How to improve safety on Quobba rocks

Had a meeting with a lovely lady from Recfishwest on Sunday about what was or could be needed to improve angler safety and awareness for the Quobba fishing spots.

One bit discussed was the "Silent sentinals" where there are life rings with Gps fitted to be posted at all the dangerous spots. The Gps sends a signal as soon as its removed more than 20 metres from its station, allowing tracking if someone is in the water.

Mobile phone coverage was another point along with UHF radio coverage to allow quicker notification and response. We Carnarvon Sea Rescue are in the process with DFES and especially Rio Tinto Salt, in installing a VHF repeater on the aerial at Cape Cuvier, placing a UHF repeater at the same time would enable the signal to reach Carnarvon.

The usual placement of warning signs at the best possible locations for maximum exposure with the TEE junction being the most recognised spot and with other sites suggested being the blowholes, High Rock, North wall, Whistling Rock, Garths rock track down the hill and any other popular fishing haunts.

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

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Great ideas there and phone

Tue, 2013-05-28 09:16

Great ideas there and phone signal would be a really good thing.

More anchor points at locations would be good as the ones i seen looked to be old and rusty..


One location you can tie yourself to these anchor points by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr Also i know is shouldnt really be law but making everyone wear PFD's has got to help if someone ends up in the drink


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uncle's picture

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many years ago the steel safety rope

Tue, 2013-05-28 09:37

saved my brother and me from getting washed in at high rock, life jackets are needed.I always thought that you might only be there for a week and so take chances that you shouldn't. One thing about getting on is I don't have to do that  climb into garths


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

tailor marc's picture

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It would be really good if

Tue, 2013-05-28 09:40

It would be really good if something could be built at garths to avoid running the gauntlet . Few people have met there fate here r.i.p.

 Unfortunatly the first cyclone will destroy it. Just seeing the how far up the rocks the Korean star now sits is a good eg

Whats left of the Korean Star shipwreck. Smashed halfway up the cliff face by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr

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uncle's picture

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thats amazing Mark

Tue, 2013-05-28 09:49

been awhile since I've done a quick weekender up there,used to love the sharkie run in december!


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

scubafish's picture

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Wed, 2013-05-29 09:42

This place has been a popular fishing spot for years,i'am puzzled why the local council haven't come to the party with funds to putting in tie down points along the coast stainless steel ones.One would think that if the council were to supply them that a bizzy bee on a dedicated date with volunteers that fish that area would solve the problem .Don't get me wrong i think life jackets are a good idea but i can't help think that's like "treating the burns after the fire".I personally would not want to be in the water at all,to late she cried.I would also think anyone fishing in that sort of conditions would wear a safety harness ,i know i would.Is life so complicated these days that we can't do the obvious ?


tailor marc's picture

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Just an idea but what about a

Thu, 2013-06-13 09:22

Just an idea but what about a rack of PFD's at the station.  Tim and Sara shouldnt have to pay but maybe get someone fund say 20 PFDs to cover all sizes or maybe ad a few extra bucks to acomodation per person etc to cover it? I would be happy to help get a donation going and if we were to get 20 as bulk they price should come down. I dont want to see it law to wear one but maybe it could be a rule of the station to have one on at all times?

While up there in November i sat and watched the way the swell came in and it blew my mind the power. I went up there with a auto inflate PDF and once i sat there watching the water i think that a self inflate (rull rip cord yourself) would be the best. If you went in with a auto inflate you wouldnt be able to swim away from the rocks and be sucked back and forth against the rocks over and over and the vest would definatly pop not to menting getting pouned against the rocks would kill you. PFD's should be standard equipment for all rock fisherman . They are that comfortable that i will even wear mine out on the boat incase of capsize. I went into the open ocean in exmouth and realized 1 how unfit i was and 2 how hard it is to stay afloat in the open ocean.


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scotto's picture

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Thu, 2013-06-13 09:33

 One of the things that hits home and makes me think a bit, is the plaques that show the names of the guys that have died at the actual spots. 


Makes everything seem a bit more realistic. 

tailor marc's picture

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Plenty of them up there

Thu, 2013-06-13 10:14

Plenty of them up there Scotto but all that goes out the window when the mackeral are running


High Rock ,Quobba by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr Garths Rock by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr IMG_1967 by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr High Rock ,Quobba by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr



High Rock ,Quobba by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr

In case you get washed in... by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr

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tot's picture

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over the top?

Thu, 2013-06-13 21:37

perhaps people fishing could have a safety pack/backpack. walki talki , flare pack , self inflatable something??
- not to wear on them but have in the area


Reverse cycle a/c supply and install - Ducted and wall splits

Adam Gallash's picture

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Thu, 2013-06-13 21:32

Maybe they need it in another language? I heard the person that got saved needed an interpreter. Not sure what to do, people just arent learning until its too late


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carnarvonite's picture

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Fri, 2013-06-14 06:01

Sadly you cannot cure stupidity.
When people get down on the bottom ledge because there is only an occasional wave splashing over it so they think its the best spot to fish because now your line doesn't snag up as often and next thing you know they are in the drink.

Marc's idea of having PFDs available at the station has merit but how many don't stop in at the station, I know I haven't stopped in there in maybe 10 years and have fished the rocks 50+ times in that period.

sherbert's picture

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May m8 got wash in

Fri, 2013-06-14 06:24

 and live to tell the tale, And the guy that try to help him at the time went over as well 

My m8 still goes there afew times ayear, But the other guy will not fish there any more/ He end up with his face geting smash on the rocks badly

Both guys very lucky to tall the tale


Assassin landbase fishing club

tailor marc's picture

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Very true Carnarvonite. Maybe

Fri, 2013-06-14 07:03

Very true Carnarvonite. Maybe hanging up in each accomodations? I must say that i know way to many people that are either in to much of a rush to get out fishing or to proud to wear one.

I will always have mine on and feel confident that i will be ok, just got to swim away from the rocks will be the hard part i think


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carnarvonite's picture

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Fri, 2013-06-14 09:39

Heard of a bloke going in off the rocks and climbing back out 6 months back, he was cut to bits by the oysters and rocks, stitches by the dozen from head to feet.