boat named
Submitted by Maverick on Fri, 2007-07-27 15:04

Finally got a name
OFW member 088
Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.
Ryan Thipthorp (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
Why that name, do a bit of jigging?

** Oceanside = Strudwick,Daiwa,Van Staal,Jigmaster Rods, Banax, Shimano,Penn, Okuma, Furuno etc...** Owner/Operator Oceanside Tackle and Marine 364 South Street, O'Connor, Perth WA Ph# 9337 5682 Fishing/Boating/Dive/Marine ** OPEN 7 DAYS **
Posts: 1260
Date Joined: 06/06/06
A little
Yeah just a little , looking to do more in the future tho , and waving a big wand around
OFW member 088
Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.
Ryan Thipthorp (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
Yeh I've got sambo's to 18kg at the Gemini on fly Mav, hooked bigger but lost them, got some bigish ones on my 8wt also fun!
** Oceanside = Strudwick,Daiwa,Van Staal,Jigmaster Rods, Banax, Shimano,Penn, Okuma, Furuno etc...** Owner/Operator Oceanside Tackle and Marine 364 South Street, O'Connor, Perth WA Ph# 9337 5682 Fishing/Boating/Dive/Marine ** OPEN 7 DAYS **
Posts: 1943
Date Joined: 23/02/07
Sambo's on fly, now that
Ryan Thipthorp (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
Yeh fun!
Yeh it is mate, you loose a few but get in plenty also. Took us a while to get it sussed and did some filming with FWA a while ago, I was fortunate to land one for TV....16kg fish!
Good to see the CSLD getting a work out, I'm buying another one so I've got 2 of em for mulloway/snapper/up north/drift baiting etc
*Oceanside-Strudwick,Daiwa,Van Staal,Jigmaster Rods, Banax,Shimano,Penn,Furuno*
Owner/Operator Oceanside Tackle and Marine
364 South Street, O'Connor, Perth WA
Ph# 9337 5682 ** OPEN 7 DAYS *
Posts: 943
Date Joined: 04/11/05
Why am I suprised by that
Why am I suprised by that name Mav
I have a problem I'm a tackle junkie Andrew
Posts: 22
Date Joined: 29/05/07
on ya
nothing like a jiggy jig.