advice on my best options for trailcraft 500 -510

 Hello fishwrecked crew,

I have just joined up and am in need of advice

I am wanting to buy a trailcraft to get me out to fish off the southwest coast & run the family around

I have narrowed it to two option

a 2003 500 freestyle with a 90 merc salty 2 stroke with all gear approx 150hrs  good nik


a 2006 freestyle with a 70 Yamaha 2 stoke with only 20hrs  also good nik not as much gear

simliar prices

my thoughts are : is the 2003 an inferior design..has the hull design or construction changed?? or is it just decals

Is the 70 Yammy too small for this boat??

Any advice would be great




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Is the Trailcraft the right boat ?

Mon, 2012-01-23 22:42

 i currently only have a little tiny to get me just off shore

its old and unreliable

I had a mate who said the Trails were good boats

I don't realy know as I am fairly green to boats??


does any one have ny other boats the recomend for upto $25K 

any help will be apriciated


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have a close look

Mon, 2012-01-23 23:26

they dont ride all that flash compared to a glass boat, but much like most plate boats other than Barcrusher.

But they are strong, survive plenty of knocks and are spacious and stable. The old Trailcraft Ibeam trailers are good as well.


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Mon, 2012-01-23 23:57

 Thanks Rob,

I will be launching off the beach at binningup most the time with trips to mandurah & south with family

which option on boat age & size of motor would you say will work best as listed above in my first post?



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Tue, 2012-01-24 07:05

Is the merc EFI? Go for any thats efi for a start. But watch how much you pay, as 2 stroke carby's really arent worth much no matter how many hrs. Thats not to say they are unreliable or anything but a 4s makes social boating a heap more pleasant.


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90 Merc

Tue, 2012-01-24 07:37

 hi Rob,

as I said I am green on all things boats,

ami correct in assuming the specs below for the saltwater 90 shows it has carbs so it isn't EFI ??




GENERAL INFORMATION  90 Classic SaltWater  90 Classic SaltWater Manufacturer  Mercury  Mercury  Model Year  2003  2003  Model  90 Classic SaltWater  90 Classic SaltWater  M.S.R.P.  Request a Quote  Request a Quote  ENGINE Engine Type  3 cylinders (in-line)  3 cylinders (in-line)  Horsepower  90 hp  90 hp  Displacement  84.6 cc  84.6 cc  Bore x Stroke  89 x 75 mm  89 x 75 mm  RPM Range  5000-5500  5000-5500  Fuel Induction System  Loop-charged (3 carburetors)  Loop-charged (3 carburetors)  Lubrication System  Single point variable ratio  Single point variable ratio  Ignition System  Modular CDI  Modular CDI  Starting System  Electric  Electric  Cooling System  Water cooled w/thermostat and pressure controlled  Water cooled w/thermostat and pressure controlled  Exhaust System  Through prop  Through prop  DRIVETRAIN Gear Ratio  2.33:1  2.33:1  Gear Shift  F-N-R  F-N-R  ELECTRICAL Alternator  18 amp  18 amp  Alternator Output  227 watt  227 watt  MEASUREMENTS Shaft Length  20 in. / 25 in.  20 in. / 25 in.  Weight  305 lbs. (Lightest Version model, excludes engine oil, rigging, hardware and propeller)  305 lbs. (Lightest Version model, excludes engine oil, rigging, hardware and propeller)  OPERATIONAL 


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The saltwaters are carbed,

Tue, 2012-01-24 07:45

The saltwaters are carbed, they're ok, but they will chew juice.


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 Are they a noisey motor?am I

Tue, 2012-01-24 07:49


Are they a noisey motor?

am I better off with a 4 store on a 2004 age boat with same age motor

Any Idea how much a new 75 - 90 four stoke would cost ??

is that big enough?



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Yamaha 70 2stroke 2006

Tue, 2012-01-24 08:06

 2006 Yammy 70 2 stroke

are these EFI or Carby motors??

any better than a 90 merc saltwater??

seeming greener with every post


Posts: 614

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90 merc

Tue, 2012-01-24 08:30

On my third set of 90 hp mercs they are noisy and burn a fair bit of fuel but have had no problem with them service once a year good clean fuel away you go the yammi 2 St would be much the same

chris raff's picture

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Just to throw a spanner

Tue, 2012-01-24 08:39

in the works...apparently the millenium hulls are highly regarded ...might be worth taking both brands for a run


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hey mate, i have a 5m

Tue, 2012-01-24 09:04

hey mate, i have a 5m trailcraft 04 model with a 60hp merc on the back and never had any problems with it, its been to exmouth behind rotto, river and never lets me down, if u wanna have a ride one day to help make your mind up let me know and ill take u out inthe sound with a few beers cheers andy

Posts: 13

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thanks for the offer Andy

Tue, 2012-01-24 09:33

 Thanks again for the offer.

I am looking to get into one soon

I have neighbor with one..not that he's taken me out, but by all accounts they are a good rig

I have found one with a 75 honda 4 stroke,,

only prob has a fixed Bimni that is to high for my 2750mm garage opening,

will have to look at getting a hinge set up or similar..


What do you recon a 2006 with 200hrs is worth

and any recomendations for the ali or s/steel work??




Posts: 633

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i paid 24 000 for mine with

Tue, 2012-01-24 10:40

i paid 24 000 for mine with 58 hours on it, that was three years ago now,  i would think that would be worth around the 25g mark give or take, mine has a fold down bimmi on it atm but am priceing up an stainless steel one  that folds down and has rod holder etc,  but they are a nice boat and handle asewome, if u wanna ask any questions my number is 040 484 2479 and if u wanna come out one day for a drive etc cheers andy

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We had a 2002 5m trailcraft

Tue, 2012-01-24 17:19

We had a 2002 5m trailcraft with 75hp 2 stroke merc. Bought it brand new for 30k. Rode ok and capable of taking a good beating. built like a brick shit house very solid boat. Run it over some reef with some deep scratches and nothing happened. Trailcraft FTW!!!

also now have a salt water series merc. Mines 2001/2 model and is running fine. Just service it every year and you should hopefully have no problems. Pretty good motor if you ask me.

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Go the newer boat. Old boats

Wed, 2012-01-25 06:56

Go the newer boat. Old boats are a pain.

70 hp will be enough for 95 percent of the time.

Trailcraft make a very sturdy little boat, harsh like any Ali, but good boat. Much sturdier than the quintetsilenium hull but possible the millennium rides better.

I would go the latest model you can afford. 4 stroke better but nothing wrong with a yammy 2 stroke, great little motor, just a bit hard on gas.


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 I Have a 2006 70 hp Yammy on

Wed, 2012-01-25 07:34

 I Have a 2006 70 hp Yammy on my Swiftcraft 16ft which i imagine would be the same wieght if not heavier than the TC you are looking at. Cant fault the engine as it has not missed a beat pushes along at 24-26knots 3800rpm which i have found to be a good cruising speed given the conditions in wa are rarely perfect (when im home anyway) on the glamour days can wind it up to 5000rpm for about 34knots but as stated get thirsty- all two strokes gonna chew the juice at full noise. 

Hope this helps Cheers Boomer


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 Plenty of good info for you

Wed, 2012-01-25 07:52

 Plenty of good info for you there from those in the know. Try looking for private sales also


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Got One

Thu, 2012-01-26 19:46

Thanks for all the great advice guys

I ended up buying a 2006 trailcraft 510..

one owner

purchased dec 06

get this..

it is like new,

infact it looked in better nik that some I saw new in Boatshop.

no sun fade - under carport whole life..

Yammy  2stroke

ONLY 17hrs on the clock..

2 services in that time.

I took ot to a mechanic in Mandurah who checked it out & said it's like the day it rolled out of factory

The boat does not have a mark on it

It came with Navman Trackfish 6507

Bait Board

isolaters to all electrics

epirb & safety gear - all updated this year

Mint cond.

Just needs a Bimni & clears


All I need know is some expierence & GPS spots

Anyone willing to share any good spots out of Bunbury for me in the morning???

Thanks again to all who gave advise








Posts: 633

Date Joined: 19/10/11

well done mate, sounds like

Fri, 2012-01-27 16:28

well done mate, sounds like you are very happy indeed :) post some pics

Posts: 877

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Nice workwhat HP was the

Fri, 2012-01-27 16:50

Nice work

what HP was the Yammy?

Posts: 13

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Sat, 2012-01-28 17:53

 its only a 70 2 stroke Yammy

I took it out yesterday

was like glass till 3pm

got 26knts out of it top speed

 does that sound about right?



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yeah thats ok but i think you

Sat, 2012-01-28 20:50

yeah thats ok but i think you could get a bit more out of it by changing the trim

went out yesterday too and was soooo flat. today was the same. Whered you take it out?

Reefmonkey's picture

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sounds right,

Sat, 2012-01-28 21:21

Have a 750kg glass boat with the same model motor(just older) and get around 25-28 knots at 5500rmp depending on conditions. sure two strokes are less fuel efficient but given the motor burns 26 liters per hour at 5500, wouldn't consider it thirsty or expensive compared to most boats. a mile is a mile in any boat, and you'll be paying alot less for that mile than most other boats on the water. Top motor! had mine for 7 years and still running and starting as good as the day i got it.


 Dave J.

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Trailies are tough as nuts

Fri, 2012-01-27 17:23

But rough as guts when  when she blows up. Bang crash comes to mind. I have a 5.4m sportscab and serves me well. Much much better since I upgraded 2S to ETEC. Couldnt believe the difference.

As for asking for spots. That might immediately irritate some on here. Its almost taboo and only a few would even contemplate that. Mostly we have all worked hard to get them and keep it close to heart. Better to ask for some general direction and then find the spots. There is plenty out there.

I am not the ones that will blast you for asking, and if you are up here in Karratha I might give you a few pointer spots. As to my favourites, youll be dreaming.

Ask for some general direction, like what depth, which way, dont ask for coords.



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thanks for the advice

Sat, 2012-01-28 17:57

 Thanks Neels

I have come to realise that fishing spots are closely gaurded

I have drifted around for a couple of days now & and have seen a few fish on the finder, but pretty flat ground. Not much structure where I looked.

Got one good snapper.

had some general advice on where to start

Thanks to all