My first red alert.

My first red alert.

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Sat, 2006-01-21 12:15

looks like lock down for up north again aye! Cant say I'm complaining down here, that last cyclone turned the crabs on down in Mandurah in a big way :) Headed down again tomorrow to try and pickup another feed.


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looking4mulloway's picture

Posts: 101

Date Joined: 17/08/05

Not wrong there Adam the

Sat, 2006-01-21 14:01

Not wrong there Adam the crabs did like the stir up. Been scooping most nights the wind alows down in mandurah and easily gettting some great feeds. Tried posting a pic the other day but having a few difficulties my pics arnt appering when i preview the post just an X mark. Goodluck tommorow im sure you will get a feed.

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Sat, 2006-01-21 14:08

Yeh, I saw a few of your posts, looked like they are down there in numbers.

The site doesn't like images with , - ` ' or any sort of hyphenation, the only other thing is really big images.. You can email me the images at adam@fishwrecked if you like and I will see if I can upload them. It only accepts .jpg files as well.

Hoping the wind isn't anything like today, otherwise its going to be fun tomorrow, good way to spend a Sunday anyway :)


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funkybunch's picture

Posts: 97

Date Joined: 25/07/05

Problems posting pictures

Sat, 2006-01-21 14:43

looking4mulloway I have the same problem when previewing pictures to post myself.  For some reason when I actually post the picture posts ok..

looking4mulloway's picture

Posts: 101

Date Joined: 17/08/05


Sat, 2006-01-21 16:23

Many thanx Funkybunch i have had some troubles posting on other sites at times so always made an effort to preview pics before posting. Seems for once this was for nothing lol. I have since been able to post 2 pics of a night out crabbing in the forum. I hope u enjoy them. Thnax

Thanx Adam for offering to put pics up.

Cheers Shane(looking4mulloway)

poida's picture

Posts: 234

Date Joined: 08/08/05

I'm driving to newman on

Mon, 2006-01-23 09:33

I'm driving to newman on Wed, come on the cyclone, get those roads shut down!!!