Caught my first big mulloway beach fishing on my local beach in yanchep at 10 am the sucka took 2 people to lift to my car and weighed in at about 35kg
Who cares what the weight was :) awesome fish and love the spots along the lateral line. Turn it into two fish off the same spot and you might have yourself a pattern. Be sure to remember the details of your capture for future records i.e date, time, moon and tide, barometric pressure and bait. Don't throw the carcass away, bury the head for the jewels or even take the jaws out if you are confident doing so. Well done again.
Hey everyone thanks for the comments the fish weighed at 29kg after the end of the day after being gutted and sitting in a salty brime in the bath tub in the backyard then hanging up on a hook for atleast 2 hours before weighed and measured at 1.35metres this fish wasnt very long just a reallly fat stocky fish and was much bigger than you think in person. I was using a mulie with 4o gang hooks and a 5oz star sinker just leaving it out watching for the right bites to come along and what i thought was a tailor turned out to be a mulloway because it was spooling line out like crazy at first i didnt think much of it tho thought it was a bloody stingray. cheers
Yer i put the head behing my fence in the bush for same keepings so the ants can eat around it and do the hard work of collecting the the jewels and so to bad for this weather tho
plus i caught a 10kg one up past two rocks a week later i know i was lucky and that fish was not even a fight compared to this thing my big one took me 40minutes to bring in the only reason i probs didnt break my rod was because there was a whole heap of swell coming through and i brought it in on that.
the easier and quicker way to remove the jewels is to look and see where the housing for them is and just crack it open with a flat head screwdriver. no need to wait and put up with the stench of rotting fish, unless you want to piss off the neighbours.
also as mentioned, doesnt look 35kg by any means . 35lb maybe. either way it is stil a nice fish.
Yer the thing about all the photos you couldnt tell how big it was for sure theyre all taken on a ipad i wish i had a camera on the beach when i caught it then i properly would have let him go. ill see if i can find any other photos cheers yer i dont have any other neigbours behind me just yanchep bush which is a plus
Well done mate thats a great catch , mabe your scales have not been strecthed like that in a while and just need to be checked. (135cm = 26kg on competitive weight charts). It one of the better mulla's iv seen coming out of Perth waters - top effort , Wish one of that size would come chew on my bait.
Best of all u managed to catch it at 10am - i would of been back home already, never fish past 8am unless catching bait.
thanks guys for all the good comments much appreciated, I would love to see some of the pictures of other mulloway pulled out of the metro shores over the years i bet there would be thumpers
have many people had luck fishing from the yanchep shores i live there and have been beach fishing for about a year now and would like to see other peoples catches from anywhere around here.
Posts: 22
Date Joined: 12/06/12
Caught my first big mulloway
Caught my first big mulloway beach fishing on my local beach in yanchep at 10 am the sucka took 2 people to lift to my car and weighed in at about 35kg
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
That's a belter of a Mulla
That's a belter of a Mulla mate. what'd you get it on.bait gear etc. Family and friends will be sniffing around for a feed.
Love the West!
Posts: 2182
Date Joined: 15/06/06
great fish mate well done
great fish mate well done from the surf........ 35 kg though?
Posts: 1555
Date Joined: 28/08/07
He might have been using
He might have been using this
Ripper Mulla from the shore mate, and from Yangas too, awesome. Still to get a Mulla bigger than 60cm myself :(
Posts: 2550
Date Joined: 11/05/08
Who cares what the weight
Who cares what the weight was :) awesome fish and love the spots along the lateral line. Turn it into two fish off the same spot and you might have yourself a pattern. Be sure to remember the details of your capture for future records i.e date, time, moon and tide, barometric pressure and bait. Don't throw the carcass away, bury the head for the jewels or even take the jaws out if you are confident doing so. Well done again.
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 29/05/12
Great fish mate I gotta get
Great fish mate I gotta get myself one of those one day!!!
Posts: 143
Date Joined: 21/11/07
Nice one.....I'd say 35lb =
Nice one.....
I'd say 35lb = ~15kg would be the correct estimate?
Posts: 144
Date Joined: 02/01/10
look at this
looks bigger in this photo
awsome fish mate
Posts: 22
Date Joined: 12/06/12
Hey everyone thanks for the
Hey everyone thanks for the comments the fish weighed at 29kg after the end of the day after being gutted and sitting in a salty brime in the bath tub in the backyard then hanging up on a hook for atleast 2 hours before weighed and measured at 1.35metres this fish wasnt very long just a reallly fat stocky fish and was much bigger than you think in person. I was using a mulie with 4o gang hooks and a 5oz star sinker just leaving it out watching for the right bites to come along and what i thought was a tailor turned out to be a mulloway because it was spooling line out like crazy at first i didnt think much of it tho thought it was a bloody stingray. cheers
Posts: 2100
Date Joined: 05/11/10
not bagging you out just a curious question
but why would you put it in a brine then hang it on a hook for two hours?? is there method behind your madness?
Posts: 22
Date Joined: 12/06/12
Yer i put the head behing my
Yer i put the head behing my fence in the bush for same keepings so the ants can eat around it and do the hard work of collecting the the jewels and so to bad for this weather tho
Posts: 22
Date Joined: 12/06/12
plus i caught a 10kg one up
plus i caught a 10kg one up past two rocks a week later i know i was lucky and that fish was not even a fight compared to this thing my big one took me 40minutes to bring in the only reason i probs didnt break my rod was because there was a whole heap of swell coming through and i brought it in on that.
Posts: 22
Date Joined: 12/06/12
you know what they say once
you know what they say once you catch a mulloway they seem to be easier to catch after that
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18091
Date Joined: 11/03/08
the easier and quicker way
the easier and quicker way to remove the jewels is to look and see where the housing for them is and just crack it open with a flat head screwdriver. no need to wait and put up with the stench of rotting fish, unless you want to piss off the neighbours.
also as mentioned, doesnt look 35kg by any means . 35lb maybe. either way it is stil a nice fish.
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 4171
Date Joined: 15/06/09
Have you got
any more pics of it?
I've looked at the 5 pics of it on here and still can't see a 35kg fish?
Posts: 457
Date Joined: 08/01/12
Ripper of a fish mate have to
Ripper of a fish mate have to be stoked with that, Whats the record for W.A?
Good things come to those who bait
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18091
Date Joined: 11/03/08
why not look it up youself.
why not look it up youself. not hard to do. just google fishing records.
just looked it up and the record is 33.100 kg caught back in 1977
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 22
Date Joined: 12/06/12
Yer the thing about all the
Yer the thing about all the photos you couldnt tell how big it was for sure theyre all taken on a ipad i wish i had a camera on the beach when i caught it then i properly would have let him go. ill see if i can find any other photos cheers yer i dont have any other neigbours behind me just yanchep bush which is a plus
Posts: 4171
Date Joined: 15/06/09
OK buddy
have a look at this Mulloway
that fish was @70lbs or 32kg.
Slightly bigger than yours???
Posts: 2182
Date Joined: 15/06/06
bloomin heck now thats a
bloomin heck now thats a mulloway!
Posts: 22
Date Joined: 12/06/12
yer that does look bigger
yer that does look bigger than mine ahah yer but i know it was 28kg gutted later on because we put it on the scales then and it sat on 60lbs
Posts: 4171
Date Joined: 15/06/09
In that case
i'd be getting your scales checked
Posts: 22
Date Joined: 12/06/12
it looked alot like this on the beach
Posts: 642
Date Joined: 09/09/05
fkn hooter!!!
fkn hooter!!!
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Who cares, its a cracker
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Posts: 2100
Date Joined: 05/11/10
either way cracker of a croaker!!
great effort!
Posts: 597
Date Joined: 22/01/12
good work mate
sweet. what a great fish, fish of a lifetime.
Anywhere anytime
Posts: 315
Date Joined: 30/05/08
Great fish
Well done mate thats a great catch , mabe your scales have not been strecthed like that in a while and just need to be checked. (135cm = 26kg on competitive weight charts). It one of the better mulla's iv seen coming out of Perth waters - top effort , Wish one of that size would come chew on my bait.
Best of all u managed to catch it at 10am - i would of been back home already, never fish past 8am unless catching bait.
Posts: 22
Date Joined: 12/06/12
Does it matter if the scale
Does it matter if the scale were standing scales because that could be it
Posts: 22
Date Joined: 12/06/12
No matter what the weight was
No matter what the weight was im stoked as never thought id see a fish that big personally let alone catch one stoked cheers
Posts: 2550
Date Joined: 11/05/08
Lots of jealous people
Lots of jealous people
Posts: 4109
Date Joined: 24/01/10
What a fucking joke hey and
What a fucking joke hey and I'm sick of seeing it all the time.
Seriously who gives a shit
Posts: 4109
Date Joined: 24/01/10
Good fish young fella. I for
Good fish young fella. I for one dont give a shit how much it weighed but its definitely a good size fish!
Posts: 2283
Date Joined: 09/07/09
Nice fish whatever it
Nice fish whatever it weighed, though they do seem to look a lot bigger than they weigh.
Beautiful looking fish straight out of the ocean.
A diamond encrusted gold bar.
If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am.
alex enzweiler
Posts: 43
Date Joined: 04/01/11
thats a big mulla!!!! i would
thats a big mulla!!!! i would have been so happy with that! good on ya
Posts: 22
Date Joined: 12/06/12
thanks guys for all the good
thanks guys for all the good comments much appreciated, I would love to see some of the pictures of other mulloway pulled out of the metro shores over the years i bet there would be thumpers
Posts: 22
Date Joined: 12/06/12
have many people had luck
have many people had luck fishing from the yanchep shores i live there and have been beach fishing for about a year now and would like to see other peoples catches from anywhere around here.