and texture.

Prepared properly and hygeinically, you could keep fish up to 4 days in the fridge and still be able to eat it raw.

Pete D's picture

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Thanks for all the good

Thu, 2009-08-27 15:11

Thanks for all the good advice - will put it to use at Steep Point in a few weeks.

Cheers Pete

Posts: 809

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u should all man up

Thu, 2009-08-27 16:12

eat the fish while its still on ur hook. don't let that freshness get away(don't get hooked either). u cant get fresher fish then an alive fish

alfred's picture

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Give it a try and you will

Thu, 2009-08-27 16:17

Give it a try and you will find that after sitting on ice for abit it will be nicer.

Kasey L.'s picture

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Putting the fish on ice

Thu, 2009-08-27 16:29

Putting the fish on ice first will relax the meat giving it better texture. When still alive/freshly killed the meat is often very "tense" - the muscles are all still knotted up from being stressed out by capture.

Unless you're the sort that likes quiverring meat... not really for me.

HuggyB's picture

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A herring?

Thu, 2009-08-27 18:00

All knotted up and tense from the battle? Doubtful I reckon!


Although I agree with bigger fish, and it also tends to firm the flesh up a bit to make filleting easier (cleaner).


                    The Terrorist - coming to a fishing spot near you.........

grayzeee's picture

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spanish mackerel was the

Thu, 2009-08-27 18:12

spanish mackerel was the best i've yet tried
it's the only fish i've tried. but bloody awesome


If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am. 

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I'll second that Grayzeee

Wed, 2009-12-30 12:00

Had the old spaniard long while ago now, still talk about how good it was.Tongue out  

jay_burgess's picture

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Best sashimi I've ever had

Thu, 2009-08-27 19:02

Best sashimi I've ever had was dogtooth tuna - unreal! YFT is pretty good as well.

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I bodged up the filleting

Tue, 2009-12-29 20:39

I bodged up the filleting job of my mulla a couple of months back...ended up eating the fish straight off the carcass. Best thing ever to touch my lips. Clean, fresh, beautiful texture.

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Wed, 2009-12-30 08:15

Has anyone tried YTK I've heard it is one of the finest sashimi meats.

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Its on the menu as hiramasa.

Wed, 2009-12-30 08:35

Its on the menu as hiramasa. Pretty sure that hamachi is amberjack.


Posts: 236

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good to see you guys are so

Wed, 2009-12-30 09:38

good to see you guys are so into sashimi! most caucasians cringe at the thought of eating raw fish. i love my sashimi! snapper is really nice and has a natural sweetness in it. 

I reckon herring would be like atlantic salmon, no? 

hlokk's picture

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Not remotely similar

Wed, 2009-12-30 10:27

Not remotely similar Wink

Biggo's picture

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Wed, 2009-12-30 09:43

HAve only done it with fresh Tuna on a boat, but have had Snapper Sushimi at a retaurant seasoned with rice wine vinegar.  very good

NOHA's picture

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sambo sashimi

Wed, 2009-12-30 10:17

sambo sashimi


Twin turbo..V8 diesel..Ohh what a feeling!!

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Pete D's picture

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lol - nice one

Wed, 2009-12-30 10:37

lol - nice one time for the wasabi hey.

Cheers Pete

Alan James's picture

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Mon, 2010-04-26 19:27

But can you really taste the flavour of the fish after you dip it into soy and add wasabi?   I like it too but I'm unsure if it's the additives or the fish I'm enjoying. 
