4th time now interesting story

Hi guys i know this isnt fishing related but i know alot of you follow me through my spunout stories that happen from time to time and what happened at around 4pm today just blew me away to say the least!

First thing i want to say is that i have 100% respect for all our guys and gals in the armed service. My pop was in ww2 and i have always looked up to all our diggers and what happened today brought a tear to my eye and goose bumps all over my body.


Story goes.....

My whole life i have had a coin collection.  In this collection there are a few odds and ends like an old pocket knife, some old war medals and an old bracelet with a piece of aluminium carved into the shape of Australia. Engraved onto this is a guys name and rank and "R.A.N"

For years i have wanted to look up the family and give it to them.  As of a year ago i took it to work and in my spare time i rang everyone with that second name with no luck. I left  the bracelet on my desk at work determined to find the family of the guy and pass it on.

Today i had a strong feeling to try again, something really strong came over me so i got on whitepages and looked up again.


I tried the first 4 and no luck and 2 to go. next call i got a lady and she hummed and harred then said "There is a Bob down in mandurah thats the last surviving and the oldest. I was happy that i now had a possible lead to a family member.

I then rang and it just about rang out when finally a guy picks up. I said " Hi my names Marc and im sorry to bother you but i have an old bracelet shaped in the shape of Australia with ........... engraved on it.  Now for the shock!!!  he said "Thats me".  I had goose bumps from head to toe but the most spun out bit was to come. He was so happy he found it. he had been looking for it and told me the history. They were off shore bombing, softening up the beach for the troops and a japanese zero flew over, he was on B gun and they shot it down.  Later they went ashore and took  pieces as mementos and this little Australia was carved out of the wreckage and made for an id bracelet!!!!!  I couldnt believe what i was hearing!!  he was telling me all about the islands they were moored up at and some of the battles.

I said i would drop it off for him. He sounded so happy and it really made me emotional. I will go drop it off next week and cant wait to see it back on his arm! I will have a drink with him and tell a few stories. I will get some pics and will try to video it.

What a day!

Here is a picture of the bracelet....

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mitch's picture

Posts: 1285

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coooooll story

Thu, 2011-02-10 01:05

coooooll story

Posts: 2321

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great story

Thu, 2011-02-10 01:09

nothing surprises me about you anymore Marc.  How did you come to have the bracelet?

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

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my nanna has worked at the

Thu, 2011-02-10 01:30

my nanna has worked at the salvation army since i was a little takka and i would have to say it got handed into there and she had put it aside for me when i was young.



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wazzbat's picture

Posts: 977

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That is a good story.  Will

Thu, 2011-02-10 05:35

That is a good story.  Will be an awesome day for you both when he gets it back.  Well done.


I fish for the future - Cause I can't bloody catch anything!

grayzeee's picture

Posts: 2283

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thats awesome.it's found it's

Thu, 2011-02-10 05:38

thats awesome.

it's found it's way back home at last!


If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am. 

piston broke's picture

Posts: 776

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Fantastic Marc

Thu, 2011-02-10 05:47

what a great story. So glad you persisted. cheers Pete

cudbfishn's picture

Posts: 1311

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Thats fantastic. 

Thu, 2011-02-10 05:48

Thats fantastic.


deepwater's picture

Posts: 1921

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great story there

Thu, 2011-02-10 06:42

great story there Marc,amazing there isnt more people like you mate ,good stuff





tailor marc's picture

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Cheers guys, goes to show

Thu, 2011-02-10 08:45

Cheers guys, goes to show that if you have a feeling about something , trust your instinct.

I will take some photos the day i drop it to him and if he doesnt mind i will post them up 


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Silk200611's picture

Posts: 286

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Top stuff...

Thu, 2011-02-10 09:51

That is a real good outcome.. Its a good new storey, u should contact today tonight or one of them news shows..


would make u feel good that u had a chance to hand somting so speacial back before it was to late and lost with the great storey behind itt.


Call me Brad as that's my name..

tailor marc's picture

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Thanks Silk, yeah as long as

Thu, 2011-02-10 10:25

Thanks Silk, yeah as long as the guy doesnt mind i have a couple people keen on a write up for anzac day stuff but only if he doesnt mind :)


Yeah im so looking fwd to seeing his face when i give it to him and se it back on his arm. Priceless


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tailor marc's picture

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Just had a call from his son

Thu, 2011-02-10 10:26

Just had a call from his son thanking me and was blown away that i had found it.
I told him i would have it back in his dads hands as soon as possible.
Such a good feeling


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



Tony Halliday's picture

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Khama will reward you for

Thu, 2011-02-10 10:32

Khama will reward you for your great work and finding him....


next time you fishing, that 20kg Dhuie will be your reward mate.

Well done


Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~

 It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it

"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)

"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)

abeldog's picture

Posts: 801

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Great Story

Thu, 2011-02-10 10:39

The memories you will get and the stories he will tell are worth more than any dollar bill.

Nice effort Marc


"People See Things As They Are & Ask Why???

We Can All Dream of Things That Never Were and Ask Why Not!!"( RK )

Posts: 222

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Well Done!

Thu, 2011-02-10 12:41

That is a fantastic tale Marc - it brought tears to my eyes.

How chuffed must Bob be feeling - he must have given it up for lost!

Look forward to your sequel!




Save the Whales! May as well - they won't fit in my catch bag!!!

tailor marc's picture

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Cheers, yeah i will keep yous

Thu, 2011-02-10 14:10

Cheers, yeah i will keep yous updated and take some great shots when i drop it off. Cant wait


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



scottland's picture

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Thu, 2011-02-10 14:21

you are going to get some interesting stories for sure.


i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers

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Great Work

Thu, 2011-02-10 15:02

Shows that a little perserverance usually pays off. The look on the blokes face when he sees it will be priceless- if he doesn't mind i would get some media attention on it.


My grandfather flew beaufighters in New Guinea- so i know what things like that mean to the men who sacrificed so much for us.

Rod P's picture

Posts: 725

Date Joined: 20/05/08

Amazing. I'm with Tony. Karma

Thu, 2011-02-10 15:19

Amazing. I'm with Tony. Karma is a wonderfull beasty..

Nice work..

ish_lovesfishing's picture

Posts: 217

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all i can

Thu, 2011-02-10 18:53

all i can say is WOW!, freekin amazing marc!

hope all goes well



tailor marc's picture

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Just had a call from the

Fri, 2011-02-11 09:45

Just had a call from the west. They are keen to do an article leading up to Anzac day J I will make sure that the guy is keen which im sure he will be.


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kaney68's picture

Posts: 401

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When I called Lincoln he was

Fri, 2011-02-11 15:10

When I called Lincoln he was very keen about the story and knew his journo would be more than interested !

I'm glad he took it on board and called you.

Hope the West can do it justice and dedicate a page or 2 in the West Weekend magazine for a nice ANZAC feature...




tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

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Cheers Paul for the hook up.

Fri, 2011-02-11 15:13

Cheers Paul for the hook up. yeah they sounded really keen and now the sunday times got my number from somewhere and just left a message t call them.

Im not after money for this story but would be good if both papers could do something 


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cudbfishn's picture

Posts: 1311

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Id get money and go halves

Sat, 2011-02-12 10:57

Id get money and go halves with the old boy. Sure would make his day. His bracelet returned and a few bob as well. lol

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

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 well done Marc. to do

Sat, 2011-02-12 13:16

 well done Marc. to do something like that would is amazing. most would not even bother with it. hope the outcome is as good as it sounds it will be. would be great to see a story like this in the paper so the younger generation would now what it was like back then fighting for your country.

keep us all updated on the progress


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Silk200611's picture

Posts: 286

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Thats a great outcome cant

Sat, 2011-02-12 16:51

Thats a great outcome cant wait to read about it in the paper, hopfuly they get a few good pics of u both in there as well.. Good work Marc.


Call me Brad as that's my name..

spanishmackeral's picture

Posts: 940

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That's a great story good to

Sat, 2011-02-12 22:39

That's a great story good to see that he got it back after all this time

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

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Well guys i went down to

Sat, 2011-03-05 16:24

Well guys i went down to mandurah RAAF retirement village to return the braclet to Bill, gee what an experience!!! Told me lots of unreal stories and some really bad ones that he hasnt told ayone before. Such sad stories.

He was on the HMAS Napier. The ship was on loan from britain


The best part of the time there was handing over the braclet and the look on his face when i pulled it out of the box was priceless!!!!! He was so happy to have it back.

He told me how the zero was shot down. They all were on the deck and he noticed a plane in the sky that didnt look normal. It turned and came straight at them.  he was watching this zero coming side on at the ship and he knew if it fired its guns he was gone but instead it dropped a bomb that missed, the zero pulled up and fired on a ship near by and killed a couple of crew. The zero then flew past the Napier and napier fired its anti-aircraft guns hitting the zero and the zero crashed over a hill on one of the islands. The crew of the napier went on the island that day and took pieces of the plane and when back on the ship carved these bracelets.


The HMAS Napier was there in Tokyo bay the day of the jap surrender. So many cool stories and was such a great day and a feeling i will never forget giving it back to him so he can also pass it down to his family.

Couple of pics for you...

The man himself at 17yrs of age...


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tailor marc's picture

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Back on his Wrist after all

Sat, 2011-03-05 16:22

Back on his Wrist after all these yrs

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Bill and his wife....

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My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



Silk200611's picture

Posts: 286

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Thats great.. Top pics mate.

Sat, 2011-03-05 16:27

Thanks great.. Top pics mate. Any word from the "West" on a article for ANZAC day??


Call me Brad as that's my name..

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

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I asked him if he minded but

Sat, 2011-03-05 16:34

I asked him if he minded but it took alot for him to talk about what went on back then so i respect that and declined the west. I had sunday times chasing as well but its a bit too much for him. 86yrs old


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



Posts: 2321

Date Joined: 03/05/06

great story

Sat, 2011-03-05 16:43

After all this time I'm betting he would never have imagined he would see that bracelet again. 

spanishmackeral's picture

Posts: 940

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thats awsome, great to see

Sat, 2011-03-05 17:51

thats awsome, great to see hes soo happy to get that bracelet back

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

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Cheers guys was such a time

Sun, 2011-03-06 15:24

Cheers guys was such a time to remember, i sat down with him and his wife and he got the ww2 pics out and told many storys i will never forget. I borrowd a book about his ship and i willprint these pics off for him and go see him again in a couple weeks


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

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great story and outcome,

Sun, 2011-03-06 15:26

great story and outcome, fantastic pics and he looks so pleased to finally have it back,can imagine the stories to his grandkids now approaching anzac day

piston broke's picture

Posts: 776

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Hey Marc

Sun, 2011-03-06 21:34

when I saw the picture of the bracelet on his wrist I got all choked up. So good mate. cheers Pete

r.gates's picture

Posts: 573

Date Joined: 15/11/10

Gave me goosebumps....

Sun, 2011-03-06 22:18

Marc, what a truly inspirational and heartwarming story...you've got me in tears of joy and delight for both yourself and for Bill and his family. These memories are priceless and will live on with you forever...something good is coming your way, mate.

Even if the story doesn't get told to the wider community via the newspapers or TV, this community will talk about it for a long time, and in doing so, the story will be told to the wider community....you gotta be feeling pretty good inside right now....and so will Bill.

Hope you guys keep in touch with each other.



If life is boring, you must be doing it wrong!

tailor marc's picture

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yeah as i gave it to him

Mon, 2011-03-07 19:39

yeah as i gave it to him i had to hold back the tears, has to be one of my happiest moments . 


I will definately be in touch and contact with him, legend guy. He was last of the crew alive off the hmas Napier.

He loves his fishing and busted out the photo album from broome.


I had to ask the question.... " I know you were at war but did any of the crew put out the fishing rods or handlines?"


He replied " our method of fishing was dropping depth charges and the fish would float to the surface " lol!

Not sure if he was joking lol 



My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



Posts: 5822

Date Joined: 18/01/12

great story!

Wed, 2012-04-25 11:12

the "fish" hes referring to are probably U boats/Jap subs!


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


sea-kem's picture

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Ha ha probably not .Mate that

Mon, 2011-03-07 19:55

Ha ha probably not .Mate that is such an awesome outcome.So many amazing stories to be told from the war. One was of my great uncle who was the ship writer on HMS Hood when she was sunk by the Bismark from a shell going straight down the funnel. He was on of only four survivers to tell the tale.


Love the West!

tailor marc's picture

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Thats spunout sea-kem, i have

Tue, 2011-03-08 13:50

Thats spunout sea-kem, i have a pic somewhere if the hood on freo harbour. Was  a massive ship!


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



sea-kem's picture

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The Hood was the flag for the

Tue, 2011-03-08 15:50

The Hood was the flag for the British fleet at the time and did a massive tour around the world to show that basically Brittania still ruled the waves. It was a massive blow for the Brits both morally and millitarily after her sinking.That's why The Bismark was hunted down and sunk so aggresively.


Love the West!

crasny1's picture

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Tue, 2011-03-08 15:14

I must have missed the original post. What a great story and outcome. Interestingly I think I know Bill from my mandurah days. He is a top bloke and something nice has to happen to you.



"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

MJ's picture

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Tue, 2011-03-08 17:36

That is just fantastic!


claire's picture

Posts: 98

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Awesome job Marc, it will

Tue, 2011-03-08 17:41

Awesome job Marc, it will mean so much to him.


We were in a similar situation last year.  Someone had found my great grandfathers war medal 50 or so years ago, didnt know what to do with it and left it in his socks drawer all that time until he read an article in the paper about War Medals Australia.  He contacted them (2 old blokes) and it took 400 or so hours for them to track us down.  It now means so much to our family to have it and we have now tracked down a fair few unclaimed medals and have them proudly displayed.


Its good to see that there are still kind people around!

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

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Thats great to hear

Tue, 2011-03-22 11:18

Thats great to hear Claire,

Also its so good that family have somthing to pass down that he fought so hard for.




My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



STEVE231's picture

Posts: 1443

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 Good on you Marc, not

Tue, 2011-03-08 17:58

 Good on you Marc, not something you read everyday.

I don't think many would have gone to the effort you went to in returning the bracelet to its rightful owner. [many would not realize it's significance]

Well done mate, top story!!

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

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Thanks Steve,Im heading back

Tue, 2011-03-22 11:19

Thanks Steve,

Im heading back to his house this sat. He lent me a book all about his ship. Will be good to see him and his wife again


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



Posts: 44

Date Joined: 05/02/11

What a wonderful story,  he

Tue, 2011-03-22 11:52

What a wonderful story,  he and his family must be so grateful to you,  yes Karma will come back to you,  gave me goose bumps, well done!    Even if he doesnt want to talk to the West Aust or Sunday Times, im reckon they shold still tell the story,  its part of our history,  and im sure will now be part of yours.  

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

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What a day to  bring back

Wed, 2012-04-25 10:55

What a day to  bring back this thread...


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scottland's picture

Posts: 3040

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Aha I was just looking for it show my mum

Wed, 2012-04-25 10:59

 Great story


i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers

UncutTriggerInWA's picture

Posts: 2692

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It should come back this time each year Marc

Wed, 2012-04-25 12:28

It's a captivating story and should never be forgotten. I am sure you will never forget it so why should we?


Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.

barlow's picture

Posts: 147

Date Joined: 04/01/12

 fantastic reading

Fri, 2012-04-27 14:12

 fantastic reading

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

Thanks everyone. Yeah i cant

Fri, 2012-04-27 23:37

Thanks everyone. Yeah i cant explain how good it made me feel to see it back on his wrist after all these years and now he can give the family something when he passes on. Top bloke aswell


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



Posts: 186

Date Joined: 26/12/12

 I am sorry if you dont want

Wed, 2013-06-12 18:10

 I am sorry if you dont want me to, but I just came accross this and had to bring it up. That is actually amazing!
Good on you Marc :)

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

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Glad you did Breamslayer I

Wed, 2013-06-12 18:30

Glad you did Breamslayer I hadn't read it before.  Good on you Mark, well done.  Nearly brought a tear to my eye, got my wife to read it as well and yep she cried (that was predictable).

Occaisonally I come into contact with veterans with work, spoke to one once and he had some great stories but sadly you could tell he was affected by it all.  Would love to have documented it but I couldn't bring myself to ask him.  Will be a shame when these stories are lost.






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tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

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Thanks guys, yeah i will

Thu, 2013-06-13 07:18

Thanks guys, yeah i will never forget this day and was such an honour to meet such a gentleman. Still remember the feeling of when i seen the bracelet back on his wrist.


Cheers guys


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/