Swan River by catch - 6cm fish id
Submitted by Gezzza on Sat, 2024-06-08 13:30
Found this in the prawn net when cleaning up today.
Must have been in some weed.
They are spines on each side of the mouth.
The skin has slime like a Red Scorpion Cod
Im thinking it might be in this Family of Fishes.
Common name: Family TETRAROGIDAE - Fortesques, Sailback Scorpionfishes, Wasp Fishes
I have it frozen in a block of river water if it is of any interest to Glenn at WA Museum.
We got another 6 tonight but they all went back and they were all on clumps of weed on a run out tide.
Nobody gets out of life alive, so make the most of it.
Posts: 317
Date Joined: 21/02/09
Western Fortescue ?
Never seen one but matches the description in the sea fishes of Southern Australia ID book
Posts: 15
Date Joined: 19/09/16
Didn't even check book
Hi Chinbald
I also have that book and have thumbed through it for years but didn't even think to look in it on this occassion.
Nobody gets out of life alive, so make the most of it.
Faulkner Family
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Date Joined: 11/03/08
Nasty linking little focker .
Nasty linking little focker . What part of the river
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
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Date Joined: 19/09/16
In the lower reaches of the Swan
Down river from Blackwall Reach.
Nobody gets out of life alive, so make the most of it.
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Date Joined: 03/02/12
Pretty sure that's what we called a devil fish. Got done a few times sorting the net back in the day. Very painfull.
Posts: 15
Date Joined: 19/09/16
Devil fish
Hi Jighead
My understanding was the Devil fish is more like a 6cm Shovelnose ray in body shape and yes have heard painful.
My son got pricked by the Fortescue and said it felt hot and painful but not enough to stop prawning.
Nobody gets out of life alive, so make the most of it.
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Date Joined: 10/04/15
Posts: 15
Date Joined: 19/09/16
Thanks for your help on the ID.
Nobody gets out of life alive, so make the most of it.
Posts: 219
Date Joined: 17/01/11
Happy Moments
We used to get them in the net on occasions and always called them Happy Moments, a bit tounge in cheek as they hurt if you coped a spike.