Who knows 4x4's?


im a keen fisho and camping bloke. 

Does anyone have any light they can shed on the HILUX's? 

Im in te market for a 4x4 and would love to know what the best models are and why? 

My budget would be 20k (less if it doesn't have extra battery and other extras ill have to put on) 

Have also considered the navara but the HILUX's seem more reliable. 

Any info/discussion would be great.

so anyone in the know please let me know.


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Ive had every Hilux model

Wed, 2014-01-15 19:02

Ive had every Hilux model since 1984 except the D4D.
Best if you aren't in a hurry and want good offroad-LN106 (89-97). Only available as non turbo 2.8 diesel or 2.4 petrol. Tow rating 1500kg

If you want to go a little faster get a KZN165 (2001-2004), same motors as the earlier Prados, 3 litre TD or 2.7/3.4 litre petrol.
But only available with independent front end and not as good offroad.

Ive got a KZN165 (so has Buz I think?) and its pretty good on and offroad. Tow rating 1800kg.

Let me know if you want anything more specific


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Yeah your right Rob I got a

Thu, 2014-01-16 10:11

Yeah your right Rob I got a KZN165R to. 2002 standard dual cab well back with canopy. Absolutely love it and havent had one single issue with it yet. Tow my 5.8m Ally with it, though you would always love a bit more power and torque the newer common rail engines have, but don't want some of the issues they can come with common rail for now.

My mates brother has one also, same no dramas with his. My mate has been so impressed with what we do with ours he is on the lookout for one the same now too.

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i had

Wed, 2014-01-15 18:04

I paid 9000 dollars for a 2002 Hilux tray back a few years ago it had done 180000 ks but drove like new , it was a non turbo 3 lt diesel , I did the timing belt as recommended at 200000 ks , It never missed a beat and was a top vehicle (could do the Burrup jump up in a heart beat) I felt like shedding a tear when I sold it , I have a Nissan Navarra (bought new) now which is ok but to me it just doesn't feel as solid as my old Hilux , on your budget you should look at something like that and you will have some money left over to do some stuff like put a canopy on it and some good suspension

tim-o's picture

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OK, here goes.... Im a

Wed, 2014-01-15 19:15

OK, here goes.... Im a mechanic and it was an easy decision for what family 4x4in, campin, boat towin, mrs with two young kids daily driver to buy, I got a 2010 GGN25R SR5, V6 Auto. Why not a diesel you ask? More power, more torque at the wheels, quieter, smoother, doesnt stink, doesnt vibrate at idle, no turbo lag, doesnt coat the back of the car and what ever you are towing in black shit, less maintenance, (yes, Im not a fan of diesels, but they do have their place......in trucks and ships!). The donks are bullit proof and have proven themselves, been used for over 10 years and still in current model Prados and Luxes, not bad on fuel, fine for river crossings up to say the top of the wheels I guess, can fit a snorkel and seal up intake ducting and silicone the coil/plug tube seals and go bonnet high crossings if you need too lol. Why not a manual? I dont fancy pressin a clutch pedal all the time or replacing clutches or have a clutch fail on the beach. Auto is way better on and off road anyhow imo, not sure about engine braking and abs for slow descents on loose steep terrain, not my thing, but the individual gears are selectable. The V6 auto is 5 speed and the Diesel is 4. I wouldnt tow heavy with an auto or you will cook them and the V6 would chew juice. Perfect for round town, goin off road, trips away campin, towin the tub, beach launchin (havent done so yet) and the odd trip up or down the coast loaded with gear and boat in tow. Im not guna bash the other brands, I drive and work on all of them, most mechanics favour Tojos for plenty of reasons, like I said it was an easy decision, not just brand and model, but what combo and even colour, went silver as it doesnt show scratches as much and is so much nicer than white. It has a 2 inch lift , airbags in the rear, comfort leaf springs for nice ride unloaded, airbags level out the vehicle and assist in carrying weight when loaded, FJ Cruiser rims with 32" ST maxx tyres, EGR canopy (genuine Toyota for the new face lift model, yes the tubs are the same) and all our gear fits in the back, I wasnt going to have bloody roof racks just to have a Prado, and besides, the Lux just gets in the carport, only flexes the little whip antenna fitted to the roof a bit on the roller door lol. Dual batts, UHF and a 240w light bar and hid kits for the headlights. Only thing I hate about it is f@#kin drum brake rear lol, but I shouldnt have to touch them for a while. For 20k you should get one, maybe an SR, a bit older and/or with a few more kays. Mine has 40000, but dont be afraid to get one with 100000km+ if it has been maintained. You pay more for Toyota, but money well spent. DO NOT BUY AN EX MINER! Good luck


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correct me if Im wrong Timo,

Wed, 2014-01-15 19:23

correct me if Im wrong Timo, I think yours has the A750F trans in which is the same as the HDJ100 TD 100 and practically bullet proof?
So wouldn't be too concerned about towing with the auto as it handles the 3.5T in the 100 series (never heard of one failing?) other than fuel.


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tim-o's picture

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Maybe so, I dunno. I only

Wed, 2014-01-15 20:34

Maybe so, I dunno. I only heard about issues with the autos behind the diesels when towing on the hilux forum, must be different box. Good to know


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

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yeah the diesel 4 sp will be

Wed, 2014-01-15 21:23

yeah the diesel 4 sp will be different, probably out of a Prius or Camry :-)


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 just a warning about the

Wed, 2014-01-15 20:31

 just a warning about the D4-D 3.0l turbo diesel. all diesels knock ( compression ignition ) however if it sounds loud / excessive avoid!!! had a customers prado put a hole through a piston due to a faulty injector. he ignored my warning / concern about excessive knock and a few weeks later . . . . $$$$$. had travelled approx 180 000km 

tim-o's picture

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Haha lol, yep, the earlier

Wed, 2014-01-15 21:06

Haha lol, yep, the earlier ones had injector issues, 4 grand for a set, Can check them with scan tool tool or relearn them or something. I think its 2010 on that had newer better injectors. Also to do with the fact the fuel filter has 'No need for periodical replacement' on it lol. I had one last year makin that louder than usual knock noise at certain throttle positions when driving, replaced the fuel filter (cleaned out the crap that was in the housing) and she was good as gold. One of the other reasons I shy away from them. Shit fuel. You gotta do the fuel filter regularly and Id be draining/checking mine often. And Id be re-routing by breather to somewhere other than my intake.... The old diesels were gutless and slow, but reliable. These days diesels go better, but at a risk imo. They have more emission shit like EGRs and DPFs because they are produce so much carbon, that fuck up from carbon build up and when something goes wrong, they dont just run sluggish, these days, they will throw codes and go into limp mode leaving them undrivable (remember that bloody pajero Paully, I ended up blowin the shit outa the dpf with an oxy for an hour which proved no good, then smashed it out with a broom stick- all DH Dave's orders, and still stayed in limp mode, fuggen things) The risk of turbo issues is also present. But like most vehicles, the low kay ones are generally guna be ok, its just down the track at 100000km plus is where the likely to be unreliable, become unreliable. But, there are plenty of diesel owners out there that swear by them or have no choice because theyre towin big, and never have a problem. I used to own one, a HZJ75, but that was old reliable but bloody slow (no speeding tickets tho). For me, the noise and the smell is enough now haha, bit like 2 strokes.....


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

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 lol! yeah i remember the

Wed, 2014-01-15 22:04

 lol! yeah i remember the paj. guess what happened in the end? yep, new dpf lol! so glad i don't work there anymore. you're right about the carbon build up, spent hours cleaning out the prado. nice lux mate. have to catch up for that crab sesh soon, although going by the reports on here there won't be any left! 

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Yeah man, im hangin to go,

Wed, 2014-01-15 22:21

Yeah man, im hangin to go, seem to be good sizes now, see how this weekend goes.......lmrb


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Wed, 2014-01-15 20:58

Got a 2002 Turbo diesel Single cab.
Bought it new and only got 170000 on the clock and spends plenty of time offroad and not one problem.
You lose a little height with the front end independent but nothing is perfect.
Cant see a good reason to upgrade for a few years yet.

If you don't want a Lux I would seriously look at Tritons and plenty of good options for your price range.

rooboy111's picture

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tim-o that light bar on your

Wed, 2014-01-15 22:23

tim-o that light bar on your Hilux is awesome !!!


 One day I'll be a good fisherman ........

tim-o's picture

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Yeah, works good, puts light

Wed, 2014-01-15 22:35

Yeah, works good, puts light everywhere, 20000lm! Great for off roadin at night and good for spottin roos on8off the side of the road, even at twilight times of dusk and dawn. Knocked up a bracket up at my mates workshop, he drew it up on cad, cut it out on the cnc plasma, few bends, welded a support, picks up factory bolts on the rad support, rigid as, just had to remove the bumper insert.


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

rooboy111's picture

Posts: 117

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Really nice fit well done ! 

Thu, 2014-01-16 00:24

Really nice fit well done !



 One day I'll be a good fisherman ........

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Thu, 2014-01-16 07:15

sorry to chip in on your thread wintsey but I am also interested in the diesel v petrol argument these days.  Being the owner of a patrol 4.2 non turbo diesel I am looking at a dual cab ute and tow a boat and trailer pushing 1.5 tonne.  My patrol will do it no trouble but really struggles up the hills and into a headwind.  I want a car that will tow the boat alot easier and still be cable of the odd bit of beach driving and beach launch.  I know the newer hiluxes go well on the sand

what you you mechanics reckon?  I want an auto but dont want to blow the box up

tim-o's picture

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So you thinkin diesel auto?

Thu, 2014-01-16 10:17

So you thinkin diesel auto? More than capable, V6 will do too, but chew more fuel. Iv just heard of some issues with towing and them boxes behind the diesel luxes. Would be worth jumpin on newhilux.net and have a read about. Otherwise all I can.suggest is ring Ken at Westcoast Automatics, he may be able to shed some light on the autos in various rigs these days


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Bodie's picture

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does the same principle apply

Thu, 2014-01-16 10:21

does the same principle apply to 4 speed auto's as 5 speed autos when towing?? 5 speed autos...don't tow in 5th gear.. 4 speed autos don't tow in 4th gear?

tim-o's picture

Posts: 4657

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Dunno, unless stated in

Thu, 2014-01-16 10:28

Dunno, unless stated in owners manual. Never been a concern for me as my tub weighs nothin. On long trips loaded I would select 4th goin up a hill to avoid adding more throttle thats all. Anothe question for a trans specialist maybe.


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

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Bodie I think the principle

Thu, 2014-01-16 13:42

Bodie I think the principle is different but still works better as follows

manual-4th gear on a 5 speed is straight thru (1 to 1 ratio) and much stronger than 5th which runs to a layshaft and gear clusters

auto doesn't use gear clusters, rather planetary type reductions.

However Ive found both with my 100 series turbo diesel and 200 series the following

5 sp auto on the 4.2-at 100kmh swapping from 5th to 4th your foot comes off the pedal as it runs at a better power/rev range and better economy.

6sp on the 200 with 3.5T behind at 100kmh 5th is ok, any incline or wind 4th is spot on.
I have a scangauge on it so you can see instantaneous fuel use from ECU.
The 200 is so low geared that 160kmh is only about 2300rpm. On the race track of course!

note-Im not an auto expert but have done a few manual boxes.


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diesel auto

Thu, 2014-01-16 11:57

Yes I am diesel auto.  Yes the dedicated car forums will probably have good info.


The thing is my current car is capable, just nowhere near the same power, fuel economy or mod cons of a late model.  If I only ever drove to the ramp metro I wouldnt care but I am doing about 7 or 8 midwest trips a year with the boat 

Mason85's picture

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If you want to spend a little

Thu, 2014-01-16 07:46

If you want to spend a little extra we have our 07 SR5 dual cab for sale




Good bus, but not big enough any more and struggles a little towing the new boat. Perfectly setup for camping/ fishing trips and serviced every 10k. Immacualte inside and out.

tim-o's picture

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Was guna ask how.big a boat

Thu, 2014-01-16 10:25

Was guna ask how.big a boat because im lookin at upgradin, prob 1.5t tow weight, but I saw your profile pic! Thats a monster cat! Would need broad torque range of a TD to happily pull that beast


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

Mason85's picture

Posts: 158

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Yeah the V6 struggles a

Thu, 2014-01-16 10:30

Yeah the V6 struggles a little though can tow it at about 90-95km/h, the main concern is its a little bit light so can get a bit directed around by the boat, the new 200 should pull it quite nicely though