4.2m long cast surf/beach rods and reels
Submitted by Tupac on Fri, 2023-02-03 10:54
Looking for some guidance on long casting beach/surf fishing rods and reels.
Been liaising with ADORE Tackle and they recommended rod - Colmic Brand rods that are made in ITALY
Reels brand Sunset Rush made in France
Anyone with feedback on these brands?
Not worth it?
Posts: 1086
Date Joined: 21/05/12
try assasin rodsmakes rods
try assasin rods
makes rods with differnt tips so u can swop lighter and heavier
u wont be dissapointed
Wes F
Posts: 1068
Date Joined: 07/01/12
Set your budget if you have one.
Unless you are doing some serious fishing i.e targeting big fish you don't need anything over the top.
Work out what weight bait and sinker you are casting the work out rod tip and line class.
Run braid with a good length of top shot mono.
Old fishermen never die they just smell that way.
Posts: 2551
Date Joined: 11/05/08
All I'll say is make sure
All I'll say is make sure the reel you're looking at has a loud drag so you can actually hear the thing more than 5 meters away. I've got a couple of quiet reels and it's a pain on a windy
Posts: 463
Date Joined: 18/04/11
how mutch do u want to spend.
how mutch do u want to spend. me personally iv got the sabre 14"6 in assasin and bang for your buck best rod on the market but i ussally use my 8 and 9 wrap snyders now with my alveys as i like mono better for around metro and i reken casting too far with these rods lime you do with them puts you out of the fish zone on the beach. i did a trip away to gero mate fished braid and i fished mono alveys got 15 taylor to his 5 and got 1 mully landed and lost one to his 0 each to there own but bigger rods are only good in certin conditions i reken but each to there own
Posts: 181
Date Joined: 07/12/08
local beaches9 -12 foot is
local beaches9 -12 foot is ample, just get the rod weighting right
IF yr punching big baits into strong winds or need to clear reefs ,structures etc, then go up to 14 ft
generally dont need anything longer, rememebering its harder work when yr loaded up onto big fish
Find rods where you get a variety of tips included, ie psoidein 5 peice or similar, 15, 20 and 25 kg tips