4wd south coast fishing access.... its slowly going..

 Just a quick info post about what im seeing and hearing on more lost access in WA ..

  Our sport . pastime and for a lot , way of life is under enormous pressure and its going to reach a head in the 

 next few years if it hasnt already ..

 What will we leave for the next generation as legacy if its all lost on our watch ? 

  I hope people remember all these changes at the next election and either give fishers and shooters a vote or at least 

 rid us of green centric parties if thats possible. 

 Now onto access ... thru friends I see access to white point and the whole strech of beach between blackwood river and black point 

 ( scott river beach) has been closed or made almost impossible to traverse)

 The gates that allow access to the eastern end of hassell beach ( bluff creek beach) and the access to wait a while beach have also been locked ...

 I am quite aware that some of these  access tracks traverse private land , some dont ...

 ( the east end of bluff creek was shut because of a ground birds nest ) 

  So , in summing up , the old non national park accesses seem to be dissappearing , and the national park areas are under greater control ( where you can camp,

 entry money , no dogs , no quads , destruction of fish creek hut a few years back etc etc) .......can anyone see a pattern forming?....

. control of the population seems to be the catch cry of late and 

 believe me im no anti vaxxer or protestor of masks etc but a dog knows when its getting hit and this slow burn of fishing bans ,

access or indeed whole areas ( city of cambridge etc) ( this is only what im aware off)  should be a huge concern of every West Australian.



carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

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Emu Springs / White Point

Sat, 2023-04-15 14:19

 Had the luxury of fishing  the Emu Springs /White Point area many years ago, access was through a farm where we had to arrange for the key to get in. This was later cut off to the public as some prick got in and shot up some of the farmers cattle spoiling it for everyone.

No 4x4 then, Valiant ute with fat tyres and 2 x 3 wheel Hondas on the back, leave Bunbury after work Friday and back home Sunday arvo, no tents or swags, just sleeping bags and dig a trench next to the fire to sleep in. Caught huge silver bream, 4-10lb tailor, big mulloway, sharks and oodles of huge herring. One thing missed though is beach combing and collecting paper nautilas shells before they got broken or blown up into the bushes

All these closures certainly cut off huge stretches of beach and it makes one sad that todays generation can't experience the thrills we had in finding new spots, roughing it with only the bare essentials like a fry pan to cook what you catch and a foam esky to keep the beer cold until the ice or cans ran out, whichever came first, hessian bags to be kept wet to keep the fish fresh. No such thing as mobile phones  yet we all survived and came back time and time again. 

I would lve to be able to take my son and grandsons down there  just to see the amazing channels and holes that formed in miles of beaches and not having to share with hundreds of others who won't or cannot read or seek out their own fishing holes.

Hooley road / South Conto / north Boranup beach is another one that has been closed off for vehicle access

Posts: 307

Date Joined: 04/08/22

 Can still access white point

Mon, 2023-04-17 05:43

 Can still access white point but need gate key to get into the lagoon unless you can get up the beach.Main reason is the property gets shot on and need to know where campers are.

I know the farmer who runs cattle at white point,tempted to lock gate because of bags of rubbish get left time again,water points get ducked with and people go where they like on property instead of sticking to the access track.

A big problem is trail riders flog around and spook the cattle into the scrub,makes it hard for the farmer as he has to use bikes to muster.Gets very popular down there now as many places similar,pitting not everyone doing to the righty 

Posts: 53

Date Joined: 19/08/11

 Plus you can add to that the

Sat, 2023-04-15 14:21

 Plus you can add to that the 'parking meter', an internet connected payment facility for national park passes thats been installed in the black point carpark. Think you're getting out bush and away from it?  Think again. 

Things are just getting started though - wait till 'the voice' gets ratified into the contstitution later this year despite no-one voting for it. It's not too long from then that you will see the true meaning of lost access.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15050

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 I don't understand your

Sun, 2023-04-16 11:05

 I don't understand your point  "no one voting for it"? there's a referendum coming up


Love the West!

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 The eftpos machines to pay

Mon, 2023-04-17 20:35

 The eftpos machines to pay for park passes have been in some places down south for a couple of years now,with more people in these spots the more maintenance and facilities are needed or you step in someone else's shit when you get out the Ute.I do a lot of work and kms around Scott river area and the amount of traffic heading in to the coast is huge.I pay land rates in Manjimup and Walpole (same shire) and still have to pay park fees to enter pretty much every beach in our shire which sucks a bit.  Is what it is I Spose move on

Posts: 824

Date Joined: 22/07/10

 The voice is for a

Sun, 2023-04-16 14:51

 The voice is for a aboriginal and TI say in politics. Will proberly mean any land can be claimed under title act anywhere.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15050

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 Under what is being proposed

Sun, 2023-04-16 16:20

 Under what is being proposed they can only advise parliament, the below from an article I've read. 

The voice would advise the Australian parliament and government on matters relating to the social, spiritual and economic wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Parliament and government would be obliged to consult it on matters that overwhelmingly relate to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, such as native title, employment, housing, the community development program, the NDIS or heritage protection.

The voice would be able to table formal advice in parliament, and a parliamentary committee would consider that advice. But all elements would be non-justiciable, meaning that there could not be a court challenge and no law could be invalidated based on this consultation 


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Alan James's picture

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Sun, 2023-04-16 17:56

Each to their own Andy. There are just too many differing opinions out there for me to be comfortable with a yes vote. We have constitution lawyers who can't agree with what this voice to parliament will mean. If they can't agree I have no confidence this is the right path to go down.

I have seen and read people supporting the yes campaign state that their aim is to go down the same path as NZ. This follows the indigenous co-governance model spruiked by the United Nations that dates back to around 1992. Whilst you don't hear a lot about it in the NZ mainstream media (Jacinda muzzled them with a $55M payout) this has all the makings of an absolute disaster in progress in NZ. Legislation is progressing to place Maori in control of the local councils. 50% of the representatives on these councils will be non-elected Maori. Elected council members must contain a percentage of Maori which in turn gives them total control of the council. All water whether it be sea, river, lake, geothermal will be controlled by the councils. Maori will place levies on water use and they will also control access.

I see the yes vote for the voice as the seed of the great money tree. It will grow and it will ultimately cost 97% of Australians dearly. Jmo.



sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15050

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 I'm not saying I'm agreeing

Sun, 2023-04-16 19:38

 I'm not saying I'm agreeing with the yes vote Alan, will see what comes with more info, just pointing out the facts of what is on the table. A lot of comments I see here and on social media are just ill informed and dumb. 

When I was in NZ recently talking to friends who are quite well informed told me of the local council issue.

You are correct in being cautious but lets be honest the real issues will never be resolved, domestic violence, major regional crime etc. But if we keep doing the same things as  now we'll never make any progress to a happy medium. That's best we can ever hope for.

I actually reckon some form of tribal punishment should be allowed to sort out the shit heads. 



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Brock O's picture

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I like the sound of Tribal

Mon, 2023-04-17 10:30

I like the sound of Tribal punishment, lets put that to a vote for the people of Darwin. Can be a trade off...cashless card or tribal punishment.

Sounds harsh..but fk feel for the people up there and it continues to get worse.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15050

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 Both imo mate, cashless card

Mon, 2023-04-17 11:28

 Both imo mate, cashless card was working perfectly. Kids were actually fronting up to school with the threat to their parents cash would be turned off if they didn't.

But as we know the social engineers canned it. 



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uncle's picture

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You can see what a show it will be

Wed, 2023-07-12 09:03

 Along with the heritage act, 2 clowns fighting over who gets the  money at the freeway extension, be plenty of snouts in the bucket


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

uncle's picture

Posts: 9531

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Have to agree Alan

Sun, 2023-04-16 17:58

 Leave it as it is, but put real help into Alice etc


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

quadfisher's picture

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Mon, 2023-04-17 10:37

 Cheers boys ,,, Im quite aware of course of farmers and landowners getting pissed off by disrespect and rubbish ..

 Neeedless to say we carry every scrap out , and be as low key as possible...

  Self analizing it too , I think were loosing it because less and less younger people are doing the outdoor camping life ..

 All throughout the 40,s 50,s and 60,s , fishing and camping was on the rise and people with adventrous souls sprang forth to pioneer 

 new spots , camps and tracks ..... the population was less and govts wearnt hell bent on restricting freedoms and early guys setting up beach

     camps for crayfishing or pleasure didnt seem to bring down the eier of the MAN .....Banning beach access nowadays doesnt seem to effect many people 

 so govts are then free to continue ....... I  think i read somewhere a while back that there are no legal beachs in VIC  that vehicles are allowed... 

  A cycnical man would suggest we are on the way, and I hope im not around to see it....( heading down south next week  with a mate , a dog and a fishing rod

    and the  quad to traverse a deserted beach somewhere to sooth my soul...)




timboon's picture

Posts: 2961

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 No beach driving in Vic so

Tue, 2023-07-11 22:46

 No beach driving in Vic so now the fuckers pour over the border and cause havoc where I grew up....


4wd club after 4wd club.....


Prictorians will be the reason SA will have to shut its beaches off!!