Spear gun Kg

Spear gun Kg

Finally got a KG with the speargun. Not the biggest, but still a nice fish with a spear.

luke george's picture

Posts: 554

Date Joined: 13/04/07

great work have to be one of

Thu, 2009-01-22 19:35

great work have to be one of the hardest fish to hit with a gun tried many a times and always just mangle them and watch them swim off to be eaten by something that isnt me :(

Work is just for people who havn't discovered fishing

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05

fair effort

Thu, 2009-01-22 19:35

Fair effort a KG on a blat stick, I'll pay that!! Nice work Darryl.


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wrassinator's picture

Posts: 554

Date Joined: 26/11/08

Nice fish. Love the

Thu, 2009-01-22 19:38

Nice fish. Love the hold, "weapon" in frame and all ;-)


U must be a crack shot to bag an old kidney slapper like that.

BQ544's picture

Posts: 361

Date Joined: 22/10/06

Just got lucky I think, he

Thu, 2009-01-22 19:44

Just got lucky I think, he was sitting under a big ledge and let me slowly sneak up on him.

As I was getting him off the spear A nice boldie was swimming next to me having a look. Couldn't reload quick enough before he swam off.

We found some nice new ground out in 32 metres which was loaded with fish.

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18091

Date Joined: 11/03/08

well done , i think i would

Thu, 2009-01-22 19:54

well done , i think i would prefer the kg to the baldy anyway,

thats another first for you



"A family that fishes together stays together"


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

wrassinator's picture

Posts: 554

Date Joined: 26/11/08

Some stealth involved then

Fri, 2009-01-23 09:54

Some stealth involved then Daz? He wouldn't of known what hit im. Was that on your recent Mandurah south trip? Bouvards? Preston? FFB?

BQ544's picture

Posts: 361

Date Joined: 22/10/06

Mandurah.....8nm out from

Fri, 2009-01-23 19:18

Mandurah.....Wednesday....8nm out from the cut

wrassinator's picture

Posts: 554

Date Joined: 26/11/08

Nice work Daz thought I read

Fri, 2009-01-23 19:29

Nice work Daz thought I read something about you headed down there. Good ground by sounds

Posts: 16

Date Joined: 01/01/70


Sat, 2009-01-24 23:30

Targetting KG's with a straight hook...haha....nice effort mate!


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