got it in time alright. Looks good too. Maybe a Rankin on the other end, can't remember really.
It's the Torque 200 on a OH Silstar Crystal Blue. Love those rods for the price. I gave it alot of stick up there without a hick up. Can't wait for another trip up that way. Maybe Coral bay this time. Atleast you can snorkel/swim if the winds up......
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Good to see the shirt made it to you in time Maxy. So brand new too.. Nicely loaded up there mate.
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Posts: 812
Date Joined: 09/05/06
got it in time alright. Looks good too. Maybe a Rankin on the other end, can't remember really.
It's the Torque 200 on a OH Silstar Crystal Blue. Love those rods for the price. I gave it alot of stick up there without a hick up. Can't wait for another trip up that way. Maybe Coral bay this time. Atleast you can snorkel/swim if the winds up......