
Hey everyone me and the mates have planned our first big fishing trip to Wagoe in april next year.

Is this a good time to go?

What gear should we be taking up there in the way of rods and reels,(overhead,spin, both?)

Any information would really help me on my fisrt trip which I am really looking forward to, thanks.


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cudbfishn's picture

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April is the absolute best

Tue, 2010-08-31 21:53

April is the absolute best time of year. good pick.

Mackies will be goin balistic at that time.

Take anything that you can baloon with. Like big capacity reels. Overheads work well.

Otherwise general beach/rock gear.

shanedm's picture

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yeh mate cudbfishn is right

Wed, 2010-09-01 00:50

yeh mate cudbfishn is right april is probably the best time of the year you could have chosen. we used to do an annual trip up there around easter and the mackies were almost non stop at times. bring your trolling gear if you planning to head out on a boat or something. if you want you can always try and cast some big metal slices off the rocks at red bluff for mackies and big tailor if ur lucky :)


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sherbert's picture

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Are you staying at the farm

Wed, 2010-09-01 06:13

He will help you there, A great bloke and he will down load the weather each day if you ask

Big rods for big cast Photo on my photo page



Assassin landbase fishing club

scere_182's picture

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i'll be at the farm

Wed, 2010-09-01 09:11

i'll be down there for our annual anzac day long weekend again. this years trip we had perfect weather... so definetely a good choice booking in april. we'll be staying at the farm.

like the guys said before if fishing the reef make sure to bring yourself a heavy beach/ surf combo. a reel with a high line retrieve ratio will do you plenty of favours stopping the bigger fish bricking you under the reef. a long gaff will also come in handy.

overhead ballooning outfit for when the easterlies blow... though last year the macks were in close only 100-150m offshore. so you could spin lures out there when there in close.

a popping/lure spinning outfit will also come in handy for richter plugs and the like if your chasing tailor.

and a s**tload of terminal tackle.... sinkers, hooks, leader etc

take extra safety gear and first aid. those oyster shells on the reef can be like a blender if you dont take the appropriate precautions...


being your first time there i suggest you watch the area you'll be fishing for at least 15mins prior to having a cast. see how the swell and waves behave on the ledge.

hopefully you'll get similar weather to what we had and have a ball mate.



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is the fishing a little

Wed, 2010-09-01 17:36

is the fishing a little further up in kalbarri off the cliffs much the same?


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cudbfishn's picture

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The cliffs start at kalbarri

Wed, 2010-09-01 19:46

The cliffs start at kalbarri and end at wagoe. so its esentially the same.

botti's picture

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reef bootys

Thu, 2010-09-02 07:17

dont forget ya reef bootys other wise you will be pulling oysters out of your arse

Dr Trunk's picture

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Wed, 2010-09-08 09:55

I have fished there for the past 10 years and will pass on some wise words...

Firstly, remortgage your house, coz you gunna need $$$$ in tackle to sacrifice to the reef gods.

Secondly, take lots of beer, coz it blows its arse out all year round.

Thirdy, dont tell the missues that your gunna bring fish home.....coz you wont.

Fourthly, go further north, where the weather is kinder, the sou wester isnt howling and the fish are biting.

Good luck



The Doctor with no Patience.......

Mitta79's picture

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Depends where you fish Dr Trunk

Wed, 2010-09-08 13:09

We hardly lose any tackle, catch plenty of fish even if the weathers ordinary.

Plus we always take plenty of beer, work up a thirst catching fish!!!



Dr Trunk's picture

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Wagoe is full of fish....

Wed, 2010-09-08 14:00

Sorry i have been misunderstood....

There are pleanty of fish if you are happy to catch Dart, Skippy, sand whiting and Sharks.

There is also alot of blind mullet in the dunes too.




The Doctor with no Patience.......

poddyfish's picture

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Wed, 2010-09-08 14:10

seems your fishing the wrong place at the wrong there mr trunk.... wagoe is a beaut spot to fish from the beach - seen and caught spaniards upto 25kgs big tailor mullys pink snapper everything... even seen a monster bone caught there awhile back... its like everywhere mate - get the timing right - plan the weather (no it dosnt blow all year like everyone thinks in the midwest!) and you will do well


Fear The Spear............! 

Dr Trunk's picture

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Whygo? its Waygone

Wed, 2010-09-08 14:50

Yes poddy, i too have seen some great fish pulled from Wagoe reef. Dhuies, Coral Trout, Mackies, Pinkies, Mulloway, Jumbo Tailor etc etc however, the amount of money spent on rigs, beer and sitting inside the shacks due to howling winds is not justified. Compared to 10 years ago, the place has been out fished and should be closed off to the public as it is evident that there are no fish living in that stretch of coast. The worst thing they did was seal the road from Port Gregory to Kalbarri and let this part of coast accessible to Joe average.

Infact no one should go there anymore and leave it purely for me and my patience to return and plunder.



The Doctor with no Patience.......

poddyfish's picture

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dnt agree

Wed, 2010-09-08 14:54

haha good ole wagoe reef... thats ya problem.... why fish there when everrrry other man his dog his dogs friends and all there cousins go there.... so funny watching the sheep lug there gear out there to loose rigs and try for fish.... so many other good spots along that stretch that dont get fished its funny actually...


Fear The Spear............! 

Dr Trunk's picture

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Wagoe....the only part of the WA coast where there are no fish..

Wed, 2010-09-08 15:06

I have fished hundreds of spots between Authurs, all the way to Nics secret secret spot and its all the same. Biggest waste of 10 years of my fishing life. Picking sea urchin spikes out of my hands was the highlight of my last trip.


The Doctor with no Patience.......

poddyfish's picture

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Wed, 2010-09-08 15:36

very humourous... your entitled to your own opinion like everyone else...


Fear The Spear............! 

Dr Trunk's picture

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Lots of fish if you know where to find them.....

Wed, 2010-09-08 15:48

Poddy, Is it easier to spear the fish at Wagoe than catch them from the shore?Laughing


The Doctor with no Patience.......

poddyfish's picture

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Wed, 2010-09-08 16:17

mate ur hilarious.... no ive not speared from wagoe and thats everyones fallback. why five a spearo shit cause you cant catch fish from wagoe mate? toughen up princess


Fear The Spear............! 

MattMiller's picture

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Me thinks,

Wed, 2010-09-08 16:18

there's some tactical maneuvering going on here?

Saying it's shit to keep people away doesn't workWink

cudbfishn's picture

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I think your rite Matt. Yer

Wed, 2010-09-08 16:38

I think your rite Matt. Yer wagoe is shit. it blows all year round, and there are no fish there. EVERYONE DONT GO TO WAGOE!!!!!!!

Dr Trunk's picture

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Are you part of the 10% of anglers that catch 90% of the fish

Wed, 2010-09-08 17:20

Poddy there is no need to be like that.

It was a simple question.



The Doctor with no Patience.......

Markie's picture

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some beefn goin on ere.

Wed, 2010-09-08 17:44

some beefn goin on ere.

botti's picture

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Sun, 2010-09-12 05:22

What a great fishing spot wageo is just check out my picture i caught that at wageo DR trunk i think that you are putting this great place down just cause you cant catch a fish from there i also spear fish good on ya poddy WAYGONE I DONT THINK SO!!!!

Dr Trunk's picture

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Mon, 2010-09-13 15:49


 Im not sure we are talking about the same place Bottiboy.

Wagoe is a few ks south of Kalbarri and no fish live there.


I havent fished Wageo before.... whats it like?


Nice fish, looks like it could have been around the 20kg mark. Did you put the Sambo back so future generations can enjoy the fishing experience? Or did you kill it?


The Doctor with no Patience.......

botti's picture

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Sambo fillets for dinner

Tue, 2010-09-14 02:27

After catching that fish at WAGEO MR TRUNK there were numerous attempts to release the fish with no success. You obviously have had a bad experience at this great place may be those sea urchins have put you off. must have hurt real good !!! sounds like you dont have the skills to be fishing such a reef. Poddys the man for getting all fired up at you

Dr Trunk's picture

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Where is WAGEO?

Mon, 2010-09-13 17:37

Little wonder there is no fish there.

You sound like the type of person who goes to Wageo and catches over and above the 20 kg limit and wonders why places like this get over fished.  

It is disgusting to think you killed and ate such a fantastic creature. If you know anything about fishing you should know that Sambos are for sport only, and not to be eaten.


I hope you fish better than you can spell.


P.S. learn to use spell check on your computer


The Doctor with no Patience.......

botti's picture

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Plenty of fish at WAGEO

Tue, 2010-09-14 02:23

Back up a little bit MR TRUNK I thought you said there were no fish at wageo? So how can I be raping the sea? The sambo was dead, it was shark bait therefore it became dinner...... (thoroughly recommended with lemon and pepper) its not as if sambos are an endangered species and yes they are a sports fish that put up a wicked fight maybe if you werent such a P___Y you might be able to catch one too. I'm more the catch and release sports fisherman and yes there are plenty of fish at wageo

You yourself have said that you have seen fish come out of wagoe so how can there be none there?


Dr Trunk's picture

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Get off the Angry pills Rambo

Tue, 2010-09-14 17:16

I didnt mention you raping anything?

You and your mate Poddy need to relax a bit and realize that im entitled to my opinion.

I have fished that stretch of the coast more times that you both have had hot lunches.Laughing

From the original question posted by Sammy85 he was asking for information about Wagoe, i was only letting him know what 10 years of fishing hell was like and to not make the same mistake i did.


I have searched the internet and found NOTHING about the Samson fish being quality eating. You can try to justify to yourself that it was worth killing and eating, but NOBODY on this site will back your crazy comments up.




The Doctor with no Patience.......

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Tue, 2010-09-14 20:29

MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!! fresh sambo. nothing wrong with sambos. mate.


mate if you hate this place why have you gone back year after year???


you have hijacked someones post thats wants to know real information about this place. i havnt been there so i cant comment but stop trying to fight with everyone that is trying to help this person. 


it sounds like there is fish there so let people help Sammy85 catch some fish and have a good time.


Dr Trunk's picture

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You too eat Sambos???

Tue, 2010-09-14 20:48

As you say Danno, you haven't been there so don't comment.

If you go back on any of the posts put forward by members, not one says a bad thing about the place.

Im just trying to let Sammy85 have the pros and cons and he can make his own mind up. Obviously we cant be as talented and gifted fishermen as Botti, Poddy and everyone else who has rained praise on the place.

Its not very often you get the other side of the argument.





The Doctor with no Patience.......

MattMiller's picture

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Tue, 2010-09-14 17:28

could be said for you DR TrunkWink

Dr Trunk's picture

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mmmmmm.... Sambo fillets

Tue, 2010-09-14 20:07

Did you eat your Sambo too Matt?


The Doctor with no Patience.......

MattMiller's picture

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Not this

Tue, 2010-09-14 21:03

particular Sambo mate. It was jigged up on Shikari.

I have eaten smaller Sambos before though (5-15kg) and i think there ok. Better in curries or marinara than just fillets. It's all individual. I like too eat all sorts of fish. I think some people's obesession with white firm fish eg. Dhuie/snapper is pretty boring.

One of the main reasons I travel to Exmouth every year is to get a feed of Yellowfin Tuna as Sashimi. Along with taking home a few feeds of Red, Rankin and Nor wester's  I know alot of people that wouldn't dream of eating raw fish.

Each to there own mate.

botti's picture

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Tue, 2010-09-14 20:09

Who are you you calling rambo i joind this sight to help people and to share my knowledge ect not to be called rambo. TRUNK i think your on the angry pills not me telling every one what a crap place wageo is. Your 10 years of fishing wageo is nothing what  you went with all your fag mates for a week once a year ha ha good on ya P--F



Dr Trunk's picture

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Rambo: First blood

Tue, 2010-09-14 20:32

Im calling you Rambo Bottiboy.

Go to video easy and hire "Rambo: First blood" its a story about an angry guy that kills things......im sure you can relate to it.

The only helpful information you have posted so far is "A squeeze of lemon and a pinch of pepper" can turn Sambo fillets into Red Emperor fillets.


The only reason you caught that Sambo from Wagoe was because it was lost!


The Doctor with no Patience.......

Mitta79's picture

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It is a great place to fish.

Tue, 2010-09-14 20:43

Yes it can be frustrating at times but hey thats fishing.

I have heard from a lot of people that it is no good anymore but I decided to go anyway to see for myself and what a surprise it turned out to be. We caught plenty of mullys, tailor and a few pinkys all of the beaches (not reefs).

 Sammy85 if you need any help mate, PM me and I will more than happily point you in the right direction.






botti's picture

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Tue, 2010-09-14 20:49

Why are you so angry TRUNK just let people have there own opinion about this place first you pick on poddy and now me .It seems you spend more time behind your computer holding your rod rather then fishing.

Adam Gallash's picture

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Tue, 2010-09-14 21:38

Hrmm, pretty obvious whats going on here.  Pull your head in Trunk or find another site to annoy.


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Dr Trunk's picture

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I stand by my comments i put into my first post......

Wed, 2010-09-15 06:57

I stand by my comments i put into my first post.

I was harassed by others for what was written... IMO it is the truth....its not often somebody tells the downside of a fishing spot.

Sammy85 was asking for information, so i gave him some.

Sorry bout that boss.... however i think im the victim in this case.


The Doctor with no Patience.......

Albee Mangles's picture

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Might not be much

Wed, 2010-09-15 08:12

biting at Wagoe, but Mr Trunk sure has caught his quota here..



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Wed, 2014-07-16 15:07

so after reading this thread it seems that this place can be either really good or really bad.. Im heading up there in a month (august) ive heard th weather is pretty shit there around that time of year.. just throwing it out there it will be our first time there (hopefully first of many) we have capable fourbys.. just wondering if anyone would have some advice for us.. CHEERS 



Fisher Kid's picture

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Dr Trunk started out trolling

Wed, 2014-07-16 18:37

Dr Trunk started out trolling saying there was no fish there as a joke to make people stay away because he likes the spot, his sarcasm wasn't picked up on by Poddy and it escalated from there


Fishing and catching are two different things. But i want to learn how to catch.