Whitehills Mandurah

G'day all... newbie to fishwrecked, but no stranger to landbased fishing in perth. Decided to pop my posting cherry with a bit of info from a recent trip to mandurah a decent spot for your bread and butter species.

 Me and a convoy of mates recently made an overnight trip down to whitehills in search of some tailor and the hope of a passing mulloway. We were fishing with a decent south westerly wind so decent tailor were a real possibility with the choppy conditions. Ended up landing plenty of whiting and herring for the frypan before, a great tailor session at dusk. Caught alot of choppers with the biggest going 45cm. Wind was blowing till about 1:30am so baiting up a tailor fillet with a running sinker setup was inneffective for mulloway. At about 2:30am was lucky to bring in a very heavy dead weight. Calling it for a large clump of seaweed was suprised to see a large wobbegong shark hanging on to the bait. It went about the 1.7m mark. Successfully released her back, decided to stay till daylight and were once again greeted with chopper tailor in the morning. All in all it was a decent trip to mandurah will be doing it again soon.  

Cheers Rob



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Good set up for just

Wed, 2009-02-25 10:05

 overnight, been there excellent fishing and night time hic! hic! stayed for 3 nights, got a good feed of fish also



SPEWIE LEWIE (not for much longer)

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crasny1's picture

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great spot

Wed, 2009-02-25 10:25

And Great set up. Use to live just 5 mins away in Parkridge and many a night spent fishing Tims and White Hills. How far south did you go? I find some of the best spots is smack infront of sarich's house.


Flat seas!!!


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Colin Hay's picture

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That's a great tailor

Wed, 2009-02-25 10:36

Looks like you guys had a great set-up there. Bet you can't wait for the salmon to make their way up the coast.
(Colin 1 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)


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Wed, 2009-02-25 10:43

yeah there wasnt alot of room to camp on the beach. the tent wasnt used tho... we got a few spots that we regularly try down there. but from memory this was at the 10k mark. a popular spot down there... been camping/ fishing that spot with the family for about 20 years but it has changed considerably since then. used to be able to walk out on the reef and drop a line into potholes for banded sweep and stuff... how i miss the good times. lol



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Thu, 2009-02-26 09:56

Welcome Scere and a fine first post, well done on the tailor.




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What rig did you use when

Sun, 2009-03-08 08:55

What rig did you use when you got the wobbygong?


Nice catch btw.