What's your all time top 5 Fishwrecked Vids?
Submitted by Andy Mac on Tue, 2008-02-05 19:25
We now have over 118 video's at least on the site.
Give us your top 5.
No prizes, just interesting to see what styles of videos and fish captures everyone likes to see.
My Top 5 would include:
- "The Dropzone Video - featuring the amazing Doubleflex rod" (Absolutely kacked myself that day).
- Honsu Hookups (one of our most watched vids)
- "Mini Sambo & Deepwater Salmon" (loved the music and the slow-mo jumps)
- Salmon 101 (awesome underwater footage)
- Whale Tale (classic vid of beautiful creatures)
Though at home I can't go past the full Mindarie Mayhem series as they all bring back so many great memories.
Andy Mac
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
I think there's way too many
I think there's way too many vids to just pick 5 but here are some of my favourites.
1. Honsu Hookups
2. The Jungle
3. Mahi Mahi Adventures
4. Marlin Madness
5. Sing Spheros Sing
The one with the underwater footage of the sailfish is great too, can't remember the name right now...
Can't go wrong with any of the exmouth or onslow vids.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Somehow this thread passed me.
1: Gullys Sailfish vid
2: Deckie Dangers
3: Honsu Hookups
4: Jacks Rock
5: Mindarie Mayhem Series
Love pretty much all of them. I had my vid camera ready for the marlin/sailfish action the other day but we decided for still shots instead. I just looked at my narration before the hookups and I called for action any minute, oh well, next time the vid camera will be out for sure.
Here's the video page if you've missed them.
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