West Side Vs East Side (West metro vs Eastern States Metro) Fishing
Submitted by polarbear on Tue, 2015-09-15 17:34
after a number of outings now coming up with donuts especially in the Swan and Canning and a fair bit of experience fishing the east coast of Australia with better success it got me thinking, while the eastern side of Australia has a bass season along with a number of other freshwater natives, a strong bream fishery, mulloway or jewies on plastics and large falthead, excluding far north WA and south what does the Perth Metro area have to offer in comparison?
Whats everyones take on this? and whats everyonesfavourite fish to target and at what time of the year?
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Tailor fire up here at
Tailor fire up here at certain times of the year, salmon at the right time of year, sambos, plenty of skippy inshore in winter, there are plenty of options here if you know where to start and what to look for.
Oh, and there's plenty of bream in the river
Posts: 8
Date Joined: 26/03/14
Very True, Tailor, Flatties,
Very True,
Tailor, Flatties, Salmon, Squid, king george and bream seem to be my favarioute to target.
i seem to be able to crack bream in every other river this year but the swan and canning are giving me nightmares this winter
Think its pretty interesting however the scene for mulloway on lures over east, something that seems to be left to by catch when breaming with artificials or bait fishing over here. something that ive always wanted to put in solid hours towards is to try implement the theory that goes into mullas on plastics over east and see if it works here.
As a whole but i feel at least the inshore fishery here is alot tougher to crack
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Took us a fair while to get
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Date Joined: 11/04/10
Now's about the time to
Now's about the time to start looking for Mullys in the Swan. And I mean looking, cos you can sight cast them. Moon and tide's the key.
I reckon the Swan would be just about the fishiest system in a major city in Oz, just takes time to work it out.
Posts: 8
Date Joined: 26/03/14
Seriously tough to work out,
Seriously tough to work out, saying that tho had a couple epic sessions then a couple days later and its back to donuts. Think for the rest of the year im going to put some serious work in for a mulla on plastics.
Posts: 159
Date Joined: 03/12/13
Its the lack of freshwater
Its the lack of freshwater options on this side of the country that is lacking. The eastern states fisheries should be applauded for the huge effort they have put in by opening up drinking water dams to fishing and stocking millions of fish every year. Unfortunately WA is so far behind in this its not funny. Its not like the waters are not there, the Perth hills are full of dams suitable for fish stocking.
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Date Joined: 03/03/11
Yep , the fight with the water corp has been going on for nearly 20 years, but still they wont budge on access to those water ways.
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Date Joined: 26/03/14
seriously sad how much
seriously sad how much opportunity there is
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Date Joined: 24/06/12
favourite fish to target
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