the tackle shack 2 lb challenge - July 2008 comp - Dreamy's report
Submitted by Dreamweaver on Mon, 2008-07-14 08:17
OK, thought I'd set this up ready for my foray into Great Southern breaming waters as my action in the above comp.
I intend to fish the Kalgan, Hay and King Rivers.
Here's one shot of the King River - Chester Pass Road bridge:
Another further down stream toward Oyster Harbour where the King Feeds into:
Some of the wild life can be a bit intimidating!:
I'll be buying the line of course and eager to try out the Pflueger 2 piece I picked up. Will post more pics and content as it comes to hand. Pics of BREAM hopefully!
Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!
mako magic
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hahhaha someones got
hahhaha someones got confidence, last time i remember someone posting up pre made brags they got nothing, i hope you dont fall into that catagory colin, get ya 1kg line and nail a few mate, would be nice to see the voucher go south hehehe.
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The Mocka
LOL Matt, well, it wasn't me that posted that previous one
, bloody hope I catch something now LOL 
Colin Molloy
(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
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Colin Hay
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Very fishy looking spots mate
I'm a bit worried about that bird thing though. What the hell is it?
(Colin 1 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
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The Bird #1
It's a giant Kingfisher that somebody constructed - don't know any info on it though.
Colin Molloy
(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
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Colin Hay
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Bloody weird sight to come across
when you're walking through the bush.
Pretty fishy looking spot in front of it though. That branch on the right hand side would have something under it.
(Colin 1 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
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That branch on the right hand side would have something under it
Quiet a few dangling lures and other bits and pieces LOL
Colin Molloy
(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
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Colin Hay
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I bet it does mate
(Colin 1 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
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went for a fish in busso
went for a fish in busso with the 2lb gear to try for this comp .... only ended up with small bream to 20cm :( .... lots of em around so hopfully i'll hook a bigger one next time .
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Feral - good luck mate!!
If you have any pics as Matt suggests, probably best to post them in a new post perhaps - The Tackle Shack 2lb challenge - July - Black Bream linked to this original thread. Just a suggestion.
Colin Molloy
(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
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mako magic
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send the pics thru feral,
send the pics thru feral, we havent had any bream pics yet, might just be a 20cm fish to win it too
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BREAM - My 22 Jully Effort
Well, finally got off my butt early yesterday morning for my first attempt at 'the comp’, the 2lb line July bream comp kindly facilitated by Tackle Shack.
A trip down to Albany meant a 05:45am rise, so I could be ready and the car packed in time for me accompany my wife in her 07:00 am departure for her Albany work trip.
I’d spent quite a bit of time talking to some of the young guns ‘down here’ from a local forum. I was told I basically had the right gear, and was told to give Nannarup Inlet a go. So that was the plan!
After dropping my wife off at 07:45am, I headed around town to fulfil a number of purchasing duties my wife and I ‘had agreed on’ the night before.
By 10.30am, ‘duties’ accomplished’, I headed off to Nannarup. Other than verbal build ups by the young guns I had spoken to, and a look on Google Earth and the map, I had no idea what to expect.
After travelling 20 minutes, basically south east of Albany, I finally arrived at the inlet. The road swings well behind the inlet, then runs alongside, on the eastern edge, before terminating at a rough small car park with the obligatory toilets and access to a sand/mud ramp into the water which also allowed 4WD access to the sand bar(beach) between the ocean and the inlet.
A spot just to the right of ‘the ramp’ was fishable, but I wanted to find somewhere a bit more secluded:
Further down from the ramp, two guys with chest high waders were fly fishing. I spent 5 minutes watching them, as the leader swished it's way back and forth across the water, before the fly was dropped:
I took a slow drive along the road, eagerly trying to spot water that was accessible from the shore, through the very thick shore vegetation. I located only one spot, that was down a short track and through a sizeable rain sodden dip:
Tying on my newly purchases fluorocarbon leader with double uni knots (LOTS of twists), I attached a 1/16 Jig Head, using a perfection loop and tried a number of ‘softies’, with various retrieve techniques. All to no avail.
It was 12:00 noon, so I decided to give the Kalgan a go. There was ‘a spot’ within what I would describe as the ‘middle section’ that had produced previously with Gulp worms. So armed with my additional arsenal of softies, I headed off to travel down what I knew would be a very muddy and pot-holed track.
It’s a small spot, at the end of the track, with space for two vehicles and very limited access to the water. As luck would have it, the bays were empty and the bank deserted. The sun was shining, the water calm and there wasn’t s sole around. A great place to be, alone with my thoughts and the excited expectation of hooking onto some bream:
Alas, the bream were nowhere to be seen, not even the slightest nibble. Just the inevitable replacement of leaders and jig heads from a few hapless casts into the overhead branches and from snags on underwater debris that had been washed down from the recent heavy rains and resultant water flows.
Undaunted, I decided to try another spot, further up stream My wife and I had tried this spot previously, and had acquired a decent bag of sizeable bream using a hook only, baited with fresh koonack.
So off on the road again, and a quick drive north had me pulling into yet another gravel car park abutting the Kalgan.
There was still plenty of water flowing under the bridge and downstream:
A few flicks out from the river bank just below the car park resulted in no activity, so it was time to walk the 1 kilometre or so trail down to the spot I previously referred to. It was tricky goinng as the track, although involving quite a bit of ‘up and down’ via steps and slopes downward, was strewn with previously overhead tree debris and branches from the recent storms.
Thirty minutes later, I arrived and made my way down the steep bank to small area of flattened grass overlooking a small structure-infested channel between the bank and a small vegetation-covered and rock-skirted island.
Once again, not a sign of a bite and lots of gear lost to submerged and overhead snags.
With time quickly approaching the point where I’d have to pick my wife up from work, I decided I’d head into town and try the lower reaches of the Kalgan:
You guessed it, once again, not a single bite.
I’d bought (and brought) an arsenal of softies:
- 6" Sandworms
- Ribbontail Power Grub(Pumkinseed)
- 60mm Fish Hot Tails (Killer Tomato colour)
- 100mm wriglers (Bloodworm)
- 70mm flick baits
- 60mm hot tails (neon silver tails)
- 100mm wriggler hot tails (silver fox - chartreuse tail)
- wrigglers (bloodworm)
- 70mm red eye bugs
- 1.5" Baby Craws
- 2" Fat Grubs (Black Gord)
and even some GULP S/W Crabs
Well, that was my first foray, for the comp. Hope to get out later in the week!
My guess is that, down here, the bream have moved much closer to river and estuary mouths, due to the amount of freshwater and flushing.
Colin Molloy
(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
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mako magic
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Some nice pics there Colin,
Some nice pics there Colin, atleast you got out and had a fish and a good time, sounds like you enjoyed the adventure and thats what its all about, a fish is a bonus.
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PH:9248 3800 unit 3/11 Alexander drive Malaga
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Yeah Matt, but you were right...
'Pre-posting' this thread was a jona LOL
Colin Molloy
(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
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nice journey, it all looked
nice journey, it all looked pretty fishy from here.
next time mate.
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Thanks Wicksey!
My wife and I were conducted a bit of a verbal post mortem last night over a few wines and we came to the conclusion that, like the Perth river systems, the bream move closer down stream, but even more so down here. Also, that the two spots that produced previously were both fished by us in summer time, which lends credence to the first point.
As you say - next time!!
Colin Molloy
(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
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mako magic
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Here Fishy Fishy, lol with
Here Fishy Fishy, lol with the rains we been getting next time close to the mouth might have been the better option colin, but hey atm it would be just nice to get out fishing.
The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
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PH:9248 3800 unit 3/11 Alexander drive Malaga
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Very fishy looking area
Very fishy looking area isn't it!
Good pics n report Colin
second that Matt, a fish is a bonus...
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Mako - Sam
Matt - yeah, hoping to go out to 'another river' - maybe even tomorrow!
Sam - damn fine indeed mate - thanks for the compliments on the report!
Shame about the fish, wanted to test my 2-4 Pflueger !
Next time!
Colin Molloy
(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
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mako magic
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i got one of those
i got one of those pfluegar's in the 1-3kg range and a 2-4kg range,gotthe 1-3 for the 1kg line too colin, nice little rid, but might be building a 1-3kg loomis if i get the blank that has been offered to me, will have some fun with that,
Gee fishing 2 days in a week, you must be doing lots of housework to be let out so often atm colin.
The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800 unit 3/11 Alexander drive Malaga
mako magic
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Date Joined: 03/08/05
i got one of those
i got one of those pfluegar's in the 1-3kg range and a 2-4kg range,gotthe 1-3 for the 1kg line too colin, nice little rid, but might be building a 1-3kg loomis if i get the blank that has been offered to me, will have some fun with that,
Gee fishing 2 days in a week, you must be doing lots of housework to be let out so often atm colin.
The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800 unit 3/11 Alexander drive Malaga
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Loomis has such a good name - never used one, but sounds good!
As for the 2 days, hmmm, behind the 8 ball a bit after today LOL. Better get crackin LOL.
Colin Molloy
(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
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Adam Gallash
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Having lived in bream country for 15 years I'd say your spot on Col, too much fresh run-off, I would try those spots in summer and they'd produce a lot more. Like you said, the bream will be down in the haunts near the mouth looking for some salty silt.
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Thanks Adam..... ???
Nice bream there - was walpole inlet mate? That's not you is it mate?
Colin Molloy
(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
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Adam Gallash
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Yeh its the Walpole, and no, definately not me... ;)
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Thought not! LOL
Not much resemblence LOL.
Colin Molloy
(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)
Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!