That was caught in our local inlet down near Nornalup. My old man stocked the river with blackies over 20 years ago now and that is the size of some of them. I will go as far as saying that I have seen bigger but we have never been able to catch them, the big blue nose ones are monsters and i don't think you'd have any chance of stopping them amongst the snags, unless you were using huge amounts of drag and heavy gear.
Man that is one hell of a blackie, i'll show my mate that one, that bream takes the cake, thanks for sharing hey.What gear and bait were you using to land that blackie.
Just a handline and a river prawn. We didn't have rods and I learnt to do all my river fishing on handline back then.
Have some pictures of bigger blackies taken by pro's as it is still a professionally fished inlet. But I don't like posting up those pictures as it gives people ammunition against pro's, whilst I don't like the thought of it much these days, it is still the way they earn their living and how they survive and many of them are still great friends.
Thanks for the reply mate! I think you'll find that fish is more than forty years old ! It's a touchy subject I know but I really don't think you could add any more fuel to the subject. Having fished that area you could say the bream fishing is great compared to Perth and the such but for how long! Bream aren't a renewable fishery they just don't breed fast enough. On top of that we pollute our rivers with some many nutrients that the algae blooms are practicly every year. Such a slow growing species can only handle so much. The price per kilo is pathetic and most ends up as cat food. To support how many wages? I know it's hard, I have friends in the industy and I try and forget about it but I just want My boy to be able to experience what I have. I don't hug trees, I eat fish and don't begrudge any taking a feed of fish but living in the places I have you get sick of the abuse of our resource. In closing just think of this, the Spanish Mackeral in Your Gallery I think you referred to as "My Big Baby" That fish made a trip for you. In one trip out recently a friend took over two Ton of Mackeral and said if he had more freezer space it would have been Three. He goes out every other day and employs three people and a couple of backpackers everynow and then. How many are you and I allowed to take? Nothing personal Adam ,I understand where your coming from. Thanks for showing us what's out there. Keep the pics coming and I'll try not to have a winge.
Yes, I feel like I'm sitting on the fence but what makes me feel a little better about it all is I know the spot is fished by less than 10 people all year as the effort to get there is often not worth the reward.. But when you can see the bream under the boat and can hand feed them sometimes, it makes it a very special place and taking the occasional one home for dinner isn't a concern for me.. It is a lot like the Nornalup boat ramp, except the fish are bigger.. ;)
Woah, he is growing that snapper like bump on his head. When was that one caught? Must be getting close to that one you kids got a few years ago eh? Where is that pic of you with the biggie of nornalup jetty???
Yeh most of the blue nose have those big lumps, nothing quite like the pinkies, but not too dis-similar.
I reckon the two we got a few years ago were bigger and really wished we had taken some photos.. Still got that Nornalup Jetty photo one around somewhere, will have to try dig it up for a bit of a brag.. I think it went 3.6 pound, but was still a monster.
when i was a teen i used to fish canning bridge we used to get a lot 2kg plus the biggest i got on the old measure was 7lb6 .big blacks dont come around verry often anymore
Posts: 143
Date Joined: 30/08/05
Where was that caught man? That is insane!
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15653
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Hey Cam
That was caught in our local inlet down near Nornalup. My old man stocked the river with blackies over 20 years ago now and that is the size of some of them. I will go as far as saying that I have seen bigger but we have never been able to catch them, the big blue nose ones are monsters and i don't think you'd have any chance of stopping them amongst the snags, unless you were using huge amounts of drag and heavy gear.
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Date Joined: 25/07/05
Black Bream
Man that is one hell of a blackie, i'll show my mate that one, that bream takes the cake, thanks for sharing hey.What gear and bait were you using to land that blackie.
TT ( karl )
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15653
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Just a handline and a river prawn. We didn't have rods and I learnt to do all my river fishing on handline back then.
Have some pictures of bigger blackies taken by pro's as it is still a professionally fished inlet. But I don't like posting up those pictures as it gives people ammunition against pro's, whilst I don't like the thought of it much these days, it is still the way they earn their living and how they survive and many of them are still great friends.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Posts: 143
Date Joined: 30/08/05
Big Bluenose
Thanks for the reply mate! I think you'll find that fish is more than forty years old ! It's a touchy subject I know but I really don't think you could add any more fuel to the subject. Having fished that area you could say the bream fishing is great compared to Perth and the such but for how long! Bream aren't a renewable fishery they just don't breed fast enough. On top of that we pollute our rivers with some many nutrients that the algae blooms are practicly every year. Such a slow growing species can only handle so much. The price per kilo is pathetic and most ends up as cat food. To support how many wages? I know it's hard, I have friends in the industy and I try and forget about it but I just want My boy to be able to experience what I have. I don't hug trees, I eat fish and don't begrudge any taking a feed of fish but living in the places I have you get sick of the abuse of our resource. In closing just think of this, the Spanish Mackeral in Your Gallery I think you referred to as "My Big Baby" That fish made a trip for you. In one trip out recently a friend took over two Ton of Mackeral and said if he had more freezer space it would have been Three. He goes out every other day and employs three people and a couple of backpackers everynow and then. How many are you and I allowed to take? Nothing personal Adam ,I understand where your coming from. Thanks for showing us what's out there. Keep the pics coming and I'll try not to have a winge.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15653
Date Joined: 29/11/05
I agree with what you have to say 100% Cam!
Yes, I feel like I'm sitting on the fence but what makes me feel a little better about it all is I know the spot is fished by less than 10 people all year as the effort to get there is often not worth the reward.. But when you can see the bream under the boat and can hand feed them sometimes, it makes it a very special place and taking the occasional one home for dinner isn't a concern for me.. It is a lot like the Nornalup boat ramp, except the fish are bigger.. ;)
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Posts: 234
Date Joined: 08/08/05
Woah, he is growing that
Woah, he is growing that snapper like bump on his head. When was that one caught?
Must be getting close to that one you kids got a few years ago eh? Where is that pic of you with the biggie of nornalup jetty???
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15653
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Bream Snapper bump
Yeh most of the blue nose have those big lumps, nothing quite like the pinkies, but not too dis-similar.
I reckon the two we got a few years ago were bigger and really wished we had taken some photos.. Still got that Nornalup Jetty photo one around somewhere, will have to try dig it up for a bit of a brag.. I think it went 3.6 pound, but was still a monster.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Posts: 826
Date Joined: 26/05/07
You must be nuts!!
Man, that thing would pull me into the water with no worries! It would probably make me yipp on 2kg gear. =0
Posts: 388
Date Joined: 29/11/06
that things a hoarse once in
that things a hoarse once in a liftime fish for us city folks, like wining loto
Posts: 21
Date Joined: 25/08/07
Wow it is Biggy!
Im not not very experienced in fishing but that is clearly a really big bream!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anywayz gud job!
Posts: 338
Date Joined: 05/02/08
far out whats the
far out whats the w-reccord?? must be close!!!!!
Posts: 1672
Date Joined: 13/01/07
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18079
Date Joined: 11/03/08
that is a fighter
when i was a teen i used to fish canning bridge we used to get a lot 2kg plus the biggest i got on the old measure was 7lb6 .big blacks dont come around verry often anymore
"A family that fishes together stays together"
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Aidan W
Posts: 121
Date Joined: 23/09/08
that is huge i never thought they would ever get that big ha
Posts: 2773
Date Joined: 08/07/08
Hopefully they will Aidan W,
for your grandchildren to see in the future. All I catch is blowies and seaweed, but kills a couple of hours when you can't go out in the boat.
Ginger Tablets Rock
Posts: 376
Date Joined: 10/11/09
wat a beast
wat a beast
Posts: 1823
Date Joined: 06/10/08
Mate!!!! THAT IS
THAT IS HUGE!!!!!!!!
are they still that big down there?
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!