dhu-bious behaviour
Submitted by Davi-d on Wed, 2013-10-23 11:52

Ive had this for a while and I think it could be a contender for POTM.
My brother and his friend's went out the the 50's and found a nice sink hole on the sounder. his first haul came up with blue bone, nani, black ass and 2 nice dhui's. the bigger coming in at 13kg.
The following week they returned and on the first drop he came up with a stonker 17.4kg dhui. unfortunately that was the highlight of the day as the bite went off. still wouldnt be complaining.
You can see his rig in the background. set up with 30lb braid
Posts: 125
Date Joined: 12/01/13
thats a bloody rip snorta!
thats a bloody rip snorta!
Posts: 151
Date Joined: 05/07/09
Nice Dhuie
Nice Dhuie, I'm not jealous.