The wife and her first port jackson

The wife and her first port jackson

the first PJ the wife's caught, i thought it was gonna be one of those days to get shamed by the missus. Saw the Tcurve flicky pullin somethin with weight... I was thinkin... Crap! But yea, this was yeserday. Had good day out in front of the water overall. Caught enough, relaxed enough, had fun and didnt lose anything. Well the missus did hookup to my rod leaning against the rock behind her and actually casted my egi outfit about 3m down the rocks. Geez i was so happy after that one. >.< cant blame her though. Being the missus and inexperianced, just cant say nothin to that. Well, more good days to come and maybe new rod n reel now lol

dumper's picture

Posts: 1027

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nice sort. Did you keep it?

Fri, 2010-02-12 14:20

nice sort.

Did you keep it?

Big Fella fishn's picture

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Fri, 2010-02-12 14:42

Port Jacksons are a protected species.

dumper's picture

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Well then why is she

Fri, 2010-02-12 14:50

Well then why is she crushing its head with a pair of long nose pliers?

Oceanside Tackle's picture

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Fri, 2010-02-12 14:50

Not protected.


Oceanside Team - Specializing in Jigging for demersal, Super Deep Fishing and Cockburn Sound Pink Snapper.

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Just pointless!

Fri, 2010-02-12 14:52

Just pointless!


cuthbad's picture

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why do so many people think

Fri, 2010-02-12 15:15

why do so many people think they are protected? are they protected over east or something?

HuggyB's picture

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I'm sure it was right

Fri, 2010-02-12 15:16

it looks like a soft vice grip.


                    The Terrorist - coming to a fishing spot near you.........

Northwest's picture

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sorry to be negative.. but

Fri, 2010-02-12 15:17

sorry to be negative.. but not a gd way to handle the pj.

 I lookd on fisheries website it does NOT mention them as a protected species. Still not much meat.. pointless IMO

dumper's picture

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even royce gracie would be

Fri, 2010-02-12 15:43

even royce gracie would be proud of that move

wadetolley's picture

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Fri, 2010-02-12 15:50

Great pic, well done on your first PJ !

Big Fella fishn's picture

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Fri, 2010-02-12 15:56

Apologies, i must have been misinformed about being protected. I could've sworn a few years ago that they were. Obviously wrong. Sorry...

Rudog's picture

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"Nice sort"

Fri, 2010-02-12 16:08

You are talkin about the fish?

 I'd say a firm but gentle grip with those long pliers is way better than being dropped on the rocks to flap about and inflict internal bruising, occassioning death on release.

Certainly better than, having finally got the wife/gf to come fishing with you, her getting severe lacerations on the hands or ankles from less-than-confident handling of a toothy, however small.  (My worst fishing injury was from trying to recover a just-legal tailor that had dropped off in the surf.  Chunk out of finger, dumped, wet, cold, jocks full of sand, massive embarassment in front of older brothers (and Dad) and still no fish.  They don't have to be big to make an impact!)

You go, girl!

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....they're fish grips not

Fri, 2010-02-12 16:42

....they're fish grips not pliers and we use it for what they're designed for. Nowhere near crushin its head, was released straight after photo. The angle just makes it look like that. Dont appreciate the assumptions of mistreatment either.

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just because a picture was

Fri, 2010-02-12 16:30

just because a picture was taken doesnt mean it was kept and intended for eating. I duno about you guys, but i dont know anyone that tries to target PJ's. Its not like we intended on her catchin it. Even if it was a 4cm gobbleguts, i still would've taken a picture just the same. I let her use the grips coz its an alternate way of holding a fish. I always use them when general fishing. I took the picture because she rarely has ever fished with me and i was happy she'd put in the effort to enjoy something that i love doing. Comments like that are just plain ignorant and does not make people feel happy in sharing such things.

schecky's picture

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Thanks for the Port Jackson

Sat, 2010-02-13 18:19

Thanks for the Port Jackson fillets last night Chan!

Was great!

wayno05's picture

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Fri, 2010-02-12 16:31

Atleast shes not using them on parts of youYell

With that grip it would be severe!!!!

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sorry if it looks like im

Fri, 2010-02-12 16:45

sorry if it looks like im ranting on, but i've just noticed a few comments have been edited probably after they noticed what they've said. *shakes head*

streaker boy's picture

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here in vic  they are protected

Fri, 2010-02-12 16:57

here in vic  they are protected

brenz's picture

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Fri, 2010-02-12 16:58

u get the egi gear back?

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yea man, i got it back,

Fri, 2010-02-12 17:58

yea man, i got it back, trust you of all ppl to ask that mate. Cheers for the concern for egi lol

brenz's picture

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y " trust me lol"

Fri, 2010-02-12 18:03

y " trust me lol"

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coz of ur sig... And thats

Fri, 2010-02-12 18:53

coz of ur sig... And thats all you asked about lol

mightymouse's picture

Posts: 395

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great photo well done on the

Fri, 2010-02-12 18:21

great photo well done on the catch

my wife would not touch them or any fish with her hands

so its great to see her having ago

Posts: 587

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yea that day started with

Fri, 2010-02-12 19:04

yea that day started with the typical, im not touching anything, i dun wanna smell. Then i casted a few times for her. She pull a whiting and the PJ. Next thing we know, she peeled and cut 400g of prawns and she ended up catching and unhooking 20-odd good sized sand whiting, few yellowtail, a skippy, a herring and 2 tailor. Made me happy to see her having fun fishin with me. Bloody cant ask for much more than that. She never even once asked to go home or nag shes tired. Stayed til 3.30am and i was first to say lets go. She felt a lil tired and just laid on the rocks to have a rest. Awesome fishin ethics there lol. She did well and she got into it, 2 thumbs up and there'll be a next time shortly. She even wants to come swanfish with me =)

Posts: 102

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Chan, totally agree. If

Fri, 2010-02-12 19:16

Chan, totally agree. If people are not informed, then dont comment negatively. Otherwise people wont contribute to the site.

Posts: 587

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exactly, good onya mate

Fri, 2010-02-12 19:25

exactly, good onya mate

stylz's picture

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perfect aquarium size!

Sat, 2010-02-13 19:41

thats  all  they are good for.


Ash stylz!

Colin Hay's picture

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There are heaps of those at North Mole and Cott Groyne

Sat, 2010-02-13 22:07

And I am sure that some of them jump straight back on your hook as soon as you throw them back in the water.


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Faulkner Family's picture

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altho they are no good for

Sat, 2010-02-13 22:21

altho they are no good for anything they are still a nice looking shark. nice catch for the wife. good to see her out fishing with the family. makes for a good day out


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

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Just to clear things up,

Sat, 2010-02-13 23:46

Just to clear things up, they are infact fish grips and are better for the fish than actually holding them in your hand.. Been trying to find some for ages

Oceanside Tackle's picture

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Fish Grips.

Mon, 2010-02-15 10:24

Baitin, we sell those fish grips (same ones) here at Oceanside.


Oceanside Team - Specializing in Jigging for demersal, Super Deep Fishing and Cockburn Sound Pink Snapper.

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most stores that sell

Mon, 2010-02-15 02:19

most stores that sell beginner type gear sell em. Big w, bcf both sell fish grips.

And yes, i wouldnt mind a nice baby PJ in a tank. They're somewhat cute lol. Puppy face

Posts: 587

Date Joined: 04/01/09

there you go, ryan and honsu

Mon, 2010-02-15 11:37

there you go, ryan and honsu gots them at oceanside. What i found hard to find was, the grips with a curved handle to hang off your bucket. Coz the normal ones dont have any loop or anything to attach. I've lost soooo many to the rocks. Im not sure who sells the curved handle though. Oceanside maybe, shouldnt be hard to find though

Posts: 641

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nice pic may i ask what

Thu, 2011-04-07 11:08

nice pic may i ask what location that was