Suzuki or yamaha



currently looking at a quintrex 610 cruiseabout. I am looking at the option of a 150hp yamaha or 175hp Suzuki (both 4 stroke). I had a quintrex freedom sport 10 or so years ago, a 570 with a 115 yamaha. It never missed a beat, but I'm reading very good reviews on the suz. There's a $500 difference between the 2 outboards, the suz being $500 more. I'm inclined to the suz.

can anyone give me some experiences having a 175hp (or similar) Suzuki outboard?



RobertMc's picture

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Sun, 2015-02-08 08:10


RobertMc's picture

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 Haha here we go get the

Sun, 2015-02-08 08:10

 Haha here we go get the popcorn ready...

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 That interesting huh?

Sun, 2015-02-08 08:26

 That interesting huh?

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 Both have a rep for being a

Sun, 2015-02-08 08:40

 Both have a rep for being a good motor. I would be happy with either. 150hp is plenty on that hull and 175 will really make it scoot.


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Sun, 2015-02-08 09:27

 Not getting into the pros and cons of the donks as I think so long as its japanese in 4s they are all good, so long as serviced well.  I think with probably a third of marine dealers and service agents falling over or closing in the last couple of years, you need to take this into account. It may pay to have a good look at what is in your area as some brands have only one or two outlets across Perth and parts supply can be difficult.


Vinesh87's picture

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 Just fyi yamaha and suzuki

Sun, 2015-02-08 10:11

 Just fyi yamaha and suzuki both make a 200hp lighter than those models!

Buts its ford  or holden really. Both great motors!

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hehe 200 on a 6.1 quintrex

Sun, 2015-02-08 12:08

hehe 200 on a 6.1 quintrex

but interesting ...the new yammi 175 is slightly lighter than the current 150.

Vinesh87's picture

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 Ah yeh missed the bit where

Sun, 2015-02-08 12:30

 Ah yeh missed the bit where he has a 115 haha


175 is the exact same block/weight as f200 yam!

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 New or used?older yam F150

Sun, 2015-02-08 11:43

 New or used?

older yam F150 had a counter balance shaft issue.

New there is nothing between them, id have either in a heartbeat.

For that sort of info use The Hull Truth, worlds biggest boat forum.


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 Thanks all. I'm looking at

Sun, 2015-02-08 12:07

 Thanks all. I'm looking at new as well. I agree it may come down to service agent availability etc etc. I'm leaning toward the Suzi I think. Seems better value for money. The yamaha is an expensive outboard.

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correct me if I'm wrong but

Sun, 2015-02-08 12:11

correct me if I'm wrong but was told recently that the suzi is a modified car motor while the yammi is a purpose built boat motor ?

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dont think that is true, only

Sun, 2015-02-08 18:28

dont think that is true, only the present Hondas are based on car engines to the best of my knowledge.

I believe the Yam F115, which was about Yams first large 4S in 2000 was based on (I think) the Lotus twin cam or one of the pommy 4 cylinders.

Whatever, it stood the test of time until being replaced by a new model only last year-great engine as is my Suz DF115's


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fishy fingers's picture

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not modified

Sun, 2015-02-08 12:20

 but the same technology as the vitarra or sierra no sure which

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Yamaha 150

Sun, 2015-02-08 12:25

 got a 150 Yamaha from jet power in December on a 19 foot glass boat

absolute cracker and very happy with it. the 150 Yamaha puts out way more than the rating

no way would I pay more for the Suzi- I'd pay more for the 150 over the 175 any day

the only problem I have is not enough weekends


 Baron Sportsman

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 Does the 150 yamaha have

Sun, 2015-02-08 12:28

 Does the 150 yamaha have NMEA output at all?

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Yam 150 Nmea

Fri, 2015-03-06 09:10

 Yeah I have that motor on a bar crusher 670 and it goes like a dream. Nmea 2k linked to lowrance. Dads old boat had a suzuki, they have an offset drive shaft which allows lower engine revs due to a reduction gear. Also brings the weight forward over the transom. 175 suzuki for roughly the same as a 150 yami. I'd go the bigger motor everytime. Prop it up and cruise. Suzuki reputation is on the rise, I think the larger motor would give the same or better resale.

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Have had both

Sun, 2015-02-08 13:05

 Currently have a 2009 suzuki 225 have done 450 hours serviced every 100hours including changing impeller at each service would rate both motors the same modern technology have had 225 Yamaha 150hp Yamaha vmax and 225 suzuki all new never had a ounce of problem with any of them 

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Yamaha for me

Sun, 2015-02-08 15:55

 Just for resale value alone I would go Yamaha. I mean they are the best arn't they. A F150 on that boat would give you 40+ knots.  Crusing at 30knots for 4000 rpm with a 19M prop. Great fuel economy too.

The Yamaha F150 is a humdinga of a motor..Someone said its the worlds number one selling 4 stroke. You can expect 4000 odd hours of happy boating out of it.

crano's picture

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 I have asked 3 outboard

Sun, 2015-02-08 17:05

 I have asked 3 outboard mechanics the same question. They all said there was nothing in it.Aparently if you are unlucky enough to need parts the suzi parts cost more.They all agree yamaha australia are a bunch of pricks.

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 suzuki comes with 5 year

Sun, 2015-02-08 17:21

 suzuki comes with 5 year warranty not sure about yami

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 Thanks all for the input.

Sun, 2015-02-08 20:30

 Thanks all for the input. It's almost like splitting hairs....i can agree with the yammy 115 I had 12 yrs ago. But, I hear yammy have a 3yr warranty and Suzi a 5yr one. And as per cranos comments about yammy customer service- I've heard the same actually being a bunch of sh*ts..

sarcasm0's picture

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hah ok

Sun, 2015-02-08 20:40

Having dealt with most of the brands I am keen to see what aspect of yamaha customer service they feel is not up to scratch. 

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Currently I am owing 670XS

Wed, 2015-05-06 14:19

Currently I am owing 670XS from Bar Crusher which is backedup with Suzuki 175 and I suggest you to go with Suzuki as my experience with Suzuki is quite good as compared to Yamaha.

Brucesta's picture

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thankfully yammy's don't

Thu, 2015-05-07 08:30

thankfully yammy's don't break so you don't need that shit service :)

i don't think you can go wrong with either, it'd be down to local support from your favoured mechanic that would sway me. I'd love a new 200hp on mine but it's just not going to die any time soon. 520hours in 3 years and turns over first time every time and serviced every 100 hours.


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Jetpower's picture

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Free Rigging on Yamaha F150

Mon, 2015-08-03 21:03

 If you're still in the market might be worth checking out the free rigging promo Yamaha are offering on the F150 (saves you up to $2,300 off RRP!)

FYI the Yami will come with a 4 year warranty when serviced by a Yamaha dealer (not sure if Suzuki require similar to qualify for the 5 years?)  Both v.good motors IMO


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spinksy's picture

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Got a 175 Suzi

Thu, 2015-09-03 10:44

110 hours Awesome motor and swings a BIG prop.

ranmar850's picture

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I wish people would stop

Thu, 2015-09-03 21:28

 bringing up this bullshit " but it's a modified car motor whereas ^%$#& is designed as an outboard" So Bloody what. It is such a bloody furphy.Would anyone have the nerve to point the finger at the original Honda 90 4 s, which was based on the Civic car engine? The bloody things are indestructible, I personally know of two in this town which have been in constant service since they were first released, minimal service and not a single issue. No hour meters, but they must be right up there. So much bullshit out there (well, it IS the internet)  Seen recently on another forum "don't buy the new yammies my mates a mechanic an he says there (sic) shit only have cast pistons" What The Actual F*ck. I doubt if any outboards have, or ever have had,  forged pistons. Just cast and machined like most automotive pistons. I mean, outboards are actually quite a low output engine per litre, generally.

Rant over/

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certainly agree, the Hondas

Fri, 2015-09-04 12:25

certainly agree, the Hondas led the way undoubtedly.

But there are some disadvantages to using a auto engine over a purpose design.

One is that the auto engines have the flywheel on the driven end unlike Suz/Yam etc and this adds a considerable amount of labour to replacing a starter motor on these.

A local outboard dealer I knew (retired now) who you would likely also know Ranmar, told me he changed one out on a Honda (not a Honda dealer) and didnt know what to charge as it took so long.
Rang a Perth Honda dealer and was told 17hrs was the normal charge as the powerhead needed to be lifted
This may be an exaggeration but it was just a passing conversation, not "dont buy a Honda".

Has anyone else come across this?


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think I brought this up but

Fri, 2015-09-04 19:58

think I brought this up but was just an observation .... wasn't degrading either motor .....

Posts: 185

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I've got a Suzuki 300 on the

Fri, 2015-09-04 13:00

I've got a Suzuki 300 on the back of mine and its never missed a beat. Good power and economy.

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I've owned a 115, 140, 140a,

Fri, 2015-09-04 19:32

I've owned a 115, 140, 140a, 150, 175 suzuki, been on boats with 250, 225, 50, 90a, 250a and they have all been flawless, the 250 a mate owned had 3000hours until an oil filter split and he did a big end bearing, ive also been on a boat with the 90a lean burn with over 1500 trouble free hours. Suzuki make a very good product. I had a 300 4.2 yamaha and that was a good motor too, i feel its lacking in technology with still using timing belts and not lean burn feedback, ive seen some big hours on yamaha and they take a solid beating! The 350 yamaha sounds like a dud though. If i ever get another boat a suzuki will sit on its transom for sure. If you have a good dealer near by you cant go wrong with either.

ranmar850's picture

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Good point Rob

Sun, 2015-09-06 11:05

 But there are some disadvantages to using a auto engine over a purpose design.

One is that the auto engines have the flywheel on the driven end unlike Suz/Yam etc and this adds a considerable amount of labour to replacing a starter motor on these.

Good point Rob, I hadn't taken the repair scenario into account. But as to actual durability in service, which I think most people are referencing in this instance, i don't think it matters. Are the later EFI's Hondas the same, or was it just the original carburettored models? Servicing on the F115 certainly looks straightforward, I was watching as mine was done this week. As it was a secondhand motor, and sold to me with a"goodwill" warranty, I'll be having it done by the mobile mechanic (the seller) for now.

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 not sure, never had a Honda

Sun, 2015-09-06 12:05

 not sure, never had a Honda but there is no doubt that they were well and truly the forerunner of the units we have today and Honda are solid engineering.
Id happily own one except they seem to be fairly costly and some models are quite heavy compared to Suz/Yam


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ASD14's picture

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The big three; Yamaha, Suzuki

Thu, 2015-11-26 08:42

The big three; Yamaha, Suzuki and Honda are all very good motors mate.. I personally run a Yamaha F150 on my barcrusher, and so far its great. Good power, economy and so darn quiet.

Either way you go there all great, reliable motors.

Paul H's picture

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The supposed extra warranty

Thu, 2015-11-26 13:51

The supposed extra warranty if it is serviced by an authorised dealer is a furphy too. they did and still do the same thing with new cars and its just a money making ploy.

As long as you could prove you had (what ever make) serviced by a competent marine mechanic you would be covered by statutory warranty regardless. And given the cost you'd be quite reasonable to expect them to last at least 5 years under normal/recreational conditions.


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Thu, 2015-11-26 23:24

 SUZUKI. Thats all ;)

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what colour do you prefer,

Fri, 2015-11-27 09:32

what colour do you prefer, that is all