more tigers

more tigers

 And it's a girl


Assassin landbase fishing club

carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8672

Date Joined: 24/07/07

Big bait

Tue, 2014-12-23 07:03

Big baits equals big fish.
Lot of energy spent pulling that big girl in

sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06

Full of puppys

Tue, 2014-12-23 20:01

You could see them movein in side of her


Assassin landbase fishing club

Posts: 206

Date Joined: 06/05/14

 To small to have pups I

Wed, 2014-12-24 04:37

 To small to have pups I reckon, but nice catch regardless

carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8672

Date Joined: 24/07/07

Too small?

Wed, 2014-12-24 11:07

Have caught big mummas with over 40 pups in her that went around 80cm and got small ones of around a metre with 10-12 pups inside that were 10cm so that one is certainly big enough to reproduce