tourists and muddies
Gday all got a gripe at the moment about a couple tourists up our way in point samson i spoke to a grey nomad the other day about doing a bit of house minding for me when i go away he said he wasnt able to do it but he knew someone in the park that may be able to help me out he said he would send me a text and let me know anyway we soon started talking fishing and he was telling me that the couple he was going to ask have been out every day for quite a while and in the past two weeks have pulled over 150 muddies and been giving them away and even selling a few now dont get me wrong i dont have a hatred for tourists i meet some quite colourful characters and i even take a few fishing when spots are available on my boat but the thought of that many crabs going out of the local creeks from one fisher is bullshit i think that is why tourists do get a bad name also i have herd the same story from other people so wether its true or not i dont know but the fisheries are aware so we will see where it goes.In all the years i have lived up here i have never herd of such greed not to say that all locals are all angels either im sure theres a few bad eggs amongst us but i would hope to think not anyway thats my gripe interested to hear yor thoughts.
We feel nothing but a certain difficulty in continuing to stand
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Date Joined: 17/05/12
Limit your catch
Limit your catch not catch your limit-surely there must be a daily limit on muddies. 150 crabs in two weeks is taking the piss. i would hope fisheries are gunna follow this up especially if they are selling them with out a licence ??
If fishing is a sport I,m an elite athlete
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Date Joined: 31/03/10
spot on.. i dont know how many muddies are floating around up there but 150 in 2 weeks? jesus- selling thems a bit of a no no too :L hope they move on soon ..
Posts: 234
Date Joined: 24/06/12
Last i knew i think the
Last i knew i think the limit was 5 per person. And 2 was more than enough for me wen i used to catch them. Thats disgusting if that amount is caught!
The name is Zoe.
If any1 but the wife asks im fishing, if she asks im at work.
Posts: 50
Date Joined: 13/01/12
yep sad times
The amount of fish and crabs caught are out of control, most of these grey nomad's are living the dream and can fish and crab every day. They think they are doing the good thing by sharing out the catch among all the crew.
Hopefully fisheries will keep an eye on them and police possion limits as well.
Hopefully some get left behind so our kid's can enjoy them too.
I have No issue with tourist but raping a place is not the go, especialy day after day.
Nice work carry
If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough
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Date Joined: 22/04/09
Yeah like i say everyone is entitled to catch a feed i got a missus and 3 kids and 4 big bucks is enough for us idiots like thatr just give tourists and visitors a bad name .
We feel nothing but a certain difficulty in continuing to stand
pale ale
Posts: 1755
Date Joined: 02/01/10
Happens every bloody
Happens every bloody year.
Heard about a couple old greedy bastards from Victoria who bragged about having 52 mudcrabs to take home.
See it in Darwin too, with barramundi. We have had old blokes offer us big barra coas they had more than their bag limit (which meant they had more than 15 big barra in their boat.) We declined as we were fishing in a barra tournament. Anyway, they went back to camp, cleaned their fish and came back out in the arvo for another session.
I reckon mudcrab limit should be 2 per person
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
Thats just greed
Or the oldies trying to say "how big's my d#k" because that no longer functions. Gives them a name as the Muddy catchers etc, so they feel appreciated among peers.
In my opinion that suxs, and I would raise this with Fisheries. A little visit explaining the situation about sharing etc might just make them do things different, even if they arent breaking the law or rules. I hate catching fish to brag about how good you are when it comes to bag limits. And dont even like pictures off "bags" but thats just because I dont seem to ever get there
. Still just taking enough for a feed, leaving some for others or the future is something that the visitors (gray ones) up here havent fully gripped, and I hear heaps off stories like this from GNs. In my job I see them, and often have to realy bite my tongue hearing about their exploits. One particular Victorian told me about his Whiting day at Cleaverville. Caught 150 odd in a day. I said thats above the limit. Answer was that "only if you have them on you, so I walk back to camp and then come back". I changed the subject, but no more favours for him and advised Fisheries that I heard a story about Nomads catching heaps of Whiting at cleaverville.
Some off the limits are tight, especially down in the SW, but going day in/out, bagging out and then giving(??even Trading/selling possible) them away just pisses me off.
And I would be happy with a lower limit for Muddies like Pale Ale above, but more towards possension.
The more I think about this the more irrate I feel, so just stop and say -HATE IT.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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Gotta agree with you crasny and pale ale lower the limits on muddies you dont need many for a feed theres no need to be a greedy bastard but i have notified the fisheries and had a follow up phone call from them about an hour ago they on there way out to see the persons in question keep you posted if any more info comes to light .
We feel nothing but a certain difficulty in continuing to stand
pale ale
Posts: 1755
Date Joined: 02/01/10
Old bastards are probably on
Old bastards are probably on their laptops reading this, will then go and warn the offenders.
Does the ranger out there have any interest in this behaviour? Maybe he should be authorised to do caravan searches???
Posts: 657
Date Joined: 22/04/09
Pale ale in the 20 odd years ive been up here i have personally seen the fisheries under 5 times so its probably up to us to dob these turds in.
We feel nothing but a certain difficulty in continuing to stand
Busted Arse
Posts: 253
Date Joined: 02/07/10
F**k the nomads. Tell
F**k the nomads. Tell fisheries to pay them a visit.
Posts: 205
Date Joined: 31/12/11
Grey nomads
Have personally heard an old fella tell me about a place in QLD, called Baffle Ck. He was crabbing it 20-25 years ago and used to make himself look good among the other caravan park users by giving away big mobs on a regular basis, ande guess what ,in the next breath he whinges that is no good there any more. He has now moved onto raping an area in SA catching heaps of whiting. Unfortunately these older generation don't have the right mindset, its a wonder some areas are not completely stuffed.PS a friends uncle and unless he is caught or when he is no longer that is when it will stop.
Taking a 70 tear old pensioner with me in the next week or so and he has bought his fishing license and i will make sure the limit is not exceeded.
Posts: 205
Date Joined: 31/12/11
Grey nomads
Have personally heard an old fella tell me about a place in QLD, called Baffle Ck. He was crabbing it 20-25 years ago and used to make himself look good among the other caravan park users by giving away big mobs on a regular basis, ande guess what ,in the next breath he whinges that is no good there any more. He has now moved onto raping an area in SA catching heaps of whiting. Unfortunately these older generation don't have the right mindset, its a wonder some areas are not completely stuffed.PS a friends uncle and unless he is caught or when he is no longer that is when it will stop.
Taking a 70 tear old pensioner with me in the next week or so and he has bought his fishing license and i will make sure the limit is not exceeded.
Pilbra Dave
Posts: 194
Date Joined: 30/09/11
I Hope Fisheries Catch the Prick
Raping Day after Day makes me sick, I Hope Fisheries Catch the Prick or a Crab Takes a Finger!
If you ain't Fishin you ain't Livin
Posts: 27
Date Joined: 23/02/11
is it 5 possession
In the nt some stuff is on a possession limit, not a daily limit
So grey nomads can only have say 3 barra in their possession at the daly. That includes what they have in their freezer, which soon starts to lend to the "hey you want a few fish" or "Wanna buy a fish? Comes with a cheap bridge" Fisheries here have pretty strong powers of entry search and seize but like everywhere they are in limited numbers to do their jobs but they do a good job
So are crabs a possession limit over there?
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
grey nomads
yep have to agree with all of the posts above there should be zero tollerance towards this activity, by the way am a grey nomad. It gives me the business when in a park and someone comes up thinking they are doing the right thing by offering me a couple of nice muddies. hey i came up here (whereever) to enjoy the outing and catching my own muddies and just taking enough for a single meal for me and the wife. we went to cape kaldren one year and fcrom 200 metres from the camp site the stench was terrible on finding out what was the cause for the bloody awful smell we discovered the rubbish bins (2) choka block full of muddies, a few days earlier some group of ferals and their off spring had camped there and the snots had spent all day every day catching muddies then trying to give them away to other campers who didn't want to be given crabs but wanted to catch their own when they went out to do this what did they find zip bugger all because the untamed ferals had let their snots run rampant catching muddies.
If I see abuse of any fish resorce i give fisheries a call which i am sorry to say doesn't bring much of a responce but plenty of excusses from them but thats about all i can do at my age as the days of physicaly explaining to people that what they are doing is not going to be tolerated have gone.
Posts: 32
Date Joined: 14/04/12
Got me pretty fired up this
Got me pretty fired up this story. I`m looking at every dingy that goes past now thinking are you the bastards that are raping our creeks and denying our kids a chance to fish/crab in the future.
Absolutely disgraceful behaviour with no consideration for anybody else. There`s plenty of little boats around at the moment and everybody deserves the chance to experience the excitement of lifting a pot with a nice fat muddie in it. Thats going to be harder for a lot of people now with some greedy prick stealing that oppurtunity away from them.
Kind of feel guilty for catching ten yesterday now. In my defence I was with a friend who had never caught crabs before and he had a house full of people to share with. Ate a couple myself and shared with another friend who has never eaten crabs before so I dont consider myself any where near the same as this guy.
Normally a few crabs are more than enough for a family and like someone said earlier he is obviously enjoying a bit of misguided fame around the caravan park being a crabbing hero.
Good on you Carry for getting on to fisheries. Seen a couple of things around here in the past that have made me think maybe I should call fisheries but I never did. Tell you what after thinking about the long term impact these people can have on the marine enviroment I will not hesiate in the future.
Fish for the future.
Posts: 617
Date Joined: 27/02/08
My oldies are grey nomads
My oldies are grey nomads and currently at Cleaverville. Dad loves his fishing but strictly sticks to the limits and catches enough for a feed. But he is old school and has been greedy in the past like a lot of older folk, using nets and setlines in the 70s etc. Now it's all about catching big fish, within the limits, consistently that earns the bragging rights among the old farts. I don't agree with a lot of the things they do but if he isn't breaking any rules what can you do? Fishing everyday.....half their friggen luck!!!
Posts: 657
Date Joined: 22/04/09
Wayno mate i saw your pics ont her forum and i dont think for 1 minute you are doing the wrong thing i have in the past done the same thing when ive got mum and dad up from down south but i only catch my quota once and that is more than enough but to do it day after day and then have the gall to brag thats just taking the piss so i reckon fuck this idiot and put him in so hopefully karma willbite him on the ass and he gets 20 flat tyres on the way home from where ever he crawled from the piece of shit.
PS sorry about the language
We feel nothing but a certain difficulty in continuing to stand
Rob H
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Date Joined: 18/01/12
Bag limits
Bag limits should be set equivalent to how much tax you pay
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
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bag lmits
Does that bag limit drop by how many kids you have or licensed fishers you have either way someone will find a way around it but if like mentioned before limit your catch dont catch your limit things would be different and woody unfortunately mate its because the old farts caught shitloads in the past it has stuffed it for our generation so we should do the right thing now so that future gener ations will have something to catch and dont get me wrong i like watching people getting a feed but if anyone it should be our elders that are encouraging "bag limits" or just getting a feed and not feeding every other dickhead that throws them a friendly wave ...
We feel nothing but a certain difficulty in continuing to stand
Posts: 39
Date Joined: 25/07/12
I think if i remember
I think if i remember correctly reading the info about the "fishing from boat" license that a "boat limit" comes into play when there are multiple license holders. I could be mistaken but I think i'm close.
Faulkner Family
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Date Joined: 11/03/08
not good at all. some think
not good at all. some think they are there for the taking so why not take what we can get.
i agree with your last statement Carry, it was the older generation that would go out and kill the pig and take sh#@ loads of fish back from their trips away and its the same generation now that are the grey nomads. you would have thought that lessons would have been learnt by now.
We suffer now with the greater restrictions because of people like that. i hope these nomads that are greedy get their just deserts and get busted big time.
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 404
Date Joined: 17/05/12
Maybe there should be some
Maybe there should be some sort of weekly bag limit-like 5 a day or 15 over seven days. I know it would be almost impossible to enforce but it would hopefully discourage those that have the option to fish every day and catch thier bag limit ??
If fishing is a sport I,m an elite athlete
Busted Arse
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Date Joined: 02/07/10
Maybe the Camp Caretakers
Maybe the Camp Caretakers (eg at 40 mile, cleaverville, keraudren etc) should be given powers to inspect freezers and eski's on a regular basis?
pale ale
Posts: 1755
Date Joined: 02/01/10
I saw a couple oldies in a
I saw a couple oldies in a tinnie at Withnell Bay a couple years back. Asked them how the fishing was.
Bloody great they said as they asked me what type of fish they had in their esky. I looked in and saw about 30 miniature tuskfish (bluebone). They had no idea what they were killing, but were gonna take everything they could.
pale ale
Posts: 1755
Date Joined: 02/01/10
still happening?
still happening?
Posts: 134
Date Joined: 14/02/12
It is an absolute travesty
It is an absolute travesty and needs tobe stopped. I lived up there with my family and taught my children how to catch muddies on the creeks by foot. Bastards like this will ensur that my kids can't pass this knowledge on as there wont be any left or there will be a ban on catching them. These pricks need to be brought to justice and the rest of the nomads pulled into line. Go to the camps and check their freezers, be at the boat ramps check them when they come in, walk the friggin beaches. Limits were put into place to preserve, unfortunately the money that we all pay for licenses, regos etc is being used wisely enough. Damn i am Pissed about these friggin idiots!!!!!
Ocean bound is where I'll be found
Posts: 39
Date Joined: 25/07/12
Maybe some "official" type
Maybe some "official" type person could approach fisheries about starting up some kind of "deputy" type system. For exampe a lot of you guys who have commented here so far have done and continue to do so spend a large amount of time actively in the sport. What if fisheries could give a training course to professional sport fishers and some limited power of search and siezure to help them out in the more remote area's?. I recognize it probably sounds stupid and I'm not saying that every jo blo should have the full powers of fisheries, but say just enough power to pull those tourists up and give em a good telling off, as well as collecting personal ID information and evidence (photo, sample etc) to pass on to fisheries for them to act on.
Reading about someone taking that many crabs is just sickening, reminds me of an old boy who used to work at my work drift netted up north got a massive haul of mullet and I highly doubt they where all legal. Unless your a commercial fisher then I think the old rule I was taught by the grown ups when I was a boy was 1 fish for you, 1 for mum (for the pan) and 1 for the freezer.
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
It doesn't just happen right up north, take a good look down the west coast on Ningaloo, Cardabia, Warroora, Gnaraloo etc where they go out as often as possible and when close to the catch limit take it into town and send it south . When you have a couple, thats 40kg of fillets and its sometimes once a fortnight.
pale ale
Posts: 1755
Date Joined: 02/01/10
It's on in full swing at the
It's on in full swing at the moment. Head down to 40 mile beach, where there are about 100 bloody caravans, then examine some of the "dumps" where you will find piles of rotting fish frames. Some guys must kill up to 20 bloody small cod every day. There would not even be a decent fillet on them!