Why is it so, a great professor once said

When I was a lot younger there used to be a tv show titled "why is it so" or something like that and was presented by a professor Julies Sumner miller (I think that was his name).

On this how he would explain why things where just so, and it was all very entertaining.

In todays west Australian News paper we have another well respected fishing column writer pointedly asking Fisheries "just why is it so" in regards to the amount of yellow fin whiting the pros are ripping out of the Peel Harvey Estuary.

I will be one of the first to sing and dance in praise of Fisheries when they do some very good work in the field protecting OUR fishing stocks. I will also raise my voice when I see or hear Fisheries acting like the three monkeys, hear no evil see no evil and most certainly not speak any evil. With regards to a very important fishery.

There is a requirement for Fisheries to undertake a study of the YFW stocks in the Peel Harvey Estuary when the catch of YFW exceeds a certain limit. The fishing writer in the west is saying that this limit placed on the fishery has been well and truly exceeded (about 3 times over)and there has been no action by Fisheries (at least that the public is aware of) to have a close look at what is going on down here.

There is a place in society for pro fishers and they play an important roll in our society providing fresh fish for those that don't fish.

There is no place for them if they rape and pillage the limited stocks of the YFW that bring a lot of people into Mandurah to sample this very enjoyable pastime.

We are now seeing to very respected fishing column writers and the premier fishing body in the state asking Fisheries.

Why is this so.
That there is no sign of people getting out of the aircon office and taking a long hard look at the YFW bio mass.

Auslobster's picture

Posts: 1901

Date Joined: 03/05/08

They believe it's a cyclic thing...

Sat, 2016-11-19 12:20

 ...a few years ago, La Nina was in effect, meaning much warmer sea temps in our part of the world. Some of us on this site will remember good metro fishing for "northern" species, as well as a complete lack of salmon.

Fisheries attributed a significant increase in commercial YFW catch to this warmer water. So my view is that they think numbers of whiting in the Peel system vary with water temp, and have nothing to do with increased commercial or recreational fishing pressure...there are, in some years, simply more fish available to be caught. Might not be true, but that's the way fisheries sees it.

Jackfrost80's picture

Posts: 8156

Date Joined: 07/05/12

When they're selling local

Sat, 2016-11-19 22:08

When they're selling local YFW in Shark Bay as bait you have to question what the fuck is going on...


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

Deckie's picture

Posts: 1296

Date Joined: 03/04/09


Sun, 2016-11-20 08:51

 I think the Shark Bay proccessing factory sells only the whiting heads for bait as a bi-product. ( i could be wrong).

A great bait idea for visitors to the area for fishing.

The whiting are shipped out to markets.

I guess in one way it's like those who use sell prawns and squid for bait.

Both great eating seafood, but there will be no outcry until there is a shortage again.

I am not condoning what they are doing, i think the Mandurah inlet is a very fragile area and should be monitored better than it obviously is.


Cheers & Stay safe

jamey ford's picture

Posts: 174

Date Joined: 25/05/11

 This fishery is a boon to

Sun, 2016-11-20 03:02

 This fishery is a boon to recs and the local economy and needs protection from over exploitation by professionals who are not good at policing themselves.


Far Quirk!

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

Self regulation =

Sun, 2016-11-20 20:02

The words self regulation equates to free for all, rape pillage burn to the ground there is no rules. Basically those words self regulating mean the same as industry managed.

Free for all, and when it all collapses (which it will) all the hands go up and the industry starts screaming we want some money from the government to bail us out of our self created mess.